My Iron Suit

Chapter 882: Falling helicopter!

After a series of attacks on Buffalo mine-explosion-proof armored vehicles and M1 tanks, Captain William Reynolds never believed that the arrival of this helicopter was just a coincidence!

After knowing that the hidden form of the Decepticons robots is a war machine, he has a 90% confidence that the MH53 heavy-duty helicopter flying at the speed is the Decepticon robot that attacks the Sanxen base!

At the same time, a few kilometers behind them, Chen Mo, who is constantly attacking around the noisy body, also received a reminder from Jarvis.

"Master, dizzy is coming!"

Chen Mowen did not immediately stop the "work" in his hands, still waving his fists, violently attacking the noise, and finally had such a solid steel meat shield that allowed him to attack as much as he could. Before he can get rid of it, he doesn't want to stop at all!

However, in the gap between the attacks, Chen Mo still gave a part of attention. Under the reminder of Jarvis, he quickly discovered the huge MH53 heavy military helicopter flying in the distance!

At the same time, Jarvis also showed the position of the bumblebee and the team in the holographic projection screen inside the helmet. The red icon representing the helicopter is approaching the position of the team!

Regarding the degree of threat to the team, this military helicopter with an air superiority and a powerful firepower is obviously much larger than the slow-moving noise!

Seeing that the distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, although he is not willing to be a good target in front of him, Chen Mo can't see the hornets being killed by the helicopter!

No more delays, Chen Mo immediately throws noisy, the propellers under his feet are launched, and the helicopters that are coming in the far air are flying in the face!

The speed of the steel shirt is very fast. Chen Mo has already come to the front of the team without waiting for the helicopter to approach the team. In order to prevent it from directly attacking the team directly, Chen Mo chose to start with the first hand and open the shoulder armor directly after approaching. Launched a miniature automatic tracking missile that rushed toward the helicopter!

Captain William Reynolds on the ground also found Chen Mo's arrival, and he couldn't help but feel relieved. It was both Chen Mu's safe and innocent, and Chen Mo arrived in time to help them stop the helicopter!

"Go ahead at full speed! We must leave here as soon as possible!"

Captain William Reynolds knows that staying here will only add pressure to Chen Mo. What they have to do now is to leave as soon as possible and reduce the burden of Chen Mo!

The speed of the four military off-road vehicles immediately rose again, escorting the bumblebee all the way forward!

However, as the target city is still ahead, they have to continue to move in the direction of the helicopter!

In the air, the miniature automatic tracking missile launched by Chen Mo is rushing toward the helicopter!

Don't look at the micro-automatic tracking missiles, the size of the missile is small, but the power is not weak, once hit the key, enough to shoot down this helicopter!

However, this heavy military helicopter, although large in size, is very flexible. After discovering Chen Mo and the miniature missiles he shot, he quickly evaded with the flexibility that is extremely inconsistent with his size!

However, this micro-automatic tracking missile is not a common item. The flexibility is also far above the conventional missile. Under the control of Jarvis, the micro-missile quickly adjusts its direction following the helicopter's dodge. The ground locks it and eventually slams into its tail.


The violent explosion erupted at the tail of the helicopter. Although the scope of the explosion was not large, it was enough as a precision attack weapon!

The propeller at the rear of the helicopter was blown directly, losing the lateral thrust of the tail propeller, and the helicopter quickly lost its balance and began to spin uncontrollably in the air!

Soon, the helicopter was completely out of control and began to spin down to the ground!

Chen Mo did not continue to attack it, but just flew aside and quietly watched it fall down.

Just now, the micro-automatic tracking missile hit the tail of the helicopter. It was not an accident, but Chen Mo’s intention. He didn’t want to solve it in the air, it was too wasteful!

Under the watch of Chen Mo, the heavy military helicopter swung to the ground and quickly fell, and finally crashed into the wilderness. The large rotating body directly flew the ground soil!

After the fuselage tilted, the sharply rotating propeller on the top of the helicopter cut a deep gully on the ground. Many shrubs were directly smashed by the propeller, mixed with the dirt scooped by the propeller, and flew around the air!

However, although Chen Mo was shot down from high altitude, the helicopter's falling speed was greatly buffered due to the thrust of the main propeller. It was not a direct fall of the free-falling type. Therefore, although the ground was messed up, the main structure of the helicopter was Did not suffer much damage.

The propeller blades, including the numerous gullies that plowed out on the ground, did not break!

This seemingly dangerous fall did not cause any harm to this helicopter!

As the momentum of the helicopter's rotation was gradually offset by the soil, the huge heavy military helicopter finally stopped and the propeller stopped rotating. It was so slanting and lying quietly in the wilderness. It seems that there is no more. Threat!

But Chen Mo is very clear, it is just disguised!

Perhaps it was the sweetness that I had tasted before attacking the Sanxen base. This guy actually planned to act I wanted to attack when the enemy lowered the defense!

I have to admit that compared to the one that was previously controlled by Chen Mo, who was completely controlled by hatred, only knowing the attack and killing of the land-based Decepticons, the "dizziness" in front of me is a rare brain in the Decepticons. I know that there is a trick to use the trick.

Of course, compared to the insidious red spider, it is completely incomparable!

Even Starscream couldn't escape Chen Mo's palm, and he was split into a pile of parts. He was even more impossible to achieve with a stun!

Chen Mo, who wore a steel warrior, hovered in midair, watching the dizziness of the helicopter shape in the wilderness below. He smiled coldly and directly opened the armor of the shoulder, and once again launched a miniature automatic tracking missile!

Seeing that the missile flew halfway between the blink of an eye, the helicopter that was squatting on the ground finally reacted!

First, the six propellers on the top of the helicopter quickly came back together, and then the entire huge fuselage suddenly broke open and began to deform!

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