My Koi Fish Wife

Chapter 370: Chapter 370

  Chapter 370 370, Tactics

  Seeing that my old mother is holding an outsider like this, and she has a posture of posting her private house to the other party. As a businessman, Liu Caijin can't easily trust an outsider.

  He found someone to stare at her, and sent someone to inquire about her origin.

  It turned out that things were far from being as tragic as she said. It must have been deliberately fooling his old mother to win her sympathy and pity.

  His old mother is more kind and soft-hearted, and is easy to be deceived by others. In addition, he discovered that his eldest son had close contact with the girl in private.

  Now, he couldn't sit still, and went straight to Yan Xiangxiang to spread the matter out. After a few warnings, he gave her a sum of money to let her leave the Liu family, otherwise he would let her have no place in the county seat.

  Yan Xiangxiang did not expect that the other party would send someone to keep an eye on her whereabouts, so she was directly threatened by others, which made her extremely embarrassed.

   But besides accepting obediently, what can she do with a helpless orphan?

  But God still treated her kindly. When she was hesitating where to go with the money, she accidentally bumped into the third young master of the Wang family, who were both interested in talking, and got together.

   After learning the identity of the other party, Yan Xiangxiang worked harder to sell and earn performance, and even used her slightly immature body to seduce the other party intentionally or unintentionally.

It just so happened that Wang Weibing also ate this set, so the two of them fought fiercely on the road, and soon they were'worried.' Hearing that they were going to Anju Town to clean up Yan Ze, Yan Xiangxiang was smug in his heart and wanted to follow along. The end of Yan Ze.

  But when she came to Zhenkou, she was worried that Yan Ze and the others would make trouble for herself, so she kept a hand. Instead of entering the town with Wang Weibing, she chose to stay in Zhenkou and wait for the news.

  Once there is any movement, it is convenient for her to immediately make corresponding countermeasures.

  As a result, after waiting for a long time, there was no response, and suddenly she saw the woman Qin Yiling and a group of people hurriedly rushing towards the entrance of the town. She was scared to hide immediately beside a bullock cart.

   Soon, she knew that something was wrong. She spent money to find someone to inquire about the things in the town. Knowing that someone had been arrested, she realized that it was the third son.

  She didn't dare to stay in Anju Town. She was afraid of being discovered by Yan Ze and the others, so she immediately paid for a carriage and returned to Yong'an County.

  She spent a whole day in fear in an inn in Yong'an County, worried that she would be caught by Yan Ze and the others, but at the moment she didn't know where to go.

  After a night of thinking, she quickly thought of a strategy.

  The fat fish of the Wang family, she can't let it go. To say that the most powerful person in the southwestern area is not a member of the Marshal's Mansion. Now that something has happened to the Third Young Master, isn't she just right to use this to climb the Marshal's Mansion?

  At that time, she put some eye drops on Yan Ze and his wife in front of them, plus they had another three young men, she believed that the people in the Marshal's Mansion would definitely not give up.

   Then, no matter how she manages to build her own image, as long as she is recognized by the royal family, then she will be the most noble woman in this land.

  As for the people in the Marshal’s Mansion, would they doubt it? She has her own way to dispel their worries.

As long as they send troops to annihilate the group of people, all the past will disappear, and there will be no evidence. Even if the news they inquired is somewhat different from their own, they only need to plant the seeds of doubt in the hearts of the royal family in advance, and then the truth will be true or false. No one can tell.

  But Rongcheng is far away. With her alone, it is impossible to reach the Marshal's Mansion smoothly. Otherwise, without a decent identity, she might not even be able to enter the gate of the Marshal's Mansion.

  Without much thought, she had a goal locked in her mind: Liujia in Yong'an County.

  Although the Liu family does not have any great power, it can be regarded as a well-known home of the rich. Because it runs a textile factory, it can eat in many places and has a good network.

  The most important thing is to have money. Even if the Marshal’s Mansion cannot be entered for a while, you can still use some money to clear the relationship.

  So, Yan Xiangxiang directly approached Liu Caijin, and the two talked for most of the day, and then they appeared in the Marshal’s Mansion.


  Yan Xiangxiang originally thought that the Marshal’s Mansion would take several days to inquire about it before she could take any action. Unexpectedly, she heard that there was a movement in the Marshal's Mansion the next day.

  The reason why the Wang family was prepared to take action was because they heard an amazing news from the south.

  The four most prosperous counties in the south have collectively defected to Yan Ze! !

  The most annoying thing is that more than ten days have passed since this incident, and they have not received the news until now!

  It is said that an extremely large team has been established there, and it is still undergoing intensive training during this period. The scale is very large and the team's strength is still very strong.

  I also heard that they have also established themselves as the ‘national army’ and established a new government, also known as the ‘national’. Obviously, they used the people as a raft and found a good-sounding reason for their nasty thoughts!

  As soon as the news came out, let alone a group of core cadres and clan members, even Wang Weihua, who had always paid attention to reason to convince people, could not sit still.

  He didn't expect that the opponent would actually dare to openly confront their Marshal's Mansion, and he didn't expect that their team would develop so quickly.

  It took four counties in one month. Rongcheng has only eighteen counties in total. According to their development speed, wouldn’t it be that their royal family’s territory will soon be invaded?

  If you don’t get rid of it at this time, then they will be their king’s biggest rival in the future.

  So, they must completely cut the grass and roots before the other party has fully grown!

"Second, you sent two thousand troops to kill Anju town immediately, and arrested Yan Ze’s wife, Adjutant Li, you rushed to Shengli County with four thousand people, set up ambushes along the way, and if possible, kill them directly. amnesty!"

   "Yes." Everyone took orders.

  At this time, all the Wang family’s attention is on defending the enemy, and there is no intention to inquire about the private affairs of the Yan family. No matter whether what Yan Xiangxiang said is true or false, it does not matter whether the Yan Ze and his wife have any hidden feelings.

  Relying on the fact that the opponent is forming a team, they can't let it go, and even more can't keep calm or ignore it like before.

  Since it has been decided to send troops, the team will naturally be reorganized as soon as possible, but the number of people traveling is large, and the materials and weapons on the road must be prepared, so how can it take two or three days.

  And Yan Xiangxiang and the Liu family were temporarily placed as guests in the backyard by the Wang family. Thanks to the news they sent, otherwise they would not even know about the arrest of the third brother.

  The most important thing is that Yan Xiangxiang knows Yan Ze's couple very well, and if they are left behind, it might be useful to the team.

  Just to everyone's surprise, a new change occurred the day before the team was about to set off the next day.

    Four chapters and eight thousand words have been updated~

     Thank you everyone for staying active!

     Meme Da (* ̄3)



  (End of this chapter)

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