My Koi Fish Wife

Chapter 372: 372、A lot of personality charm

  Chapter 372 372, a lot of personality charm

After being notified by the butler, Yan Xiangxiang walked into the chamber again.

  At this time, there were two Wang Weihua brothers and two Wang clan elders sitting in the room, and there was no other person besides this.

  Wang Weihua was gentle, "Is there anything wrong with Miss Yan?"

  Yan Xiangxiang raised a sweet smile, very ladylike, "Marshal, I have a way to help you solve your immediate problems."

  "Oh? Miss Yan knows what is bothering us?"

Yan Xiangxiang smiled lightly, "The Marshal doesn't need to care how I knew it. After all, the Marshal's Mansion is so big. It's not surprising that I know it. I'm here just to tell you that I have a way to deal with two birds with one stone. Those thieves can avoid the impact and responsibility of the plague in Yong'an County."

Wang Weiguo’s eyes lit up in an instant, "Ms. Yan can say as boldly as possible. If it is as good as what you said, then you are a great hero in destroying the chaos and thieves. Our Marshal's Mansion will definitely treat you as a guest. I will try my best to satisfy you."

  Yan Xiangxiang smiled at Wang Weiguo, and turned to look at the Marshal with a smile on his face. After all, he is the greatest sovereign. Only when he personally promises can his status be recognized.

  Wang Weihua nodded, "Yes, Miss Yan can talk freely."

   Hearing this, Yan Xiangxiang raised a brighter smile.


  Anju Town.

  Qin Yiling is in the experimental research room opened by the training center. Without brother Ze, she can only rely on her favorite pharmaceutical to consume time.

  However, because of this, the pharmacy warehouse is much fuller, and Qin Yiling has given the apprentices all the medicines for daily illnesses.

   And she has made more than a dozen kinds of medicines that are more inclined to serious illnesses, and these medicines are no less than magical medicine to the world.

  Because there are no cures for many diseases in this era, and no reasonable treatment can be obtained.

  During this period, Zhou Yulan, who was next to her, grew up very fast. She also showed a trace of talent in pharmacy. She has good learning ability and is very fast in knowledge absorption and digestion.

  Perhaps this really has something to do with her temperament. For others, the more obscure professional vocabulary is not too difficult for her to understand.

  Perhaps if you can endure temperamental learning, you have already succeeded in half.

  After twenty days of getting along, the only trace of uncomfortableness in Zhou Yulan's heart has completely disappeared, and she even felt self-blame and ashamed for her delusion of Master Aze's thoughts before.

  Because Madam is really an excellent person, as long as the people who stay with her, she may be attracted by her personality charm involuntarily!

  Not only is she knowledgeable, talented, and sincere to others, but the words she told everyone deeply touched everyone's heart.

  Independent, strong and self-love.

  This is what she often says to encourage them, and it has become the belief and pursuit of many sisters.

  So that whenever the wife teaches herself with all her heart, she dislikes herself even more in her heart.

Mrs.    had a marriage contract with the young master since she was a child. Although she didn't know it, she couldn't deny the fact that the marriage contract existed, but what about her? He actually had a peeping heart towards the young master, and even dreamed of becoming his wife.

  She is too unbearable.

  Husband is a perfect match for the young master. Both of them are so brilliant and dazzling. Such a person should be together.


  Qin Yiling saw that the little assistant hadn't handed him the tool for a long time, and couldn't help turning his head, but found that Yulan's gaze was dumbfounded, as if she was thinking about something through her.

  This is the third time she has found Magnolia distracted recently.

   "Zhou Yulan!"

   "Huh? What's the matter?" Zhou Yulan recovered immediately, looking at Qin Yiling with blank eyes.

  Qin Yiling laughed, "I want to ask you what's wrong? Why are you always distracted recently."

Hearing this, Zhou Yulan's face was embarrassed, her mouth was trembling, and she vomited for a long time before she said, "I, I just think that you taught me so hard, I, I am ashamed."

Qin Yiling smiled and said, "Why? I teach you so that you can give full play to your strengths and help more people. After all, my ability alone is limited. As long as you use the knowledge you have learned to help more people People, that’s the best feedback for me.”

  "No" is not like that, you don’t understand!

   Zhou Yulan looked at Qin Yiling with a wrinkled face, feeling hard to tell.

  Qin Yiling saw her so embarrassed and hesitant to speak, coupled with the straightforward expression of shame in her eyes.

  She couldn't help but laugh, this is really a simple girl!

  Obviously, she felt uncomfortable, but she had to endure it for a lifetime, but she didn't know the look on her face and the look in her eyes, which had already revealed her mind.

   "I know, I understand."

  Zhou Yulan widened her eyes in surprise, "You, you know?"

Is what Mrs.    said is the same thing that she feels upset in her heart? how can that be possible? She never revealed anything.

  Seeing the other party reacting like this, Qin Yiling couldn't help but smile again, and pointed his finger at her face, "Well, I know, your face is clearly written!"

  She really thinks this girl is too funny.

   Frankly speaking, when she first came into this world and saw the scene of her brother Ze standing with her, she did feel a little bit of taste in her heart.

  After all, she already regarded Yan Ze as her own man. Seeing other women getting close to him, she couldn't be indifferent, not to mention that she was a very domineering person in her bones.

  However, after they confirmed their hearts with each other, during this time of getting along with each other bit by bit, her mentality and perspective on things changed somewhat.

  Zhou Yulan touched her face in a panic, her eyes flickered, and she didn't know how to face his wife's gaze.


  She likes her very much, she wants to learn from her, and she wants to be a new-age woman in her mouth.

  She likes pharmacy very much. During the process of pharmacy, she feels a sense of happiness and accomplishment that she has never had before, which makes her feel that she can also become a very useful person.

  This is the feeling and experience she has not had in the past seventeen years.

  But if the wife knew her unbearable mind, would she drive herself away? Do you hate yourself?

  Seeing Zhou Yulan's panic, she seemed a little frightened, and Qin Yiling didn't dare to joke.

   "Magnolia, you think too much. I don't think you have done anything wrong. Everyone has the right to pursue the life or person they want, but some have a bottom line, and some have no bottom line.

  You are a good girl, really! Your liking is pure, and it didn't hurt anyone, so you didn't do anything wrong, and there was even no place to apologize to me. Don't think so much, let alone feel burdened. "

  (End of this chapter)

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