My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 138: Gritting teeth happily

Chapter 138 Gritting teeth happily

 Xiushan County finally welcomed its first public academy.

  When the news spread, the people in the whole county were excited.

Three years of severe drought, barbarian invasions, and the entire city was desolate.

 Even some people had vague thoughts of escaping from here.

 As soon as Suisui's move came out, all the people went crazy.

 It takes almost the entire family’s efforts to support a scholar.

 Ke Suisui requires that anyone aged above three and below twelve years old can be sent to the academy to receive free education.

 This is great luck.

 If poor people want to change their destiny, reading is the only shortcut.

Suisui thought she would be beaten with a sack by her friends.

Unexpectedly, it was not dark yet, and all the friends were escorted by their tearful parents.

“Kowtow to Suisui quickly. My parents can’t send you to school, but I didn’t expect that you would be so lucky.”

 “This is great luck.”

“Our ancestors have been in Xiushan County for generations and have never heard of a public school. If it weren’t for Suisui, you and the next generation would have to dig in the fields for food.”

To support a scholar, the whole family must work together, but now as long as the children want to, they can go to school and change their destiny. They almost think they are dreaming.

The crowd suppressed the reluctant friends.

 The little friend cried very clearly.

Mother, do you believe it? Just because I smiled at her one more time outside the door, she would drag all the children in the city to school together.

 Woo woo woo…

Suisui grinned: "We must train more good boys for our Xiushan. If you guys are free, you can go to the public school to help, build it earlier, and enroll earlier."

Everyone immediately patted their hearts and said, "Don't worry, Miss Suisui, we have to help out for free. Compared with the repair work you can do for free, this little bit of work is not worth much."

 Everyone came to kowtow in front of Suisui.

 What makes Yanchuan even more delighted is that countless people have settled in Xiushan County in the past few days.

 Xiushan is poor, but here, their children have hope and a future.

 Suddenly, the number of people in Xiushan continued to increase.

 Yanchuan was quite happy when he saw that Xiushan was in great shape.

 But thinking about it, he frowned again.

“In a city, population is the most basic thing. Economy is also indispensable. We build academies, build pig farms, raise chickens and sheep, and the expenses are also huge.”

The pig pens, sheep pens, and chicken pens were built very quickly. It only took three days for them to take shape.

“We have sixteen pigs now.”

 “More than three hundred chickens.”

“Twelve sheep.” Several experienced women were also invited to take turns raising them.

 Yan Ming is interested in money and mathematics. During this period, the little guy ran in and out of various places and strictly controlled the expenses everywhere.

Suisui nodded: "I heard... castrated pigs will grow very well and have no smell." Suisui touched her nose.

 Pigs nowadays are full of rotten smell, and many dignitaries do not eat them.

Yanchuan felt a chill on his crotch, and then looked down at her in shock.

 Seems puzzled that such a young sister actually knows about castration.

Suisui tilted her head and had no idea. She was young and knew only a little about many things.

 “Where did you know?” Yanchuan was very curious.

Suisui waved her hand: "Just listen to me. It can grow into a big pig." The little girl flicked her sleeves, with an inscrutable look on her face.

Yanchuan no longer doubted her words and agreed immediately, waiting for the weather to get warmer before starting work.

It’s cold now, and I’m afraid the pigs won’t be able to survive.

"Those who don't study well in the future, let them raise pigs. Shovel more chicken and pig manure..." Suisui smiled like a chicken thief.

Yanchuan couldn't help but sympathize with these children.

"Anyone from each village who wants to go to school can be sent here." Yanchuan nodded and said, "Of course it should be like this."

"By the way, Mr. Lu, please come and talk to me at home. It is said that his cook is from the capital and he is good at cooking."

Suisui’s eyes lit up immediately and her face was full of solemnity.

“The old man is a high-ranking official who has retired from the imperial court, so he should pay a visit. Maybe he can be invited to teach.”

Yanchuan rolled his eyes, he must have gone to visit the cook.

The old man's aura was particularly astonishing, and he was clearly not a minor official at first glance.

 I'm afraid he has some status in Beijing.

But Xiushan is far away from the capital, so no news can be found here.

Yanchuan had no choice but to give up.

“Has the village been settled properly?”

"Don't worry in the village. They say you are doing big things, so don't worry about the village. Your parents will come to the county town in a few days. They will definitely come here for your Lantern Festival birthday."

Now Suisui is temporarily in charge of Xiushan County, and the family can temporarily live in the county government office.

Yanchuan was thinking that since his family had some spare money now, he would take this opportunity to buy a house in the city.

 Their family has to work hard to keep up with Suisui's growth.

 Sui Sui grows too fast.

Rao is preparation of Yanchuan's psychology. The ear will encounter the rain of the rain, and it will rise in the air, but she does not want her to grow as quickly.

“Great, I want to eat the Sixi meatballs made by my mother.” The little girl pursed her lips.

Jiajia glanced at her secretly. Don't look at the majesty of the little master during the day.

 But I cried thinking about Mrs. Lin at night.

When he came out, he happened to meet Yan Lang who was carrying a bow on his back. Suisui's eyelids jumped.

“Second brother, where is the step I gave you to tie on the bow?” Suisui saw him strutting through the market with Zhang Mo Bow on his back, and immediately rushed up to stop him.

Yan Lang touched the back of his head: "I think that piece of cloth blocked its beauty."

 He really loves this bow.

 He unilaterally declared that this bow was his wife.

Suisui opened her mouth: "How about we wrap it around it?" Suisui's small face was wrinkled, and the bow became more and more radiant in the daytime, and the mysterious aura could almost overflow.

"Why? Suisui, what are you afraid of?" Yan Lang was very puzzled.

Suisui sighed and looked at her brother honestly: "I'm afraid its original owner will come to the door."

 Yanlang? ?

 Yanchuan? ?

Jiajia? ?

Original owner? ? !

Yan Lang's heart trembled. Did she steal this bow?

 No wonder she was so secretive. It turned out that she was deeply afraid that the original owner would come to her door!

 “Where is the owner of this bow? Suisui, we can’t do anything sneaky.” Yan Chuan looked slightly stern.

 Suisui is extremely capable, so he must not go the wrong way.

"He tacitly allowed me to take it, and he was very happy when he gave it to me! He just didn't allow me to use it for others." Suisui didn't steal it from him. Suisui just said, I want to turn you into a jade rabbit and hold you in my arms. Tell her what happened in Chang'e's arms.

 He gave it to her himself.

 And his teeth were grinning happily, and his teeth were even chattering.

 Those people in the God Realm don’t know what’s going on, but their smiles are different from those of ordinary people.

 Likes to smile through clenched teeth.

Suisui took out another piece of blue ribbon from somewhere, whispered something in her mouth, and wrapped the Mo bow bit by bit.

She has sealed 90% of the power of this bow and arrow, and now it is at most a semi-sacred weapon in the mortal world.

 At noon, Suisui finally arrived outside the gate of Lu Mansion.

 The Lu family was originally a family of farming and studying. It was only after Mr. Lu was raised that the Lu family became truly prosperous.

 After Mr. Lu was in high school, his family moved to the capital.

In Xiushan’s hometown, only a few slaves were left to guard the old house.

 (End of this chapter)

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