My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 140: Vomiting blood in public

Chapter 140 Vomiting blood in public

 The smile on Shen Aoxue's face slowly stiffened.

The hem of the lifted skirt was slightly startled, and then he gave a big salute to Mr. Lu.

The slightly lowered eyes were full of disgust. He was really taking advantage of that little fat girl.

Mr. Lu waved his hand casually, his eyebrows full of depression: "What are you doing in Xiushan? Does the Queen know?"

 Shen Aoxue stood at the bottom obediently, while Suisui sat on the chair, dangling her little feet.

There are still cake crumbs on the face.

"Grandpa Lu has dedicated his life to Vietnam for decades and is a veteran of three dynasties. He is also a great scholar of the time who is admired by scholars all over the world and wants to be a disciple of you. Aoxue heard that you were feeling unwell, so he went to find some good medicine and sent it to you."

"Aoxue went to Huguo Temple to ask for an amulet, hoping to protect the old man's safety." Shen Aoxue tilted her head, and the maid beside her took out a rosewood box.

Mr. Lu had nothing on his face. He raised his hand lightly, and Xing'er didn't dare to step forward.

“It’s not easy for you to be in the Shen family if you don’t get reward for your merits. It would be better to give this thing to Mr. Shen.”

 Shen Aoxue's eyes suddenly turned red.

Seeing the girl's frustration, Xing'er couldn't bear it and said immediately: "Please forgive me, Mr. Lu. The girl knelt all the way up from the steps of Huguo Temple and kowtowed nine hundred and ninety-nine times before begging for this piece of treasure that was said to be blessed." A symbol of peace personally blessed.”

"The girl came back and lay down for more than half a month before she recovered."

"Xing'er, don't talk nonsense. What do you tell Grandpa Lu to do with these words!" Shen Aoxue hurriedly stopped her, but Xing'er had already finished speaking, so she had to give up.

Shen Aoxue looked at Mr. Lu carefully: "Grandpa Lu, don't listen to her nonsense. What Aoxue did is nothing."

A flash of jealousy flashed in Shen Aoxue's eyes, and she spoke coquettishly and coquettishly!

She kowtowed nine hundred and ninety-nine times before going to Huguo Temple to ask for a peace charm from Yan Jiaojiao.

It's obviously his own credit, but now he still bears Yan Jiaojiao's name!

Mr. Lu frowned slightly.

 He doesn’t like Yan Jiaojiao.

But Shen Aoxue's appearance at this moment also made him sigh: "I understand what you mean. I really have no intention of accepting disciples for the time being."

 Shen Aoxue's expression froze slightly.

 The finger bones holding the peace talisman began to turn white.

Xing'er wanted to say something, but Shen Aoxue waved her hand slightly and said with red eyes, "It's Aoxue who is not worthy of being your disciple."

"In the capital, the prince wanted to join your family, but you refused to see him."

 “That little blessed boy wanted to join your family, but you scolded him instead.”

"There are countless princes and princesses in the capital, and none of them are worthy, let alone Aoxue, who lost her mother when she was young." Shen Aoxue sobbed softly with red eyes.

Xing'er knelt on the ground with a thud.

"I beg you for mercy. You once said that to be your disciple, you must have a heart of love for the world, have the top talents of the world's students, have a proud body, and use your pen to seek justice for all people in the world."

“You also require your future disciples to be both civil and military, and to be able to relax their stature and truly stand in the position of common people.”

"Although my girl is not as good as the prince and Miss Yan, she has been pampered by the queen and grown up."

“She wants to be your disciple. She has been writing since she was three years old. She refuses to give up even if her little hands are too tired to lift it.”

“While others are still playing in the arms of their parents, my girl is locked up in the house every day and undergoes boring studies, so that she can be famous at a young age.”

 “If you pay any price for your books that have been circulated around the world, girls will buy them back and study them carefully.”

