My Iron Suit

Chapter 921: Shoot again!

Outside the Silverstone circuit, every entrance is crowded with people. The stands in the track are crowded, and tens of thousands of spectators are pouring in quickly. Each seat is quickly filled and a vocal voice is heard in the stadium. The game has not yet started, the atmosphere in the stadium is already quite hot!

The Aegis team, which has taken the most out of all kinds of news that started to screen this morning, has naturally become the focus of everyone's attention!

However, due to the accident that occurred just after the qualifying session last night, the pure black car driven by Carlos Sainz was at the end of the grid, and next to him, the one happened to him. The collision of the red and white windfield team's car.

Compared to the Aegis Racing car that had experienced a violent roll, Sato Suzuki’s car was not damaged, but it was not scrapped. The main parts of the chassis and engine were still intact. After a night’s repair by the team technicians, It has been used normally this morning.

Sato Suzuki sat in the car, could not help but gently over the head and quietly looked at the pure black car next to it, under the cover of the racing helmet, his eyes were full of malice!

Seeing that last night had successfully made the Aegis team out of the game, I did not expect that not only Carlos Sainz did not have anything, but even the damaged car was quickly solved by the Aegis team!

But Sato Suzuki is not going to stop here!

The team manager Matsui Hideo finally did not figure out other ways. The staff of the Aegis team were all around the car all day. They didn’t even have a chance to do it. It seems that the task of the president is still dependent on him. To be done!

As for the problem that Matsui Hideo is worried about, Sato Suzuki is not in the heart.

There are many ways to deliberately smash the other's car. As long as he is concealed, even if there are two consecutive accidents!

Moreover, even if there is no collision, he has a way to make the Aegis team unable to play normally!

Although Carlos Sainz did not notice the bad vision of Sato Suzuki, but under the reminder of Bradley, he also knew the accident that the other party made it on the night last night, so for the Fengtian team, Little Carlos Sainz is full of alert, and Sato Suzuki wants to reinvent it and it's not that easy!

The game started very quickly. After the five red lights were all extinguished, more than 20 f1 cars lined up in two rows on the track quickly started!

However, because the position was too low, Carlos Sainz had to control the throttle and start slowly until the front of the car was all moved before the throttle could be increased.

This is the bad thing behind the start of the car, not only is it a lot of time to delay when starting, can not be fully sprinted by the front of the car, in the game of love, Carlos Sainz must also From the very end, one car will surpass all the cars running in front of him!

You know, in the f1 competition, sometimes it is very difficult to overtake a car. It is very likely that you can't find a chance to overtake when you run down the whole circle. You can only be pressed behind, let alone surpass all the two. More than a dozen cars, winning the championship, this is undoubtedly a very difficult and almost impossible thing to do!

However, just as Carlos Sainz kept a safe distance from the front car and began to accelerate gradually, Sato Suzuki on his right side suddenly slammed the throttle and suddenly reached the front of Carlos Sainz. And don't come in directly!

The distance between Carlos Sainz and the car was just enough to accommodate a car. In order to prevent the collision, Carlos Sainz had to quickly step on the gas pedal and give room for Sato Suzuki who suddenly came in!

Looking at the red taillights in front of the windfield racing car, the small brace of Carlos Sainz could not help but wrinkle.

Although it is normal to take the opportunity to overtake in the starting stage of the car, it is a bit too much to be so brutal!

It seems that Bradley is right, the Fengtian team is really uneasy this time!

As all the cars got off the ground, the speed quickly picked up and the distance between the cars quickly opened. Carlos Sainz began to change lanes and tried to overtake.

However, Sato Suzuki apparently did not intend to let him go. The red and white windfield team's car has been firmly in front of Carlos Sainz, and every time he tries to overtake, he will be blocked.

Several times Carlos Sainz just crossed the corner and Sato Suzuki’s car approached directly towards Carlos Sainz, forcing him to brake and slow down to avoid collisions.

On several occasions, the tires of the two cars even rubbed directly. It looked very dangerous and a little careless. The accident last night was likely to be staged again!

The audience in the stands could not help but exclaim.

The situation in front of the car does not give way to the back of the car is normal, and even active blocking is also a tactic, but such a fierce like Sato Suzuki is rare.

Blocked by Sato Suzuki for a while, Carlos Sainz soon discovered that

The distance between them and the other cars in front is getting farther and farther. If they continue to do so, even if they surpass Sato Suzuki, it will be difficult for him to recover the backward time!

This is the plan of Sato Suzuki, as long as he has been blocking the small Carlos Sainz to make him unable to surpass, he can drag his life to the end!

The f1 game sometimes contends for a fraction of a second. As long as he can delay the small Carlos Sainz enough time, even if he overtakes him later, he does not have enough time to catch up with the more than 20 cars in front. !

In the stands Wade's eyes sitting around Chen Mo could not help but smash a murderous machine, then turned to look at Chen Mo, whispered.

"Boss, do you want me..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Mo shook his head gently.

Looking at the calm expression on Chen Mo's face, Wade had no choice but to turn his head and continue to watch the game.

After another overtaking was blocked by Sato Suzuki, the face of Carlos Sainz could not help sink.

Can't go on like this anymore!

Carlos Sainz stared at the windfield car in front, and Carlos Sainz did not brake with Sato Suzuki when he was about to enter the next corner.

Seeing the distance between the two cars quickly approached, just before the crash, Carlos Sainz slammed the steering wheel and the car instantly turned to the side and flashed to the outside of Sato Suzuki.


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