My Iron Suit

Chapter 949: Rescue!

Angel Ortiz glared at Bennett, but he didn't have the heart to waste his tongue and looked directly at the tall black Luther West, who was standing next to him.

He didn't expect Bennett's selfish and indifferent guy to help. The only survivors of this group were Luther West. As for Christo, they are also on their side. However, she does not have weapons. She is also responsible for logistics work. The fighting is not expected to be her!

Feeling the eyes of Angel Ortiz, Luther West looked at the heavy truck tens of meters away and the tall figure standing proudly on the roof.

After Chen Mo stood on the roof of the car, the talents on the wall finally saw his appearance. He turned out to be a tall Chinese youth wearing a black suit and a cold face!

However, obviously, dare to drive a heavy truck to attack the corpse, and can rush out of the cab from the zombie to escape to the roof. This Chinese youth in a neat suit must not be the same kind as Bennett wearing the same suit around them. people!

The performance of the other party also proves this!

In the face of the madness around him, the countless zombies that will drown him, Luther West did not see any panic and fear on his face!

Recalling the daring momentum of the truck before it was rushed to the corpse, coupled with the brave momentum of the past, coupled with the desperate desperation at this time, the calmness and calmness of the other face, Luther West For this survivor who is alone in the sacred sea, I can't help but feel deeply admired!

He asked himself if he changed himself, not to dare to drive such a truck to the sea, but now the extinction surrounded by countless ferocious zombies is enough to make him collapse!

At least, he definitely can't do the amazing coolness and calmness of the other side!

This is definitely not an ordinary person!

Luther West’s heart could not help but give Chen Mo a secret conclusion.

At this time, Chen Mozhen flew the car door and turned over the roof. It took only a few seconds to see the zombies around him have once again filled the gap outside the cab, and rushed from the top of the heavy truck to the roof!

The fastest zombie, the palm of your hand has reached the top of the car!

Luther West no longer hesitated, turned his head and glanced at Bennett, who was indifferent, and Jin Yong, who was standing beside him with fear. He immediately ignored Bennett and said to Jin Yong.

"Jin Yong! You and Christo go to the rope, I remember there is a tool room, and then take a hook!"

After Luther West finished, Jin Yong glanced at Bennett, or gritted his teeth and followed Christo to run down the wall.

Bennett was originally a very powerful filmmaker, and Jin Yong was a small intern under his command. After the disaster broke out, neither of them fully accepted the reality that the world has completely changed. Bennett also In the dream of being a high-profile producer, Jin Yong still follows Bennett as a small follower.

However, compared with the indifferent and selfish Bennett, Jin Yong is also unwilling to accept the reality of the end of the world, and his character is somewhat weak, but the essence is not bad. Seeing that the survivors outside are at stake, he chose to help Luther. · West saves people together!

Bennett looked at Jin Yong who left, and could not help but frown. It seems that he needs to do Jinan’s ideological work and let him figure out who is his boss. At this time, he should follow who’s order. !

Luther West did not pay attention to the ugly Bennett. After Kim Yong left, he took a pistol directly from his belt and shouted to Angel Ortiz.

"Get a shot! Help him clean up the zombies that climbed into the car!"

Luther West didn't want to watch this brave survivor dying in front of him, being swallowed by the zombies!

Moreover, he did not feel the slightest despair from Chen Mo's face. This is by no means a state that a person who has gone to a dead end should have. There is an instinct in his heart. This guy will never die in the hands of zombies. He There should be a backhand!

Even if they don't shoot, he should have a way to escape!

But this is just his feeling, Luther West did not dare to gamble, so he chose to use his own methods to save people!

He asked Jin Yong and Christo to take ropes and iron hooks, and he intended to use his strengths.

Luther West was originally an NBA star. He is good at long shots. He usually shoots all the time during training. The length of the standard basketball court is 28 meters. Now Chen Mo and their distance are almost three. More than ten meters, he believes that with his own strength and technology, he should be able to accurately throw the iron hooks tied to the ropes on the roof!

When Chen Mo hooks the iron hook to the roof, they can straighten the rope and form a ropeway between the roof and the wall!

The height of the top of the heavy truck itself is nearly four meters, which is why the zombies have not yet climbed to the roof. The height of the wall is only six or seven meters. The ropeway between the two, the zombies on the ground. It is simply not enough!

Although the zombies now have a lot of improvement in speed and intelligence compared to the beginning of the disaster, they still do not have the ability to climb ropes.

As long as Chen Mo's speed is fast enough strong enough, can climb the sky before the rope is crawled by the zombies that climbed up behind, you can escape the birth!

Although the distance is a bit far, the **** is a bit steep, even if it is very difficult for the NBA star to come out, the outstanding physical Luther West, but this is the only way he can think of saving people!

What they have to do now is to help Chen Mo fight for time before Kim Yong and Christo come back!

Luther West’s voice just fell, and he directly pointed the gun and pulled the trigger. The distance of more than 30 meters was still within the range of the pistol, and Luther West was able to survive the crisis. Up to now, the shooting method has been practiced.

As the gunshot sounded, the tallest zombie crawling on the windshield was directly hit by the back of the head. The claws that had already caught the roof immediately came loose and fell back into the corpse!

Angel Ortiz also took the rifle from his shoulder and started shooting at the zombies who climbed up around the head of the heavy truck.

Because the only key to the zombies is the brain, in order to accurately kill the zombies, and to save the remaining bullets, the speed of the two is not high, although temporarily slowing down the speed of the zombies climbing to the roof, However, the situation has not changed, and countless zombies are still surging around. There are always zombies reaching up to the top of the car, and they are likely to climb up at any time!


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