My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 113: New Year's Day

Chapter 113 New Year’s Day

 The first day of the Lunar New Year.

Suisui has a stinky face when she wakes up.

"What's wrong? Did you feel uncomfortable after eating too many dumplings yesterday?" Mrs. Lin was a little worried. Suisui waved her hands and sighed quietly.

 “I will eat glutinous rice **** on the morning of the first day of the new year. After that, I will go out to please others.”

"Isn't this your favorite thing?" Lin smiled and made her happy.

Suisui’s eyes suddenly lit up.

 Immediately finished the glutinous rice **** in a few mouthfuls with the bowl in hand, and went out with Yan Ming and Jiajia.

The village is strictly guarded, and Yan Hansheng and Yan Lang also have to patrol on the first day of the new year.

 You can't rest until the night shift.

“Happy New Year, village chief, I’ll kowtow to you again in the afternoon…”

 “Happy New Year, Village Chief…”

 “Happy New Year, Brother Ming…”

"Happy New Year, Xiaoshan..." The children carried big bags and came out to please them.

Hands full of candies in his pockets, smile on his face.

The children of the refugees are also accepted by everyone. The children huddle together and go to each house in groups to knock on the door to please them.

"Did you hear the noise from the Juren Village next door yesterday? It seems like there was a quarrel. People who are celebrating the New Year can't bear it. It's a bad omen." Several old men were sitting in the threshing floor, listening to the show and smoking dry cigarettes. .

 “It was probably a fight.” The old men shook their heads, Wangjiacun was still doing well.

  Hey, their village has become so popular recently.

Not only are marriages between young unmarried men and women popular, but even old ladies who have become mothers-in-law are clamoring for divorce. I want to bring my son and grandson to Wangjiacun to find a second spring.

 “The little village chief is here to please...” Please is a tradition, a treatment only given to children.

I saw the little village chief knocking on Wang Youcai's door, smiling like a cute lucky cat.

“Grandpa Wang, I wish you a happy new year. I wish you good health and all the best...” The little girl learned these two words in order to get red envelopes.

Wang Youcai smiled from ear to ear and hurriedly grabbed a handful of candies for her.


   Xiao Suisui still looked up at him, looking at him expectantly.

 Wang Youcai was stunned...

Suisui stretched out her chubby white hands and looked at him eagerly.

Yesterday I went back to pay New Year's greetings, but those people who killed a thousand people didn't even give me a New Year's gift!

 Luckily she went back to see them.

 Fortunately, I caught the Roaring Dog yesterday and pulled out a few hairs.

The Roaring Sky Dog is a divine beast that can frighten all the monsters in the world.

How can a trip be in vain?

 Dog hair counts as travel expenses.

Wang Youcai slapped his forehead and understood.

"Come in, come in..." Wang Youcai led her into the house, made her a cup of hot milk tea, and then asked his wife to get a few red envelopes for Suisui.

 “Now, this is the first time Suisui comes to the door to please you. I should give you a red envelope...”

Suisui's little hands moved quickly: "No, no, it's too much trouble for Grandpa Wang. There's no need for red envelopes."

A pair of almond-shaped eyes stared at the red envelope.

 Hold her pocket with one hand...

 Is the king rich? ? ?

Wang Youcai pursed his lips and smiled happily, and hurriedly handed it to Suisui: "You don't have to be polite to Grandpa Wang. Although the red envelope is not many, it is a little thought from Grandpa Wang."

Suisui just refused and accepted it apologetically.

Jiajia and Yan Ming also took one each, and they were stunned by Suisui's operation.

Suisui finished drinking tea and eating some snacks, and immediately took the two of them out.

Yan Ming pulled her, but didn’t hold her back. This guy walked out of the door...

Yan Ming just shouted in a low voice: "Your red envelope! I didn't take it! It's still on the table!" Yan Suisui was suddenly startled with a smile on his face? ?

I looked down and saw that I had put it on the table while pretending to refuse!

"What should I do? Wouldn't it be good to go back and get it?" Yan Ming was a little embarrassed and walked out of the door.

 Sui Sui's eyeballs are turning in a trickle.

 Immediately turned around, leaned on the door and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Grandpa Wang...Grandpa Wang, I put the red envelope on the table for you, I won't accept it!"

 When the king hears that he has money, it will be a big deal!

Grab the red envelope and rush out of the door...

 Then, the red envelope returned to her pocket again.

And the way back was full of sighs: "I said I didn't want red envelopes, but why does Grandpa Wang always give me red envelopes..." The uncles and uncles who were grabbing candies...

He silently wrapped two small coins and coaxed her to accept them.

This New Year greeting, Suisui’s bags on the front and back were all stuffed to the brim, and even Jiajia and Yanming behind them also collected a portion.

 The two of them did not return home exhausted until lunch time.

“I’m really tired after the New Year. I’m almost crushed by all these copper coins...” Suisui was carrying a bag and threw it on the ground, making a crisp clanging sound.

For convenience, she opened the red envelope.

"Why are you so tired when you go out to please me? What is this?" Mrs. Lin just came out with lunch. Today, every house is open, and children will come to please you at any time.

  "Hey...what my uncles and uncles gave's hard to put it in, but it's hard to throw it out?" Suisui couldn't remember that word.

 Lin opened the bag and was stunned...

 “It’s all because they insisted on giving it to me.” Suisui looked happy.

Yan Ming twitched the corner of his mouth. If you go to someone's house, just tell them that they gave you a red envelope. If the other party doesn't give it to you, it would be embarrassing.

 You say you don’t want to take it back, but your hands stretch out faster than anyone else!

What makes him happy is that he also received a lot of red envelopes.

 At least more than 200 texts.

There is also the New Year's money given by my parents, uncle, aunt, and great-grandmother yesterday, which totals about four or five yuan.

  Yan Ming was very excited, this was all his money.

Jiajia pursed her lips and smiled. She also had many red envelopes, money that she had always wanted in her dreams.

 At this moment, push the money bag in front of Suisui.

"I will give everything to my little master." Jiajia knew that money was a good thing, and most of her tragedies were doomed by money, but she still wanted to give it to Suisui.

 I want to give everything to Suisui.

Suisui shook her little head: "You can keep it to buy what you like, Suisui has a lot." She just liked the atmosphere in the mortal world.

Jiajia is very bitter.

 There were many injuries on her body.

 In addition to the injuries inflicted on her by the gambler, there were also injuries inflicted on her by her mother.

Her mother was willing to feed her, provide her with drink, and even sell herself for her.

 But her mother...

He would also suddenly lose control and beat her at night, beating her crazily. It seemed that Jiajia could bear the despair after being let down.

Jiajia didn’t want to mention it, but she often cried in her dreams and asked her mother not to hit her.

Her mother loved her and hated her, and she was already crazy.

She is pitiful, and the innocent Jiajia is even more pitiful.

This is also the reason why she has no sympathy for Jiajia's mother at all. Her pity is caused by men, but Jiajia's pity is caused by her.

"Mom, can you help me wrap the gifts later? Suisui has prepared gifts for everyone, I hope you won't dislike it." The little girl's eyebrows were filled with scattered stars, and there was a little smile in her eyes.

I hope you will like it!

 (End of this chapter)

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