My Iron Suit

Chapter 910: The attention of all parties!


The opposite voice is low and thick, and the plain tone reveals a majesty.

"This time..."

Justin is preparing to ask for help, but the voice on the phone directly interrupted him.

"You don't have to say it!"

Justin still wants to say that the other party simply does not give him a chance.

"This thing can only blame yourself for choosing the wrong target. What is wrong with it? But for this new type of anticancer drug, do you know how many people are paying attention? This time it is too much trouble, Mr. President Being alarmed, no one can help you!"

After the opposite, he hanged up the phone directly, and Justin held the phone for a long time before he put down the phone in despair.

Even the biggest backing behind him can't help him. It seems that he is really finished this time!

However, after all, he was the president of a large group company. Soon, Justin responded, and the meaning of the "Mr. Minister" phone.

In fact, he had already prepared for the other party not to pick up his phone, but the other party finally received it. Although he did not give him the opportunity to seek help, he directly sentenced him to death, but he also revealed a little information.

Someone should catch him soon!

Can't wait any longer!

Justin immediately stood up from the boss's chair and walked toward the office door, ready to find a way to secretly leave the country!

But just as he slammed open the door to the office, he saw two men dressed in suits and wearing fbi documents on their chests striding toward the office!

After seeing Justin, the eyes of both of them were locked in his face, and the fierce eyes looked at Justin’s heart and could not help but burst into a void.

Just as Justin had some sorrowful efforts, the two had quickly come to him, blocking him at the door.

Among the two men, the calm middle-aged man, who was clearly leading, looked at Justin with a serious look, said Shen Sheng.

"Mr. Justin, please take a trip with us!"

Justin wanted to refuse, but looking at the two men's strong body, and the holster exposed at the waist, Justin still gave up the struggle.

Not only the Merck Pharmaceutical Group, but also the Food and Drug Administration and other departments have welcomed many fbi agents.

On the same day, many group executives including Justin Pharmaceutical Group President Justin, as well as many officials involved in the new anticancer drug review incident, were arrested. At fbi they will undergo close trials and investigations, waiting for them. It will be a severe punishment of the law!

The review of new anticancer drugs by the country has also restarted. Under the attention of the public and the top, no one dares to succumb to it this time.

The review of the new anti-cancer drugs has actually entered the final stage. After this re-launch, it is natural that there is no need to start from scratch, and the pressure from the public opinion and the upper level will naturally speed up the review.

Just a week later, the new anticancer drug was successfully approved, and the country became the second country to use new anticancer drugs after China!

At this point, the anger of the backlog of many people in the hearts of the people of the country has finally dissipated, and major hospitals have also seen the same busy scene as China.

However, during this week, Aegis is ready to produce a new type of anti-cancer drug that is used in advance. The Ministry of Health of the State also assisted the President under special orders. The major hospitals in the country also did it early. Ready.

After more than half a month of interruption, the new anti-cancer drugs have finally been successfully listed in the country, and the long-awaited cancer patients have finally hoped for the dawn of life!

However, after experiencing this new anti-cancer drug incident that has caused great influence and concern throughout the country, it is not only known to everyone, but also the Aegis group and God behind it. Several other companies under the Shield Group have also received great attention from the people and high-level people of the country!

Aegis and Aegis technology don’t need to be said. The three super cars and holographic smartphones that have been born out of the world have long been known to all. Because of this new anticancer drug incident, the popularity of the two companies has followed. It has risen a lot, and the sales of three cars and holographic smartphones have also ushered in a substantial increase!

However, the biggest change in popularity is the Aegis Aerospace Company, which has not been noticed by too many people before!

That model was only recently "developed" and began to accept the scheduled supersonic private jet, attracting the attention of many people!

Not only the people, including major consortia and government departments, have also noticed this private aircraft with comparable performance to military supersonic bombers!

With the new anticancer drug lessons, this time no one dared to do it easily. I was afraid of following the footsteps of the several members and Justin and others, but the investigation in the dark was soon launched!

Although the official website of the Aegis Group also has detailed data on this supersonic private jet, there are still many people trying to dig more and more secret information through various channels and means, but in the face of the Aegis group of Railcom, Whether it’s an official agent or a commercial spy, it’s all gone.

When several agents and commercial spies who sneaked into the Aegis group were arrested by the security guards of the Aegis group and pointed to the police station, the forces of the parties had to converge.

They also tried to invade the internal system of the Aegis Group from the However, in front of Jarvis, the top hackers who had been strong were only able to escape and end up after several consecutive computers were scrapped. They also had no choice but to give up the act of continuing to "send to death."

But although they almost did nothing, they still got some useful information.

Judging from the security guards of the Aegis Group, the Aegis Group must have a large amount of cutting-edge technology. In addition to the cars, supersonic aircraft, holographic smartphones and new anticancer drugs that people already know, there must be other High-end cutting-edge technology, and from the recent movements of Aegis Aerospace, it is likely to include aerospace-related technology!

In addition, the Aegis Group also has a strong network security team, able to easily resist the invasion of the world's top hackers, and counterattack, it is almost impossible to invade the Aegis group directly through the network!

However, the forces of the parties have not made any further action, because whether it is the security guards of the Aegis Group or the top "cyber security team", it is almost the standard of the major consortia and top groups. They all have a lot of cutting-edge technology, and the defense power is even stronger than the Aegis Group!


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