My Koi Fish Wife

Chapter 329: 329, command

  Chapter 329 329, Commander

  Zheng Wanshan did not wait for the couple to speak, but continued to shout to the villagers.

  "The folks who are willing to follow Mr. Yan and Mrs. Yan stand on the left. Both Mr. Yan and Mrs. Yan are kind-hearted people and will not force everyone to make a decision.

  Zheng Wanshan's remarks instantly attracted Yan Ze and Qin Yiling's eyes. The couple looked at each other, and a smile appeared in their eyes.

  This Zheng Wanshan is a man who will come, he is very clever, and he is also able to observe people's opinions and speculations.

  For a couple, it is normal for a person to be a little careful. As long as the cleverness is used in business, it is a talent.

  Everything is said to have reached this point. If the couple didn’t say anything, they would be a little bit overwhelmed.

   Yan Ze stepped forward, standing tall and straight, with a calm face, and suddenly exuding a particularly powerful aura.

  " Folks, what the world is today, I think everyone knows in mind. The more you are in this world, the more you need to be united together. The old saying goes well. People are more powerful.

  Thank you everyone for thinking about us as husband and wife. We are indeed recruiting team members and employees. Now, if everyone thinks of us, then our husband and wife will not disappoint everyone's trust.

Yan is not talented. Although I can’t guarantee 100% of everyone’s food and clothing, I will try my best to do what I can do for everyone within the scope of my ability. Everyone's business comes.

  Our husband and wife pledge to all the team members to advance and retreat together, share the joys and sorrows, and face the troubled times together, and create a prosperous and peaceful new world together! "

  "Go forward and retreat together! Advance and retreat together!"

  "Create a new world together!!"

   "Mr. Yan! Mrs. Yan!"

   Yan Ze's words completely aroused the belief in everyone's hearts, and everyone could not help raising their hands and shouting!

  All of a sudden, everyone’s slogans and cheers resounded throughout the street. The scene was very exciting. After changing the sluggish atmosphere before, it seemed that the goal and hope were suddenly found.

  Everyone’s face is filled with confidence and hope for the future, and there is no more hesitation in their hearts.

  After Yan Ze's remarks, the people who were still a bit swayed immediately took a firm stand and squeezed to the left position one after another.

  In the end, all the people in Anju Town joined Yan Ze and Qin Yiling's couple, and everyone unanimously supported the couple as the leader of their Anju Town.

  So after some discussion, everyone directly called Yan Ze the commander, and Qin Yiling still used the honorary title of ‘Mrs.’.

  In this regard, the Zelings accepted it quite frankly. Although the matter developed to the end, the result was a bit unexpected, but this step is considered to be in the planning of the couple.

  In fact, there is not much difference between increasing the number of people and receiving an entire town, but the rate of increase in the number of people is faster.

  This matter was delayed. When the couple wanted to return to the village to report their safety, they rested, but they were stopped by another incident.

  The review has a result!

   Of the three leaders, only the master is still alive, but this guy is a stiff mouth. No matter how severe the torture is, he still clenches his teeth and does not speak.

  So, Zhou Yong and the others had no choice but to target the captain of the middle management. These people have some power in charge, and they are the closest to the three brothers. They are the confidants of the three.

  After some torture, these people finally let go, and frankly confessed where the supplies were hidden.

  After all, when the materials were moved, they were the labor among them. The materials are extremely important to a team, and naturally they must be hidden in a place that few people know.

  Generally, people at the bottom are not qualified to know, and those who can participate in the removal must be the core members of the team.

  And they weren't suffocating like the big masters. They were very sorry for their lives. It's better to live than to die, so they didn't resist the torture, so they just said nothing.

  "Where is the address?" Yan Ze asked directly.

  Zhou Yong: "It's on a big mountain fifty miles away from Anju Town"

  This group of rebellious army is completely insecure. They will temporarily rest wherever they hit, and then continue to the south.

  In the past month and a half, they looted and ransacked a lot of towns and villages, as well as wealthy merchants from caravans along the way, and collected a lot of supplies.

  But before attacking a place each time, they would first find a secret place nearby and hide the materials they collected in a secret place.

   Attacking the city is a laborious task. If they take all their belongings with each attack, it will undoubtedly be a burden. The most important thing is to be distracted to protect the supplies.

  So, in order to attack with confidence, Hu Hansan and others came up with such a way, even if something happens to the attack, or their team is broken up, they can still make a comeback again with secret materials.

Secondly, Yan Ze’s guess was correct. They also learned one thing during the interrogation. After a few years, the reason why these rebellious soldiers dared to ransack the people blatantly was because they had the Eastern Army Chu family behind them. Do support.

  All their knives, including the three old-fashioned hand-made wooden warehouses, were provided by the Chu family. The purpose was to let them disturb the hearts of the people in the southwest region and pull the Wang family down.

The most ridiculous thing is that, in the name of cooperation, the Chu family released a huge bait to catch them, let them disturb the hearts of the king's family, and then fight the king's family. After that, they will control the southwestern region. Up.

  At that time, they will be able to attack the north together and divide the world equally.

  However, Hu Hansan and the others agreed to such an unreliable promise, perhaps they all had their own prudent eyes.

  In short, they are now cheaper.

   Yan Ze turned to Qin Yiling and whispered softly, “Hey, you go home first and have a good rest. I’ll take my brothers and I will be back soon.”

  Qin Yiling paused slightly and nodded, "Then let the little monkey follow you, so you can rest assured when you enter the mountain."

  Since Hu Hansan and the others can hide the materials in the mountains, they obviously have a good understanding of the surrounding environment, at least there is no problem with people passing through.

  The rest is the beast problem, but if there is a monkey, then it is not a problem.

  She is indeed a little tired. After returning home to rest, she has to deal with follow-up issues related to the town. So many people have returned to their team, and there is still a lot of work to be done.


  Yan Ze will not refuse anything that can give a lot of peace of mind, not to mention that this proposal is indeed necessary.

  So, the couple left Anju Town with their teams.

  At this time, the Mingshan Village has resumed as usual, and the team came to pick up the six people from Wen Chunying, and everyone learned that the rebellion had been subdued.

  So, everyone withdrew the emergency line of defense and went home to rest.

  (End of this chapter)

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