My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 115: Suisui’s identity exposed

Chapter 115 Suisui’s identity exposed

 Delicate and small lotus seeds lie in the palm of the hand.

 It is no bigger than a fingernail.

" a lotus seed? Why have I never seen this kind of lotus seed?"

“There are no lotus ponds around Wangjiacun.”

“Is this what the village chief said, a mediocre gadget that cannot be seen on the market?” The oldest and senior man in Wangjia Village murmured.

There is a faint golden light flashing around the lotus seeds. Just by taking a breath, you can feel refreshed.

The old man is old, and a thin coffin and a shroud have been prepared at home long ago, just waiting to be laid to rest after closing his eyes.

 After Dr. Lin diagnosed and treated him a few days ago, he also had an intuition.

 His deadline is in these days.

 But after taking a breath of lotus incense, his body that was suffering from illness... actually lost the sense of pain for a short time.

The old man paused and looked at the lotus seed in his hand with squinted eyes.

His son is a thorn in the side. Just now he was disobedient to the village chief and refused to kowtow.

At this moment, I saw the lotus seeds.

  Howling and rushing out of the door: "My lotus seeds!!" He rushed out all the way.

 The old man’s heart was pounding, very violently.

 Let the old woman bring a glass of water, sit in front of the bed, raise her head and put the lotus seeds shining with a layer of golden light into her mouth.

The moment the lotus seeds fell into his mouth, he had not yet swallowed them.

 The lotus seeds suddenly turned into a shallow golden light and fell straight into the belly.

 Old people sleep less and often toss and turn to sleep poorly.

But the moment the lotus seeds entered his throat, he felt sleepy and couldn't open his eyes. He didn't even drink a sip of hot water and snored when he lay down.

 This night…

Wangjiacun is exceptionally quiet.

Even the dogs are extremely silent.

"Everyone is tired from celebrating the New Year today? Why is the village so quiet and crowded? We agreed that everyone would bring some meat and go to the threshing floor for a barbecue tonight?" the guard team members whispered.

Yan Hansheng was a little hesitant.

There were some people walking around outside just now, but they were called back by their family members after a while.

“Come back soon to open the gift from the village chief.”

As soon as the door was closed, snoring could be heard in the house.

 The whole village was snoring like thunder.

 The gifts for the guards and archers have not been opened, and they are kept at home for the time being.

 “I’ll go home and take a look.” Yan Hansheng’s intuition was related to the lotus seeds given by Suisui.

Yan Hansheng hurried back and found that both Yan Lang and Yan Chuan were back, staring at Suisui.

“Suisui, what kind of gift did you give everyone?” Yanchuan has been busy today and doesn’t know what Suisui put in the red envelope.

Yanming raised his hand to answer: "I know, I know, it's lotus seeds. One for each person."

“Besides lotus seeds, is there anything else?” Yanchuan frowned slightly.

At this moment, there is indeed a lotus fragrance in the village, and the whole village is filled with a faint lotus fragrance.

"Back to the young master, there are only lotus seeds. The girl carried a sack out of nowhere and threw it on the ground casually. Madam and Mrs. Lin washed it and put it in a red envelope." Mrs. Lin refers to the younger aunt.

The little girl doesn't understand the concept of dignity, nor does she know how a maid from a wealthy family should behave.

 But she tried her best to give Suisui all the respect.

Her little master, save her from the darkness. This life belongs to the little master.

 She originally wanted to die, but it was Suisui who pulled her out of the abyss.

Yan Lang frowned, something was wrong. Standing on the tower, he saw with his own eyes that Wang Youcai snored like thunder after eating the lotus seeds.

“Suisui, where did you get the lotus seeds?” Yan Lang asked in a low voice.

 For some reason, he always felt that the origin of this lotus seed was astonishing.

“Third brother, go and close the doors and windows.”

Yanming raised his legs and closed the door.

Suisui raised her head and looked at everyone. Everyone formed a circle around her. The little girl looked at everyone with a confused look.

"Lotus seeds? I picked them myself..." Suisui looked disgusted. "Suisui really couldn't find anything good to give to everyone, so I gave some lotus seeds. They were grown after Suisui fell into the water when she ate them before." Suisui felt a little embarrassed, so she just ate the leftovers. The few remaining ones grew out of seeds.

“Why didn’t I know there was a lotus pond in Wangjiacun?” Yan Hansheng rubbed his head with doubt on his face.

Yanchuan Yanlang looked at each other and said, "Dad, it's nothing serious. You can go back and look after the **** first. Erlang has also left his post. They won't care about it then."

As soon as Yan Hansheng heard what was going on, he hurried out to patrol.

Yan Hansheng was taken away, and now only the three Yan brothers and Jiajia are left in the family.

“Suisui, secretly tell your brother, Lian Zhong, where did you come from?” Yanchuan knelt down.

Suisui yawned: "It grew out of the lotus platform under the seat of Guanyin Bodhisattva."

"Her lotus stand is full-length with lotus stems. The lotus pods are large and full, and they also sparkle. It was so bright that it almost blinded Suisui."

 “But it melts in your will smell the fragrance of lotus after eating it.”

“It will taste too much and I’ll probably lose a few...” Suisui said more and more, the more she said it, the more she said it. As long as I didn’t say it, my brothers would definitely not know that I had space!

 The three Yanchuan brothers could not hide their shock.

 They knew that their sister had a lot of background, but they never thought about it! !

She even dares to eat the lotus seeds growing on the Bodhisattva lotus platform!

“That Jin Lian grew up listening to Buddhist scriptures. I slept for three days and three nights after eating, and all I could think about was the Bodhisattva preaching the scriptures.”

Suisui looked disgusted.

"The lotus seeds took root on the ground, and many lotus pods grew. Suisui couldn't find anything good, so she picked them and gave them away. I hope everyone won't dislike it." Suisui sighed quietly.

Jiajia was as dumbfounded as a chicken behind her.

 Her little master!

Amazing! !

 The fried chicken is great! !

 She has endured hardship since she was born. Is it just to temper her and let her meet her little master? ! !

Yanchuan Yanlang was petrified from the moment he heard those words of Bodhisattva.

 “You call this ordinary??” After a while, he regained his thoughts and squeezed out this sentence.

Yanchuan opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

 His sister…

Probably the background is billions of dollars bigger than he thought...

Suisui looked at him inexplicably.

"I've eaten roasted phoenix eggs, nine-turn koi carp raised by the Queen Mother, flat peaches that have been around for tens of thousands of years, and fairy grass that can make people soar in place... What's a lotus seed?" Suisui? I'm confused, isn't it just a lotus seed?

 That is to say, the lotus seat cannot be eaten, otherwise the Bodhisattva will certainly eat it.

Yanchuan felt like fate was stuck in his throat.

 Can’t say a word.

 I really can’t say it now.

Yanchuan went out in silence, walked around in a circle, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he found that there was no one around.

 Her sister, probably...

  Is it really the kind that has been worshiped by the whole world? ? ?

His sister might be a real god!

Yanchuan paused. Ordinary gods probably...can't eat phoenix eggs, right?


 Haven’t even thought about it.

 He was afraid that he might faint.

Yan Lang was already holding on to the table and could no longer stand, his legs were weak!

  Yan Ming and Jiajia were actually quite calm.

Yan Ming had seen Suisui being able to conjure grain out of thin air, so he probably didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Jiajia, she has always felt that Suisui is a god-like existence. To her, such an identity is worthy of her little master.

“So, what will be the effects of eating the second-generation golden lotus for mortals?” he asked after a long pause.

 No wonder the whole village is asleep!

 (End of this chapter)

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