My Koi Fish Wife

Chapter 315: 315、New Concept

  Chapter 315 315, New Ideas

  Everyone was waiting eagerly for Qin Yiling to teach them literacy, but she did not expect her to teach them to read poems.

  Read poems, how elegant!

  However, after Qin Yiling uttered the first sentence, everyone blushed.

  This is too embarrassing.

  I love you or not, it’s shameful enough, and ‘I love you’!

Words like    made their hearts jump violently, and they hung their heads hurriedly. They were really embarrassed to look at people, and they were embarrassed to let everyone see their embarrassment.

  Not to mention the new women from the same village, Wen Chunying, who has been studying for a while, also hung their heads shyly.

  It is estimated that only Xiaoyun and the children in the audience were unaware of it.

  Anyone who has experienced the stage of a young girl’s cherishing spring knows the relationship between men and women.

  However, everyone's shy mood did not last long, because they were gradually attracted by Qin Yiling's subsequent verses.

  Even though the whole paragraph is connected together, they don't understand the meaning too deeply, but if they are taken apart and understood only from the literal words, they can still understand some of the words.

  For example: Don’t climb, don’t borrow your high branches, stand side by side, greet each other, we share, we share.

  All the words are grouped together to form the final sentence, this is great love!

  The more people listened, the more silent they became, and the more silent they were, the more they fell into a state of thinking.

What is love?

  What kind of love is great?

  Do they have it?

  Can they be as described in the poem?

  At first, they were still a little confused and didn't quite understand what the poem was saying, but when Qin Yiling finished reading, they had vaguely vague thoughts and cognitions in their hearts.

   "Sister Ling, what does this poem mean?"

  Xu Dongxue's temperament is more frank and lively. She only thinks this poem is beautiful and beautiful, and she loves it when she hears it.

  Even when sister Ling was reading poems, she imagined a painting in her mind.

  In the painting, there are two equally tall and strong trees. The two trees are closely connected, regardless of each other, which makes people feel special harmony and beauty at a glance.

  She couldn't describe the feeling too much for a while, but she felt that this poem was like saying that Dongjia and Ling sister were two people.

  Both of them are very good, and they are both very good people, and the host is very kind to sister Ling, and sister Ling is also very caring for the host.

  Looking at the two of them, one can't help but feel that life is a very beautiful thing.

  Qin Yiling looked at everyone and tried to express it in an easy-to-understand way.

"This is a love poem. It is about a relationship between men and women that should be equal, because we are all individuals with independent personalities. Even if we get married and become a husband and wife, we should respect each other, rather than a woman who is born with it. It's inferior to men.

  In the traditional concept of everyone, the relationship between husband and wife should be green vines wrapped around trees, or husband and wife prosperous, and women naturally rely on men to live.

I cannot say that this kind of relationship between men and women based on personal attachment is completely wrong, but at least in my understanding, a relationship or even a marriage needs to be based on equal personality, independent personality, mutual respect and admiration, and mutual affection. The foundation cannot be based on abandoning the individual's independent position and personality.

  As a husband and wife, then we should share family responsibilities, as well as the setbacks and tests in life. Similarly, we also share the splendor and beauty of life.

  Even if we become husbands and wives, we are still independent individuals. We must have our independent individuals first and then a family group.

  The independent consciousness and thoughts we have cannot be abandoned by our own cognitive ability because of someone. If we don’t even have our own thoughts, what is the meaning of our existence? "

  She chose this poem first because she likes it very much, and secondly, she wants to share with you the thoughts and concepts that this poem wants to express.

  She is not going to tell them about the writing technique of the poem in the form of lesson plans, and of course she doesn’t want to express how noble and beautiful love is with them.

  She just wants to use the central idea expressed in this poem to convey to them the idea that women should be independent, even if they are married, women also have the right to have an independent personality and corresponding respect.

  Qin Yiling knows that the concept that everyone accepts has already been imprinted in their lives, and it is not something she can change immediately.

  She can only try to share her understanding with them.

  So, she told a few more typical female stories, so that they can have a clearer understanding.

  "." Everyone was silent.

  After hearing Qin Yiling's words, everyone's mind was a little confused, and they seemed to understand it, but after a careful stroke, it seemed that they couldn't tell the reason.

   But there is no doubt that this statement makes them refreshing, and even touched in their hearts.

  Because no one has told them that women should be independent, and women also have the right to equality and respect. Women are not born as accessories of men.

  Women can also create their own value, not a loser.

  Finally, the women walked home in a dizzy state. The content they learned today is too irritating for them, and they need a process to digest slowly.


   "Boss, I have the latest news."

  Zhou Yong handed the newly received envelope to Yan Ze.

  Their caravans wandered around the cities in the province, scouring goods from north to south, so there are corresponding intelligence transmitters in major cities.

   Yan Ze opened the envelope and scanned it, frowning as he put down the letter.

   Zhou Yong wondered, "Boss?"

   Yan Ze's face darkened, "This world is going to be messed up again."

  His grandfather’s guess is indeed correct. Once the three parties are no longer balanced, the world will be full of turmoil and chaos.

  If you want to survive in this troubled world, the only thing you can rely on is yourself.

   "Huh? Boss, you mean?"

  Zhou Yong's expression suddenly tightened. He has been with the boss for more than ten years. He also knows what Mrs. Yan once said.

  Unexpectedly, the scene that Old Lady Yan had guessed still happened after all.

  Even if they are far away from the vortex of war, they will still be affected. This is the general environment, how can they win it?

   Yan Ze sighed, "The world is chaotic, and we have to prepare too."

  Zhou Yong nodded silently.


   "A lot, take out the weapon!"

   "Huh?" Qin Yiling was a little unexpected.

  Yan Ze truthfully told her the latest news that she learned in the afternoon.

  (End of this chapter)

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