My Koi Fish Wife

Chapter 402: 402, own cause and effect

  Chapter 402 402, own cause and effect

  Thinking of this, Yan Xiangxiang couldn't help but shudder. She always knew that her eldest brother was an indifferent and unintentional person.

  He would never let go of himself for the sake of blood ties.

   Seeing that the people were quiet, Zhou Yong gestured to the door, followed by two men walking in, one of them holding a needle in his hand.

   "What do you want to do?" Yan Xiangxiang asked weakly, his voice extremely shallow.

Zhou Yong smiled and said, "The boss is generous and saved your life. From now on, you will rehabilitate well in the agricultural reform field, reflect more, and strive to live longer. From now on, let's be an individual and stop being a demon. "

  Yan Xiangxiang still wanted to ask, but saw the man with the needle walking up to her, and in her horrified eyes, he stuck the needle on her arm.

   followed closely, her eyes were black and she didn't know anything.

   Zhou Yong hummed, “If you don’t think your voice is too loud and affect other people, I really want you to feel the taste of broken bones. It’s really cheap for you.”

   Then, he turned around and said, "I will leave the rest to you. After handling it, I will send it into the mountains immediately."

   "Don't worry, Zongbing Zhou, we are determined to send people there."

  Zhou Yong took one last look and then walked out. As soon as he walked out of the door, he heard a sound of crunching bones coming from the room behind him.

  Zhou Yong's footsteps did not stop, and he continued to walk forward.

  Everyone is responsible for the life they choose, and everything has its own cause and effect.


  Yan Ze returned to the backyard after handling the affairs, and found that several women were still huddling together and chatting vigorously, and his heart was suddenly upset.

  What is the matter of occupying his wife?

  I’ll have to make an inch for you for a while, right?

   "Your luggage and carriage are all packed? Have the newcomers been set up? The wounded have been checked again?"

I asked Wen Chunying and the others directly, and several people came back to their senses, all with a smile on their faces. After they helped deal with the wounded, they ran directly to talk to the wife, and the other things are up to now. I haven't done anything yet.

   "Let’s go right away!"

  Wen Chunying winked, and soon understood, Limala quickly left the living room with a few little sisters.

  Qin Yiling had a funny face, "What are you doing? Chunying and the others haven't seen me for a long time, so they just talked to me for a while."

  Yan Ze stepped forward and circled his wife in a sour tone, "Isn’t I separated from you? I have generously asked them to talk to you for a while, isn’t that enough?"

  Qin Yiling laughed, "We can close the door and talk longer than them. You can also eat women's jealousy."

   Hearing the first sentence of his wife, Yan Ze felt at ease for a moment, but he couldn't help refuting the second sentence.

   "As long as the people who fight with me for you are my enemies, there is no distinction between men and women."

  Qin Yiling couldn't laugh or cry, she really didn't know that her men were so jealous that they didn't even distinguish their gender.

   "Lord Yan, your personal image is almost broken into **** with me."

   Yan Ze gently shook the person in his arms, smiling low, "In front of you, what kind of image is there, as long as it is a man."

   Before Qin Yiling laughed at him, Yan Ze followed his warm feelings, "Daughter-in-law, I miss you so much."

  This sentence struck Qin Yiling's heart in an instant. She stretched out her hand to hug the man's waist and pressed her right cheek to his chest.

   "I miss you so much, too."

  Qin Yiling’s response directly brought Yan Ze’s full affection to the culmination, just wanting to pour out all this full of tenderness to her.


   Suddenly he was picked up by his own man, and Qin Yiling subconsciously exclaimed in shock.

"What are you doing!"

   Yan Ze twitched his mouth, "Daughter-in-law, we have been apart for so long, and we need in-depth exchanges~"

  Qin Yiling instantly reacted to the deep meaning of the words, and immediately punched him in the chest.

   "You are not tired when you come back in the middle of the night? And it's almost dawn, don't mess around~"

   Yan Ze walked directly to the backyard wing room regardless of his concern. Hearing what his daughter-in-law said, he asked quietly, "Madam, are you questioning the ability to be a husband?"

  Qin Yiling rolled his eyes secretly, don’t deliberately blur the focus, okay? Is this the point of her expression?

   Yan Ze snorted, “What if it’s dawn? Don’t let the couple go to sleep? If they have to come to us to deal with everything, what is the point of this commander in front of the wife!”

  Qin Yiling choked immediately, this reason is very powerful!

  So, after the couple returned to the room, they began a shameless two-person world.


  Noon, Prevention and Control Center.

  In the past few days, the patients in the critically ill backyard are gradually getting better. The plague has been cured, and now it is just a physical rehabilitation.

  Therefore, the prevention and control alert in the critically ill backyard was lifted the day before yesterday. Everyone can move around in the yard freely, or leave the house properly for ventilation. It’s all right.

  Only two inspections a day are indispensable, and you must wait for the doctor’s approval before going home.

  After a week of treatment and recuperation, Wei Cheng's body is almost good. In fact, he feels that he is fine, but the doctors have not spoken yet, so he has to bear with him for a few more days.

  In the intensive care hospital, he really knew and saw the dangers of this plague, especially when he first came in, there were several critically ill patients who were sick, and he was taken aback by surprise.

In addition, during this period, he had listened to the patient's narration to fully understand the plague. This made him feel fortunate. Fortunately, he met her, otherwise he would definitely think about it with his temperament. Do your best to go home.

  And what kind of consequences will be caused by that time, he really can't imagine!

  It was also his luck, he was treated in time, and he was treated before the onset of illness, which reduced his pain a lot.

   "Why didn't you see Mrs. Yan today?"

  Every morning she would come to the intensive care hospital to understand her condition, but this was after lunch, but she hadn't seen anyone. So when the nursing staff took the temperature of the patient next to her, Wei Cheng couldn't help but ask.

  The nursing staff spoke briskly, "Don’t you know? Let’s take the lead back! Of course our wife will accompany the lead."

  Wei Cheng was startled slightly, yes, she is already married, why did he forget it again!

   "Really? We stayed in this backyard, really don't know, and what happened last night? I heard the movement is not small."

  He has not been out of the gate of the intensive care hospital today. He hasn’t heard of the commander at all, but he has heard of something that happened last night, and he hasn’t had time to find someone to find out more about it.

  (End of this chapter)

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