My Iron Suit

Chapter 904: Welcome to the SHIELD!

In this vast and empty space, several magnificent figures stand tall, adding a touch of brilliant color to this slightly monotonous gray space!

Simmons stunned and widened his eyes, looking up through the windshield in front of him and looking up at the steel giant nine meters high in front.

The red and blue domineering armor, the mighty and powerful figure, brought great shock to Simmons.

And around this tallest figure, there are a few smaller, but equally powerful and powerful steel giants standing there, and their eyes are now locked in him!

Is this the car man in Chen Mokou?

Even if he had seen the roadblock and Megatron who were both Transformers, he did not see the body as a "ice stick". At this time, looking at the group of living alien mechanical bodies in front of him, Simmons’ heart was not controlled. The acceleration jumped up!

When Simmons looked at Optimus Prime and they screamed at God, the iron sheet had already come out of the "elevator room" and came to Optimus Prime.

The door that was automatically opened finally awakened Simmons. He glanced at the open door, and he came back. He quickly picked up his carton from the side and jumped out of the car.

Just after he got out of the car, the iron sheet quickly began to change. In his horrified gaze, from a large pickup truck, it quickly deformed into a height of six or seven meters, thick and strong, and the body was covered with various huge Silver grey robot with weapons!

Prior to this, Simmons only saw the deformation of small transformers activated by the energy of the fire source in the laboratory, and most of them were only the rapid and simple deformation process of the palm-sized Transformers, which brought the shock to Simmons. I can't compare with the complicated and powerful deformation process of the iron sheet at this time!

Even though I have already known that these alien mechanical bodies can be deformed, it was only then that Simmons really felt the true meaning of the name Transformers!

Standing at the foot of the iron, Simmons looked up at the car people surrounded by the same building in the same building with his carton, and his face was excited and shocked!

Just as the tin skin couldn't stand Simmons, it was like seeing the aliens' hot eyes. When considering whether to step on him into a meatloaf, Chen Mo's voice suddenly sounded.

"Simons, welcome to the SHIELD!"

Simmons suddenly rang, and this time the car man sent him to pick him up, it was Chen Mo!

Simmons also refused to continue to appreciate these "beautiful" alien mechanical life, and quickly turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound, but saw a group of large sofas placed on the side of the wall. There, Chen Mo, who had disappeared since he left the seventh district last time, was sitting on the sofa and raised the cup in his hand.

A familiar coffee scent also drifted into Simmons' nose, which made him feel calm and unable to calm down.

Finally saw the Lord, and still an acquaintance who fought side by side, Simmons still had some nervous emotions relaxed.

Stepping to the front of the sofa, Simmons did not and Chen Mo polite, directly throwing the cardboard box in the hand on the ground, sat down in front of Chen Mo.

"I am no longer an agent."

Simmons shrugged his shoulders toward Chen Mo, seemingly indifferent.

"I know that the seventh district has been disbanded, which is why I am looking for you."

Chen Mo nodded and looked at Simmons' eyes and asked slowly.

“Is there any interest in working for me?”

"Work for you?"

Simmons couldn't help but look around and looked around at the environment, and the five steel giants who were very eye-catching next to him suddenly remembered what Chen Mo had just said.

"You just said, SHIELD?"


Chen Mo gestured to the coffee pot on the coffee table and said to Simmons.

"The freshly brewed coffee has been caught up by you, let's drink and say!"

Simmons is also welcome, but he has always been obsessed with the coffee he had been drinking in Chen Moer.

So the two just sat on the sofa and talked while drinking coffee.

This secret base on the ground floor of the abandoned factory was built by Chen Mo in the past few days.

Chen Mo, who has the power of mind control and can be used with multiple ambitions and precise control, uses the remaining building materials and facilities in the space to build such a small underground base that is not too big, and does not take too long.

Compared to the secret base under the real world castle, and the huge secret base of the Hydra that occupies the entire interior of the mountain, this underground base can only be regarded as a small base, but it accommodates the car people as their secret nest. It is enough.

The most important thing is that it is hidden enough!

No one would have thought that the autobot’s nest would be under the abandoned factory that once discovered the Decepticon’s “roadblock” body!

The story of "Transformers" has ended, and the Decepticons and Megatron are all killed by him, and the source of the fire has already been taken.

But Chen Mo did not leave it!

The world of Transformers is not only a source of fire. The story of this world has just begun, and there will be more "treasures" and strong ones in the future. Chen Mo will definitely return to the world again in the future!

Therefore, Chen Mo intends to make some preparations in advance, leaving a dark chess!

Although the autos led by Optimus Prime are strong enough, they are not suitable for public appearance after all. However, they are not convenient for many actions, so they must have humans to cooperate with and, auto people The number is limited, in addition to fighting, the real main force has to be human!

The first person Chen Mo decided was Simmons!

Although this guy sometimes looks a bit arrogant, the task is very strict, giving people a feeling of inhumanity, but in fact the heart is not bad, and doing things resolutely, the key moment is very reliable!

At the same time, he is an idealist who has firm ideals and beliefs and is able to persevere and be passionate.

According to the original plot, even after the dissolution of the seventh district, he still did not give up the research and search for the alien mechanical life. Later, in order to deal with the fallen King Kong who destroyed the earth, he even sacrificed himself without hesitation!

Moreover, his own ability is also very good.

Simmons seems a bit funny, but the task is unambiguous!

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