My Iron Suit

Chapter 966: The plan begins!

The weapons in the armory are basically the military's standard equipment. The largest number is the rifle. There are dozens of rifles, followed by submachine guns and pistols, each with more than a dozen, while the machine guns and sniper rifles are only a few.

With so many weapons, they can't be used by a few people, but there are no bullets!

The enemies they face are the zombies that often appear in clusters. Usually there are hundreds of them, and the monsters that are infected by the T virus are very tenacious. Only when they hit the head can they be killed.

In the face of a large number of zombies siege, they usually do not have time to aim at one by one, so the use of intensive firepower for cover attacks is the best choice.

If you can have a rifle or a submachine gun and have enough ammunition to maintain firepower, I am afraid no one will choose a pistol with a very low rate of fire!

The use of intensive firepower to cover attack attacks, the consumption of bullets is naturally very large, that is, they have found this armory, obtained sufficient ammunition, otherwise they can not afford the horrible ammunition consumption. Speed, just like before Angel Ortiz, use the automatic rifle as a semi-automatic use, with a single shot to attack.

In the end, when everyone walked out of the armory, everyone had more weapons!

In addition to Christo's choice of a submachine gun, all others had an automatic rifle, and Luther West took the M249 class machine gun he had before.

In addition, under Chris's reminder, each of them also prepared at least one pistol as a spare weapon to defend themselves in the event that the main weapon ammunition was exhausted or an accident occurred.

As for the best-quality Luther West, he fully exerted his physical strength, except for the M249 class machine gun that he was holding in his hand. Luther West is still behind his back. Two submachine guns, two pistols tied to the sides of the thigh, the whole person can be said to be armed to the teeth.

After all the people were armed, Chris suddenly found that Chen Mo was still empty and did not take any weapons.

He did not ask strangely toward Chen Mo.

"Don't you take a rifle? Encounter a large group of zombies, or a rifle attack is better!"

Chris's voice fell, but suddenly found that everyone except Wendell looked at him with a weird look, as if he had just asked a very stupid question!

Under Chris's incomprehensible eyes, Chen Mo shook his head gently and said faintly.

"No, I am used to a pistol."

Although Chen Mo's tone was very dull, but looking at the strong self-confidence and the savage and arrogant momentum projected by Chen Mo's eyes, Chris could not help but swallow the words of the persuasion back into his stomach.

And the reaction of everyone also made him feel a little wrong, there seems to be something that he does not know!

But it didn't take too long, everything that happened in front of us made Chris thoroughly understand the meaning of Chen Mo's words!

At the same time, he also knows why everyone looked at him like that at the time!


After answering Chris, Chen Mo immediately turned to look at Luther West, and slowly said.

“With armored vehicles and these weapons, the safety of evacuation will increase a lot, but during the period of repairing armored vehicles, my original plan will continue to be implemented.”

Everyone heard that, except for Chris and Wendell, others could not help but face each other.

In fact, in their hearts, the amazing second set of programs before Chen Mo is actually not necessary.

Although the maintenance of armored vehicles still takes at least seven days, they do not think that the number of zombies that Chen Mo can clean up in the past seven days should have little effect on the final evacuation. Therefore, why bother to do so.

However, under the gaze of Chen Mo's eyes, the eyes of the people could not help but appear that Chen Mo was holding a pair of guns in the dead sea. The hearts of the people could not help but cry. No one dared to say anything.

Chen Mo is a powerful and horrible **** for them. Even if they have so many powerful weapons, Chen Mo’s powerful combat capability is still irreplaceable!

Even if they have an automatic rifle and a bullet, they can't treat countless zombies like nothing, like Chen Mo, and they are always in the sea of ​​corpses, but they are always safe and sound!

If they are thrown into the dead sea, they will be completely inundated by the endless zombies in a few minutes!

In this end of the world that has completely collapsed, strength means the right to speak, and as the strongest in the prison, Chen Mo naturally holds the highest voice!

Regarding Chen Mo’s decision, no matter whether they agree with them or not, no one dares to refute.

Finally, Luther West swallowed quietly and asked Chen Mo.

"When are you going to start?"

"right now!"


A few minutes later, a group of seven people appeared on the wall together.

With plenty of weapons and ammunition, facing the endless zombies below, everyone’s mood is no longer as desperate and fearful as before. Everyone is eager to try, and can’t wait to fire directly at the **** zombies below~www. But now that their bullets are very abundant, they are not as free to waste. There are hundreds of thousands of zombies outside. Even if they use all the ammunition in the armory, they will have many zombies. So although there was some itch, Luther West did not shoot.

Soon, everyone’s eyes were collected from the zombies outside and fell to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo glanced at Angel Ortiz, who was standing next to him. Angel Ortiz nodded and nodded a roll of rope that had just been retrieved in the hand and slowly let it go outside the wall.

When it was three meters above the ground, Angel Ortiz stopped to move down and tied the rope in the handle to the guardrail.

When it was ready, Angel Ortiz nodded to Chen Mo, and immediately stepped back and gave the place to Chen Mo.

Chris and Wendell looked at Chen Mo with a puzzled look and didn't know what he was doing.

Instead, Luther West and others, all looking forward to staring at Chen Mo, do not want to miss any details.

Although Chen Mo is somewhat puzzled by the original plan, it is undeniable that Chen Mo’s picture during the battle is still very impactful.

In the eyes of everyone, Chen Mo finally moved!


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