My Koi Fish Wife

Chapter 383: 383、I don't want to

  Chapter 383 383

  As everyone was pushing and pulling each other, the carriage in front suddenly jumped out of a group of people, each holding a big knife, wearing uniform army green clothes, embroidered with the word ‘national army’ on the chest.

  This movement immediately stunned the restless crowd, and saw more than a dozen people split into two rows in an instant, standing on both sides of several bullock carts, directly isolating the contact between the crowd and the bullock cart.


   Suddenly there was a scream.

  Everyone couldn't take care of the small soldiers who appeared suddenly, and they followed the voice and looked at them.

  At this glance, everyone suddenly turned pale with fright.

   Just five or six meters away from an ox cart, a **** bear lifted up a man with one hand. The man waved his hands and feet in mid-air, screaming in fright.

And this man was the first to scream for "life-saving medicine" and was the first to rush, but now he was caught by a **** bear, which caused everyone to immediately let go of their grasping other people's hands and did not push. After rushing to grab the medicine, they backed away one after another.

  I was caught by the **** bear for fear of taking a slow step, and was eaten raw by it, which became its ration.

  Once Da Hei took action, he immediately suppressed the chaotic scene. Everyone stopped pushing and noisy, and stood quietly on both sides of the street.

  Qin Yiling’s smile on the corner of his mouth was slightly cool. This County Mayor Lin has a lot of tricks. As soon as they entered the city, they dug a hole for themselves and put her on the fire.

  Let her see what other tricks he can play, the happier she jumps now, the more miserable the consequences will be.

  Lin Yongjian saw that everyone was frightened, and he whispered ‘useless’ in his heart. He was so straightforward. Can these people be brave?

  As for the black bear, when he was resting on the road today, he also deliberately asked someone to inquire about it, and he was speechless when he learned that it was a pet raised by that woman.

  What’s wrong with raising a good woman? There is no such thing as a hobby to raise a **** bear.

   So when he just announced it, he deliberately singled out and explained it, fearing that those ignorant people would dare not step forward because of the fear of the **** bear.

  The purpose of his actions was to corrupt the image of that woman and affect her treatment work. Frankly speaking, they didn't believe that this woman could cure the plague.

Although the secret report sent by the Marshal also stated that this woman had good medical skills and could treat the plague, they were asked to stare at this woman 24 hours a day, and at the same time, they had to try to corrupt her image and reputation in front of the masses. , And even when necessary, you can properly add licks.

  What does this mean?

  This is obviously putting off a condom on this woman. It is fake to ask her to come to Yong'an County for treatment, so it is real to want to get rid of her!

  As a subordinate, he just obeys orders, and dare not inquire about others.

  It’s just that this first move ended in failure, which made him very frustrated, and soon he adjusted his mentality, one move failed and there was another move.

  So, Lin Yongjian took a group of people to the guest house specially set up in the county seat.

  The so-called guest house is actually a refurbishment of a private house. There are six single rooms, which are generally used to entertain VIPs. The rest of the houses are all converted into Chase shops, which is convenient for some caravans to rent temporarily.

  When he came to someone else’s site, Qin Yiling naturally knew that he couldn't help but be picky, so he took a group of people to check in.

  There are so many people that they can just round up the room in the entire house, which is equivalent to saying that this is the site of their team.

  This is good, there is a private space, so you don’t have to live under the eyes of others.

  Zhou Yulan and Daniel, as stewards of the men's and women's teams, quickly allocated rooms for everyone. The luggage they brought was also very simple, and it was done after a little tidying.

  This guest house also has a special kitchen. This is the most satisfying to Qin Yiling. Their team can solve the meal problem by themselves, and leave it to the people of the new government to be responsible, but she is not at ease.

  It’s too late for the meeting. The lights are blazing outside. Even if the county can be powered on, it doesn’t have the luxury of installing light bulbs all over the street.

  So, now I go out to mobilize everyone and let everyone cooperate in the inspection, and the effect is not much.

  Therefore, everyone has a bowl of noodles. After a simple solution to dinner, they immediately return to the room to rest. There will be more things to do tomorrow. They have to rest early and recharge their energy.


  Sure enough, the work on the next day encountered great obstacles.

  The reason is very simple. Xingongfu does not have a roster, and there is no statistical roster at all!

  Daniu took someone to the Xingong Mansion to find someone for the county roster, but the other party said “No”.

   "What about the list of sicknesses infected with the plague?"


   "Then how many people died? Is there a list of statistics?"


   became bullish, "Then what do you have?"

   "Hey, how do you talk about this person! This is the new mansion!" The other party suddenly became angry. How could he take out what he didn't have in his hand?

  For this reason, the two sides almost got into a fight on the spot, and in the end, Daniel led some people out of the new mansion.

  "Are these people going to eat shit? Nothing. I'm ashamed to say that they are cadres serving the people. Pooh!"

   So, Daniel returned to the guest house angrily, reported the situation to his wife truthfully, and finally said angrily.

  "I think they are just uneasy and want to throw the mess to us. We have suffered and cured the plague, so they can just pick up the ready-made products and gain a good reputation.

We asked them to ask for a list. We asked them to send dozens of people to follow us to do the statistics. The other party said that there were no idlers, and they were all sent out. It was really annoying. If they didn't show anything, they wanted to take advantage of it for nothing. Where is such a good thing! "

  Qin Yiling's mouth raised slightly, with a calm expression, as if he hadn't been affected at all.

  "It’s okay, since they can’t be too busy, then let’s take care of them all! Daniel, take someone with you."

  Since the other party doesn't know how to promote, she won't be polite. She doesn't mind contracting the entire county. She originally came with a goal.

  Regardless of the other party’s tricks, he can also see the tricks,

  Is it possible that the other party feels that this will embarrass him? Naive people!

When Daniel heard it, his expression brightened, "Okay, I'll go right away!"

  Qin Yiling walked out of the living room and saw that the fifty nurses in the courtyard were all ready to go, all with their heads up and chest open, full of energy, and uniform and tidy clothes. Masks, gloves, and medicine kits were all prepared.

  So, she nodded in satisfaction, and raised her hand to shout.

   "Girls, get up to work!"

update completed!

     There are several cuties who insisted on punching in for a hundred days, and I am going to add more to you tomorrow night.

     I would like to talk about it here, if someone can insist on punching in to the end, I have a big gift~

     Recently, my physical and mental state is not particularly good, so I am not very active.

     It turned out that I didn’t yell at all, and everyone’s votes were much less~ The data is even colder~

     Hey, don’t the little cuties have any enthusiasm~



  (End of this chapter)

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