My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 129: Suisui's cohesion

Chapter 129 Suisui’s cohesion


 “Kill! I would rather die on the battlefield than surrender!”

Everyone knows that the young prince of Beidi is cruel and brutal, killing people mercilessly.

He likes to play with human nature the most. He likes to see people killing each other in order to survive, and then destroys everyone's hopes and slaughters the city directly.

Everyone knows that there are always people who lose their humanity for the sake of a slim chance of survival.

Now it is obvious that he can attack the city directly.

He wanted to destroy everyone's hopes with his own hands in front of the whole city.

 Let Magistrate Zhu kneel down, which can humiliate Dayue and the people of Dayue.

 It can destroy the defenses of the people of Dai Viet, make them miserable and desperate, and make them lose their will to resist.

 The lord of a city abandoned the city and fled.

  It is so ridiculous and humiliating to even beg for mercy from the enemy in order to survive.

, everything was ruined by that girl’s movie!

 Everything he did made him look like a joke!

"Whoever catches that little thing will be rewarded greatly. A reward of ten thousand taels of silver!" King Li raised his index finger and pointed straight at Yan Suisui.

  The Beidi soldiers’ eyes immediately turned red.

 At one order, attack the city directly.

 “Open the city gate and fight!” Suisui waved his hand and the city gate opened wide.



 The soldiers from the two sides met in the middle of the snow and started killing.

The soldiers of Beidi were unstoppable, and the speed of their advance was frightening.

The soldiers of Xiushan County were at the forefront, fearing life and death, and resolutely blocked the army with their bodies, becoming the first line of defense.

 “For future generations, for Suisui!” The milk babies are all on the city wall, and the milk babies are not afraid of life and death, let alone them!

 They can’t hide behind their children!

Suisui pursed her lips tightly and breathed rapidly. The Beidi army was wandering around the battlefield almost wildly.

"Little guy, you are still a little young for the battle. Go home and drink milk." King Li sneered and gestured to her to wipe his neck.

Suisui pursed her lips and then took out the sun-shooting bow.

Muttered the mantra softly, suppressing 90% of the breath of the sun-shooting bow.

 Suddenly, the fluorescence of the Sun Shooting Bow gradually became fainter, but it still had a frightening power that no one dared to underestimate.

"Second brother, this called Sunset. I have sealed 90% of its power. Second brother, take it!" Suisui took out an ordinary arrow from the side and squinted at the arrow. His eyes were drawn towards the moonlit sky.

 Then he sealed the moonlight inside.

“It can’t use ordinary arrows. Every time I use an arrow, my second brother remembers to bring an arrow to me.” Suisui sealed more than a hundred arrows in one go, all with a faint moonlight aura.

Yanjiro nodded hard at Suisui, "Sunset". According to legend, the sun-shooting bow is called "Sunset".

  Although it is an imitation, in his heart, this sunset is no less inferior to the rumored sun-shooting bow.

Yan Erlang held the setting sun in his hand, feeling somewhat like a general at this moment.

 I saw the setting sun in one hand and an arrow in the other.

 The arrows are not missed.

The arrows whizzed toward the distance.

 Bang bang bang…

 an arrow.

  It exploded into a **** mess.

Suisui raised her brows. She had good eyesight and could clearly see the crowd of enemy soldiers, who were penetrated through the chest one by one.

 And the arrows did not weaken in power at all, passing through twelve people in a row.

 Finally, the arrow fell on King Li's sedan chair.

  It directly shook the sedan chair and broke it from the middle.

 King Li's eyes narrowed, and he looked straight at Yan Lang through the army.

"This remote ghost place can actually have such a sharpshooter. He is a powerful partner sent to my Beidi army." King Li's eyes were bright. If Beidi can add this person, it will be like a divine help.

If this person goes on the battlefield, he will be a human murder weapon. Even once he goes on the battlefield, he can scare the opponent!

At this moment, his arrow almost scattered the Beidi army. No one dared to gather.

 Afraid of becoming a target.

Just such a person can intimidate the entire army.

  This is a good boy who is born to be a soldier!

 “Capture that girl and the shooter alive.” King Li smiled. Not only did he capture the food today, but he still got such a good seedling.

Yanlang stood firmly in front of Suisui, watching the Beidi army advance more and more.


 A voice suddenly came from the distant horizon.

Countless arrows flew past Beidi. Although the accuracy was only 60%, they also took away countless enemy troops.

 “Village Chief, we are here...Village Chief.”

“Whoever dares to hurt our village chief must get through us first!”

“Village chief, we are all here to help you.” I saw men and women from Wangjia Village coming towards the city gate with weapons in hand.

 “Miss Suisui, we are here to help you too.”

“The time has come to repay Miss Suisui, go ahead!” Behind the villagers were countless refugees, all of whom were riding snowboards and shuttled among the Beidi army.

Killing Beidi's army was caught off guard.

They are all refugees, locked out of city gates one after another. They don’t have much sense of belonging to Dai Viet.

 There is even a strong sense of complaint.

  But they are close to Suisui.

  Xin Sui Sui.

Ms. Suisui cheered up and they were willing to work hard for it.

"Don't be afraid, Miss Suisui. If you want to guard the beautiful mountain, we will guard the beautiful mountain for you! Don't let the enemy troops step through it!"

More and more refugees joined in, and the careless Prince Li's face became increasingly ugly.

 He could recognize that the weapons this group of people were carrying were from Beidi!

 They had already eliminated some of the Beidi soldiers before this!

 When King Li learned about this, his eyes were almost red with hatred.

As soon as he raised his head, he saw the cute and innocent **** the wall who smiled sarcastically at him.

 Wang Li’s chest was filled with anger!

Nai Tuanzi felt that it was not exciting enough, so she tilted her head and extended her thumb towards him, then stood on her thumb upside down with a look of contempt on her face.

 Wang Li’s eyes were about to burst, and his chest was rising and falling.

“No matter how many people come, they will die in vain! No one can stop the Beidi army!”

King Li was almost furious. He had never been so angered by a person.

 He even flew towards the city wall with a sword in his own hand.

 One sword after another took away the lives of countless Dai Viet people.

Yanlang shot one arrow after another, but he dodged them all.

He seemed to know the power of Yan Lang, and he hid behind the soldiers almost every time, and didn't care even if he cost the lives of the soldiers.

 Wang Li could feel the burning heat from the arrows that passed by.

He is sure to win this archer.

That milk dumpling, he will skin her with his own hands and make a human skin lantern!

 “Protect Miss Suisui!”

Everyone watched helplessly as they were getting closer and closer to the imperial court...

 Getting closer, getting closer…

But Suisui cannot retreat. She is morale, military spirit, and the light that unites them.

She cannot use her divine power to change the historical course of the confrontation between the two armies, and she does not dare to use her divine power to block this sword, but she believes that Father Heaven will save her!

 “Damn girl, be afraid!” King Li said in a hoarse voice and swung his sword towards her.

 (End of this chapter)

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