My Koi Fish Wife

Chapter 367: 367、The old man's intelligence

  Chapter 367 367, the old man’s intelligence

   "Marshal, the man has brought it."

  The butler nodded to report, then turned around and motioned to the three people behind him.

   "Hello Marshal!"

  The three immediately greeted them in an orderly manner. This is the first time in their lives that they have faced the monarch of this land. If they are not nervous, it must be a lie.

  You can be rich and wealthy, but you have to take a risk in order to have a beautiful future.

   "I heard, do you know the news of my third brother?" Wang Weihua went straight to the subject.

  The middle-aged man nodded, "Yes."

   "What about you." Wang Weihua lifted his chin in motion.

   Hearing this, the middle-aged man hooked his waist slightly, with a very humble attitude, “This matter has to start with my niece. If it weren’t for her, we wouldn’t know the whereabouts of the three young masters.”

   "Oh? What are the three of you?" Wang Weihua's eyes swept across the three of them, very patient and good-tempered.

  The middle-aged man introduced with a smile, “The villain's surname is Liu and his full name is Liu Caijin. He opened a textile factory in Yong'an County. These two people are my parents’ son Liu Wenjun and my niece Yan Xiangxiang.

  Yong'an County is only one day away from Anju Town. On the day of the accident, our niece saw us. We didn’t dare to hide it. We were worried that the Marshal’s Mansion would not know it, so we drove to Rongcheng immediately. "

   Hearing this, Wang Weihua frowned and said in a bad tone, "What's the matter? Do you mean something happened to my third brother?"

   Liu Caijin's heart suddenly tensed, he reduced the smile on his face, and preached with a serious expression, "Yes, the third master has been taken into custody."

   With a ‘pop’, Wang Weihua slapped the table and asked angrily, “Who has eaten the bear heart and leopard courage? Even our royal family dare to take it into custody!”

  Although he was a little dissatisfied with his third brother's domineering behavior on weekdays, when outside, he represented their Marshal's Mansion after all. He bullying and being bullied are two different things, and the nature is completely different.

  The third young master in their marshal’s mansion was taken into custody. Isn’t this openly beating him in the face of the marshal?

  If it is known to others, then how face does he as a marshal face the common people, and what prestige does he command the three armies?

   "Steward, go and call the second young master and some uncles right away!"


  The butler knew the seriousness of the matter and did not dare to delay, so he ran out of the hall.

Wang Weihua sank and looked at the three of them sternly, "The three of you sit and rest for a while, and when everyone is there, you can explain the ins and outs of the matter clearly. Don't worry, if what you said is true, I will definitely Will reward!

   But if you have a trace of deception, then you must carefully weigh in your heart, what will happen if you provoke the Marshal's Mansion. "

Liu Caijin couldn't help but sweat on his forehead, but now they can only bite the bullet.

   "Marshal, rest assured, we will never deceive and will report truthfully."

   "Just know."

  Wang Weihua put away the harsh expression on his face and sat down again.

  Not long after, Wang Weiguo and three other royal family members arrived in the hall one after another. On the way, they had learned from the butler that it was Wang Weibing's accident.

  So, when several people came to the hall, they all sat with a solemn expression.

  Seeing that everyone was there, Wang Weihua raised his hand to the three of the Liu family and gestured, "You can talk."

   Liu Caijin smiled and said, "Let my niece tell this matter, she knows best."

   Then he turned his head and winked at Yan Xiangxiang, "Xiangxiang, you can make it clear what you see and know."

   "I will, cousin."

  Yan Xiangxiang got up and responded, and then bowed to everyone in the Wang family to salute, behaving very dignified and ladylike.

  "My hometown is in Anju Town. I was fortunate enough to meet the Third Young Master in the county seat. I heard that the place where the Third Young Master was going is Anju Town.

But when I arrived at the entrance of the town, I met an acquaintance and separated from Sanshao. He entered the town with Adjutant Wang. However, when I entered the town, I happened to see Sanshao and the others having a dispute with a group of people. They took away the third master and adjutant Wang.

I originally wanted to rush to save people, but at the time it was full of people. I couldn’t squeeze in at all. Everyone was noisy and no one heard my voice. When I squeezed in, the three young masters had already been squeezed in by them. It was taken. "

  Speaking of this, Yan Xiangxiang looked distressed and ashamed, like a child who did something wrong.

  Wang Weiguo was annoyed, "You said, who is it? Who dares to catch my third brother?"

  Yan Xiangxiang shrank his neck in fright, and replied timidly, “This matter also has something to do with me. If it were not for the safety of the three young masters, I would have no face to see everyone.”

  Wang Weihua frowned, "What's the matter? You speak clearly in one go, don't interrupt your second child."

  Yan Xiangxiang red eyes, "Presumably the marshal should have known, now Anju Town has been occupied by a group of thieves as the king, and the leader is called Yan Ze, my half-brother.

But our relationship with him is not good at all. The reason why I went to join my cousin in the county was because my parents were killed by my elder brother, my sister disappeared, and my younger brother was sold to the mine. It was all his and his. What the wives did.

My eldest brother has been very rebellious and cold-blooded since he was young, and his private methods are even more cruel and ruthless. He has always hated my mother. He feels that my mother, the stepmother, has occupied the position of his mother, so he treats the three of my mother’s The child is also very displeased. "

  Wang Weiguo became a little impatient, "We are not sitting here to hear you say that your parents are short, grudges and hatreds, and the point is!!!"

Yan Xiangxiang squeezed his hands tightly, and his face was weeping, "I said this to tell everyone that my elder brother is a broken hand. He caught the third young man and he will definitely not treat him kindly. You must be careful about him. people.

  Furthermore, the woman he married is very evil. That woman can command and summon beasts in the mountains. There is a particularly clever little monkey beside her, and a fierce black bear. In short, that woman is also very powerful.

  The reason why they were able to surrender the bandits was that they relied on that woman to attract a large group of snakes, and the snake bit the bandits, so they could easily catch the bandits.

  Therefore, the folks feel that their husbands and wives are particularly powerful, and they think they can save the people of the world. For this reason, those talents follow them and support them to become leaders. "

   "It's just a spoiler!!"

  Wang Weiguo was so angry that he only slapped the table, the anger on his face was undoubtedly revealed, and at the same time he was also complaining about his elder brother.

  But the eldest brother is kind and soft, and he also pays attention to how to persuade people with reason. Now it’s alright, he has been beaten in the face. It is simply rubbing the faces of their royal family on the ground.

  (End of this chapter)

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