My Iron Suit

Chapter 919: The boss is here!

As he walked toward the car, Chen Mo confessed.

"Loading the car on the plane, we go directly to the circuit."

When Chen Mo and others all left the plane, another door at the end of the plane slowly opened and fell toward the ground, eventually forming a lot wider and longer than the front gangway. , a more gentle **** ramp.

Here is the tail cargo compartment of the supersonic private jet. Although the space inside is only less than one-fifth of the entire aircraft, it is already very spacious enough to accommodate the next fleet. At this time, only one black is parked inside. The f1 car was taken from the space before Chen Mo landed.

They are not the equipment to transport the embargo to China. They can use the space to take it to the warehouse and put it down. The organizer will check every participating f1 car to ensure that the parameters of the car meet the standards set by the competition and ensure that The fairness of the game.

Therefore, this car must be transported to the playing field through normal channels and undergo detailed inspection.

From the accident in qualifying, to Chen Mo from the company transferred parts to assemble, and then boarded directly to the Lundun, although the super high speed of the supersonic private jet saves a lot of flight time, but these things It still took a lot of effort. At this time, Lundun was already in the morning.

Although the track for the competition is in Lundun, it is in a far suburb, more than 100 kilometers away from the airport where they are located. When Chen Mo and his team arrived at the circuit with the truck loaded with the car, time It has been more than an hour.

In the arena, many of the team's staff have already started working. At 9 o'clock this evening, the race of the F1 Britannia will be officially started, and before that, they still have a lot of work to do!

Studying the game data, formulating strategies, adjusting the car settings, etc., every team is busy, and the Aegis team is a bit quiet.

The place where the car should have been parked was empty. The team members who should be busy working all stayed in the repair station and did nothing. The atmosphere of the entire team was very depressed. Little Carlos Sainz stood at the door of the repair station and listened. The engine sounded in the other team's repair station was lost.

He was lucky enough to get Chen Mo's appreciation and got the chance to participate in the f1 competition as a formal driver. Now the first race has not started yet, and the only car is destroyed.

Is this the end of his game trip?

But they have not abandoned the game?

With a little hope in the heart, Carlos Sainz turned to look for the team manager Anna to ask, but did not find her in the team repair station.

Carlos Sainz thought about it. After coming from him this morning, it seems that he has never seen the shadow of Anna.

Where did she go?

Can they participate in the game tonight?

Just as Carlos Sainz was confused about the future of the team, a large truck slowly coming from the track caught his attention because there was a very familiar one on the black carriage. The logo of the nine dragons!

This made the eyes of Carlos Sainz unable to shine. At this time, the company’s car came over, is it...?

Although Carlos Sainz had some speculation, he did not dare to think deeply. He was afraid that if he guessed wrong, it would make him even more sad.

Just as the little Carlos Sainz was tangled in the heart, the truck stopped slowly in front of the Aegis team's pits, and the first officer's door was pushed open. Little Carlos Sainz looked for it. Half-day Anna jumped out of the car and pointed at the back of the carriage, shouting excitedly toward Carlos Sainz.

"The boss is coming, he brought us a new car!"

Little Carlos Sainz couldn’t help but get excited.

"Really? Great!"

After that, little Carlos Sainz suddenly remembered something, turned to the repair station and did not figure out the situation, the team members shouted.

"Hey! Guys! Come out! You have a job!"

When the familiar pure black f1 car was driven out of the carriage, the staff of the Aegis team that was present all burst into a warm cheer!



"We will definitely win!"

From the beginning of the morning, the Aegis team, which has been very quiet, has suddenly attracted the ideas of other teams. When they saw the brand-new black F1 car, they quickly realized what was happening.

But at the same time, they are also very confused, how did the Aegis team carry a new car overnight?

If the team's station is in Britain or even Europe, it's not too far, but as an opponent, they also have a detailed understanding of the Aegis team. The Aegis team's base camp is far thousands of kilometers away. Even if I don't calculate other time, I will ship the new car after the accident last night. Now the plane should fly over the Atlantic Ocean at this time!

However, their doubts did not last long, and relevant reports appeared on the Internet soon!

As the Formula 1 racing car with the Olympic Games and the World Cup, it is naturally attracting a large number of media reporters to follow the report. During the competition, the top drivers' exposure is not under the world's top stars!

Tonight, The first official competition will be held here. The day is still not bright. There are already a large number of reporters waiting outside the gate of the racing stadium, not letting go of any latest news, but a whole The appearance of a fleet of "Lord" cars and a truck with the Aegis industrial logo was naturally taken by journalists.

Anna, who waited at the gate very early in the morning, was surrounded by reporters while welcoming the team.

The accident in qualifying last night was a big news in itself. Anyone who was concerned about the F1 car knew that the only car that the Aegis team had participated in for the first time was destroyed and is now facing the dilemma of being forced to retire. The team that arrived at the time is likely to represent a certain turn!

Reporters who are very sensitive to news will naturally miss Anna!

But Anna itself has no intention of concealing it.

The formation of the Aegis team to participate in the Formula 1 car, it also has the purpose of propaganda for the company, and this time is clearly a good opportunity to enhance the Aegis team and the company's exposure and attention, Anna will naturally let go!


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