“Obviously he belongs to a noble family and is looked up to by the common people, but he is willing to give porridge everywhere every day. Even if he was scolded by the mistress of the Shen family, he would not give up even if he knelt in the Buddhist hall for three days.”

"Back then, you said that Miss Yan didn't have a great love for the world, so she infiltrated the common people. She would appear on the streets every month and listen to the voices of the people. Every request of yours was strictly implemented by the girl, even if you like the old man Drink Wuyishan’s Dahongpao.”

“She took off her shoes and socks herself and climbed up to pick them.”

“The girl once said that she was not talented enough and had to work harder than others to be worthy of being your disciple.”

"Today, even if you dislike Xing'er, please give the girl a chance." Xing'er's eyes were red, making Shen Aoxue even more pitiful.

Yanchuan grinned mockingly. If he hadn't seen her contemptuous and mocking eyes at the door just now, Yanchuan would have almost believed her.

  Great love for the world?

  please for the common people?


Shen Aoxue shed tears lightly, and Guard Lu couldn't help but glance at him. Speaking of which, he was indeed the most sincere among the nobles.

 What’s more, she is younger and has greater plasticity.

Mr. Lu looked at her silently.

Suisui’s face was wrinkled, almost wrinkled into a ball of bitter gourd.

My dear mother, is it so difficult to find a wife?

Oh my god, even if I kill her, I won’t even take this old man as my teacher.

This Shen Aoxue is simply a masochist, and she is really cruel to herself.

Suisui looked at her with a look on her face, she was really a strong person.

Shen Aoxue could feel the eyes of the chubby girl next to her, and there was a hint of pride in her heart. No one could work harder than her.

 What Yan Jiaojiao can't do, she can definitely do it.

Mr. Lu seemed to sigh slightly.

 “Bring up the peace charm.”

 Shen Aoxue raised her head suddenly, her body trembling slightly, her eyes full of surprise.

 “I will not accept you as a closed disciple for the time being.”

The light in Shen Aoxue's eyes dimmed slightly, but she quickly smiled again.

Mr. Lu has only had three disciples in his life. Most of the civil servants in the court have been mentored by him, and they are all outstanding, even if she cannot be a closed disciple now. But sooner or later the future will be hers!

Shen Aoxue held back her inner excitement and handed over the peace talisman in her hand.

Mr. Lu stretched out his hand and said: "Today, I will accept you as my name..." The disciple had not yet said the word.

 Just holding the corner of the peace talisman in his hand.

The old man felt an extremely strong anger rush up from his fingertips and go straight to his heart.

 Coldness spread all over the body in an instant.

This kind of pain is a bit worse than the pain he used to have.

"Pfft..." The old man spat out a mouthful of blood and fell straight to the ground.

Shen Aoxue's face was stained with blood, and she was stunned on the spot.

Lu Weiwei suddenly changed his face and hurriedly stepped forward to catch Mr. Lu: "Send the doctor over quickly!"

 I saw that Mr. Lu's face was ashen, his lips were blue, and he looked like he couldn't breathe.

 The faces of everyone changed greatly with fright.

Suisui caught a glimpse of the corner of the peace talisman, and then frowned: "Throw the peace talisman quickly!"

Lu Weiwei picked up the peace charm and threw it directly at Shen Aoxue's body.

 Shen Aoxue screamed, and Xing'er hurriedly protected her behind her.

Unexpectedly, after taking away the peace talisman, Mr. Lu's complexion quickly disappeared from the purple color, and gradually returned to ruddy color, but the heart blood he vomited was shocking.

Lu Weiwei gritted his teeth with increasing hatred.

 “Take your talisman and get out of the Lu family!” His grandfather and Mr. Lu were brothers. Their clan had declined over the years, but they were of the same lineage after all.

 He has always been steady, so he was sent to protect the old man.

 The whole government is praying for the old man to live a few more years.

He almost became the sinner of the Lu family because he vomited blood due to this talisman.

 (End of this chapter)

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