My Iron Suit

Chapter 892: Give me the source of fire!

In the face of Megatron's extremely fast steel claws, Chen Mo still relied on his own super-flexibility, and he quickly escaped the attack of the claws, but also lost the opportunity to attack Megatron!

When he rushed back from the direction of Megatron, the Hornet had already rushed to Megatron!

The bumblebee originally wanted to be like the one who faced the bones and the noisy, and with the cooperation of Chen Mo, the opportunity of Megatron was entangled by Chen Mo, but he did not expect that Megatron would simply Unaffected, even when Chen Mo attacked him, Megatron’s attention never left him!

After the attack on Chen Mo fell through, Megatron did not take over Chen Mo, who was flying behind him. His eyes fixed on the source of the fire placed on the front of the bumblebee, and the claws caught the past. I want to hold the bumblebee directly in my hand!

The car-shaped bumblebee is like a slightly larger toy in front of the huge Megatron. His sharper and sharper steel claws can easily hold the bumblebee in his hand!

Facing the claws that Megatron grabbed, the Hornet quickly rushed in the direction, trying to circumvent it, the tires and the ground violently rubbed, making a harsh sound, and Megatron’s palms followed his The direction of change is quickly adjusted, and it is turned from a straight down to a side obliquely!

The car's flexible advantage on the ground was played to the extreme by the bumblebee, and it was barely flashed when Megatron's claws fell, not being caught by him!

However, Megatron’s speed, Chen Mo, had already been deeply understood. Although he could not fully grasp the bumblebee, his two claws were swept from the side of the bumblebee’s body, leaving two on the outer shell. Deeply sunken claw marks, almost tearing the body of one side.

The arm that slanted out was hitting the body of the bumblebee. The huge force on the bumblebee directly hit him off the ground and flew out!

The body continually rolled in the air and flew past the wilderness!

In the air, the bumblebee quickly began to deform, and it returned to the shape of the robot before landing. Finally, it fell to the ground with a flexible hand.

Just as Chen Mo turned over and accelerated again toward Megatron, Megatron quickly turned his direction and stepped forward toward the bumblebee that fell in the wilderness!

Perhaps it is eager to catch the bumblebee carrying the source of the fire. This time, Megatron did not pay attention to the attack launched by Chen Mo from behind, and continued to attack the hornet, letting Chen Mo’s feet lie in the air. On his back!

However, the result of this flying cockroach was that Chen Mo was directly flew, and Megatron's body was only slightly shaken, and did not even affect the attack on the bumblebee!

In addition to the huge size of Megatron itself, Megatron's powerful power and powerful defense are also the reasons why he can easily catch Chen Mo's attack!

Megatron's armor strength is no less than a noisy heavy tank armor, and even more powerful!

Just as Megatron chased the hornet's fierce attack, and Chen Mo's attack did not work at all, the next four off-road vehicles also caught up!

"Open fire! Open fire!"

The off-road vehicle has not stopped yet, and the heavy machine gun on the roof has already started to attack. Captain William Reynolds and others quickly rushed out of the car and picked up the grenade launcher in his hand to start attacking Megatron!

The grenade launchers in their hands used 40mm armor-piercing projectiles, which had a strong attack on armored targets, but they were only used on Megatron’s body, but they only caused minor damage to the armored outer layer and could not penetrate the armor. Did not cause too much damage to Megatron!

Their arrival still failed to stop Megatron's attack on the Hornet. At this time, in the eyes of Megatron, the Hornet was the only target. Others were just annoying bugs!

When he solved the bumblebee and got the source of the fire, it is not too late to solve them!

As the leader of the Decepticons, Megatron is not as easily distracted as a boneless demon and noisy without a brain, forgetting his true goal!

The attacking power of the special team is limited. Chen Mo can't stop Megatron's attack on the bumblebee by physical attack without using hot weapons.

The Hornet is obviously not the opponent of Megatron. It is completely suppressed by Megatron. It has almost no power to fight back. It can only rely on its small size and flexible mobility to avoid it, but it is already in jeopardy.

If you continue to do so, the bumblebee may be caught by Megatron at any time and directly torn in half!

Seeing that the interception tactics against other Decepticons did not work, Chen Mo immediately changed his strategy and gave up and continued to attack Megatron, and instead flew in front of the Hornet.

"Give me a source of fire!"

Just a lazy, stunned, escaping the hornet attacked by Megatron. When he heard Chen Mo’s command, he immediately raised his hand and took out the source of the fire from the chest armor and threw it toward the flying Chen Mo.

Megatron saw the source of the fire that he had dreamed of, and the red light flashed brightly in his eyes. He immediately dropped the desperately rushed to the source of the fire flying in the air. past.

However, his speed is still a little slower. Just as he just stepped forward to the source of the fire, when he reached out, Chen Mo’s figure had been quickly skipped from the front of the bumblebee, and he caught the source of the fire in the air. In the hands!

Get the source of the fire, Chen Mo will immediately drive the power of the steel warrior propeller, the arc in the air, flying towards the distance!

Megatron was furious and stopped paying attention to the special soldiers who were still attacking him and the bumblebee that flew toward him. Instead, they were directly transformed into space fighters, and they vacated and followed the speed. Chen Mo chased it up!

Captain William Reynolds saw him and quickly greeted his soldiers on the bus, ready to catch up to help, after all, the source of the fire is now in the hands of Chen Mo, in case of being captured by Megatron, all their previous efforts are in vain!

However, the bumblebee, who wanted to stop Megatron, but rushed to the air, came over and stopped in front of them. The FM sound of the radio rang.

"...go to the"

Although the sound was intermittent and somewhat fragmented, Captain William Reynolds understood the meaning of the Hornet. They asked them to continue to the target city according to the original plan, find the air force that the radio contacted to support the city, and guided them to help!


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