My Koi Fish Wife

Chapter 387: 387, you can't go (plus more)

  Chapter 387, Chapter 387, you can't go anymore (plus more)

  She believes in Madam!

  So Zhou Yulan gritted her teeth and closed the car door with a slam. Just by listening to this sound, you would know how cruel it was.

   followed closely, and the car started moving slowly.

  The man half leaning against the back seat of the car, listening to the conversation between the two women, raised his eyebrows in surprise, his eyes fixed on the woman in the driver's seat.

  This woman is interesting!

  Originally, he thought that someone who can drive a car must be someone of some identity in this county. He had no choice but to hide in for a while, not to mention that his body is weak now, and he can't run far.

   can only use the identity of the owner of the car to play cover.

  Unexpectedly, it was a woman who came in, or a young woman.

  This was the first time he saw a woman driving a car. What surprised him most was that he held Mucang at her. She didn't seem to panic, and she cooperated with herself very calmly.

  Yes, it’s not obedience, but cooperation. He felt this way inexplicably.

  Although she wears a mask, she can't see her face completely, but she can feel a calm and calm attitude just from her words and actions.

  But what interests him most is what she says.

   "How does this lady decide that I will not kill you?"

  Qin Yiling looked straight ahead, and was not affected by the other party's words at all. She raised the corner of her mouth slightly and gave two words in a simple and rude manner.


   Immediately, a man’s low laugh sounded from the back seat of the car.

  "Then if I don't let go of Mucang, wouldn't I betray your trust?"

  While the man spoke, he simply took the wooden warehouse and apologized for his behavior.

   "Sorry, I didn't mean to offend or want to harm you, and I had no choice but to hide in this car temporarily."

  Zhou Yulan couldn't help it anymore, "This Yongan County is so big, can't you find a hiding place? Why hide in our car?"

   was about to scare her to death, she really thought she had encountered a gangster, and even just now she was still guessing whether it was a killer sent by the new government?

  A series of things that happened today were planned by them, in order to lead the lady out, and then kill them, so that they could seize the credit of the lady's treatment of the plague.

  It turned out that she was thinking too much.

  But she is still full of resentment towards this man, and she is probably not a good person.

  The man coughed suddenly, and then said, “This is a long story. In short, I don’t have any malicious intentions. I am unwell now and I just want to find a safe place to avoid it.”

  Qin Yiling glanced in the rearview mirror suddenly, only to see a man in black, who was lowering his head and covering his lips, as if suppressing the itching in his throat.

  "Are you feverish or nauseous? Or do you have symptoms such as diarrhea?"

  The man's body was slightly startled, and he paused before responding in a low voice, "You are right."

   "What? You are infected with the plague, and you are running around?" Zhou Yulan became even more angry.

  In the past few days, they have been advocating on the street every day, almost everyone knows it. Now as long as they have some mild symptoms, they consciously stay at home and cooperate with their treatment work.

  This man still runs around.

  The man raised his head in amazement, and then asked, "I have the plague?"

   "You don't know how to promote every day in the county these days?" Zhou Yulan asked rhetorically.

  The man shook his head suddenly, “I had a wound infection two days ago, some had a fever, and I slept a little drowsy. Besides, I live in a remote place and didn’t pay attention to the news in the city.”

  Zhou Yulan curled her lips, "No wonder!"

  The man could not help but made a request, "Miss, can you please send me out of town?"

  They have found such a remote place, and he can no longer stay in this county.

  Qin Yiling raised his lips, "Sorry, I'm afraid I can't let you go!"

  The man suddenly became vigilant, and the wooden warehouse he held in his hand lifted up.

    Seven thousand updates, continue tomorrow, thank you for your support, remember to vote~



  (End of this chapter)

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