My Iron Suit

Chapter 861: Source of fire!

"God! What is this?"

John Keller looked up at the huge behemoth that stood more than ten meters high in front of him, and could not help but exclaim.

The other people who walked in with him all looked up in shock and eyes.

Even if the surface of the body is covered with a layer of white ice, it still cannot cover its savage appearance.

Above the hands, like the ten claws, the sharp and sharp claws, and the sharp protrusions around the whole body, like the devil from hell, sly and evil!

Although it seems to be in a frozen state, the huge body stands quietly there, as if there is no life, but everyone can still feel the heartbreaking cruelty and evil in it, Sam and Maggie Desen and others felt a lot of pressure. They only felt that they were panicking and hated to escape from here!

Especially Sam and Michela, they have witnessed the battle between Chen Mo and the roadblock. Although the roadblock was suppressed by Chen Mo, the destructive power he showed was not affordable to ordinary people.

Moreover, the height of the steel giant in front of it is twice as large as that of a roadblock. The gap between the two is like children and adults. Even if they are two people who admire Chen Mo, they don’t think Chen Mo can treat this roadblock like he did before. The more powerful steel giant defeated.

Just as everyone was in shock, Simmons, who took the lead in front, spoke of the origins of this huge steel giant.

"We believe that when he flew over the North Pole, the gravity of the Earth disturbed his navigation system, and he fell into the ice, which was about a thousand years ago."

The people returned, and followed Simmons toward the steel giant, listening carefully to Simmons' introduction.

"We shipped him here in 1934, we call him NBE-1!"

"In fact, what you see is the source of modernization, microchips, lasers, aerospace, cars... all learned by reverse engineering him!"

After John Keller figured out the origins of this alien mechanical life, his brows were wrinkled more tightly, and he walked over to Tom Benachek, and John Keller raised his finger to the huge cockroach. The steel giant asked, with a stern look.

"You don't think that the US military needs to know that you are freezing an alien robot in the basement?"

Tom Benachek explained with some helplessness.

"Before what happened recently, we didn't think he would pose a threat to national security."

John Keller sighed and turned to go aside and said.

"Well, now the problem is big!"

Just as the atmosphere became a bit stiff, Captain William Reynolds, who had been looking up at the steel giant, suddenly asked.

"But why did he come to Earth?"

No one can answer his question, they are equally puzzled, and an angry John Keller can't help but fall into meditation.

Just then, a steady and powerful voice suddenly sounded.

"Because of the source of the fire."

The people who fell into meditation couldn’t help but turn their heads to look at Chen Mo, who was talking directly. John Keller asked directly.

"The source of the fire? What is that?"

After John Keller’s question, his eyes fixed on Chen Mo, and Tom Benachek and Simmons did the same.

They have long guessed that Chen Mo must know a lot of information that they don't understand. Now it seems that the fact is as they think!

Chen Mo did not continue to introduce the source of the fire, but turned his attention to the frozen steel giant.

"In fact, his name is Megatron! He is the leader of the Decepticons!"


When I heard a new noun again, John Keller couldn't help but interject.

Chen Mo glanced at him and nodded slightly, explaining.

"Decepticon, the mechanical life from the planet Cybertron, under the leadership of Megatron, they aim to conquer everything!"

"The previous stuns that attacked the Sanxen base, the intrusion of the Air Force One, and the roadblocks that I killed were all members of the Decepticons, and in addition to them, there are many Decepticons that are lurking on Earth! ”

For Chen Mo to know so clearly about what happened during this time, John Keller and others are not too surprised. So far, Chen Mo’s feelings for them have always been inscrutable.

Listening to Chen Mo said that there are still many Decepticons hiding on the earth, Simmons could not help but ask.

“Why have we never found them?”

According to his understanding, whether it is the frozen NBE-1 in front of him, the attack on the Sanxen base, and the alien mechanical life body that Chen Mo has killed, the size is very large and distinctive, obviously not easy to hide.

Simmons did not understand how they hid on Earth without being discovered.

"They have the ability to deform and can be disguised as machinery on Earth."

Chen Mo said the biggest secret of Transformers.

"The stun of the attack on the Sanxen base is disguised as a military helicopter entering the base. As for the roadblock, I think you should have found many armor fragments similar to the police car shell."

When I heard this, Simmons reacted violently and looked at Chen Mo with wide eyes.

"You mean, is it the police car?!"

Because Chen Mo completely removed the armor of the roadblocks, before they thought that the pieces were dropped by the police car, it seems that the facts are much more bizarre!

The police car they thought was missing is actually the wreck!


Chen Mo nodded and confirmed Simmons's speculation, and then continued.

"They are looking for a cube called a fire source, which contains some kind of strange energy that can give mechanical life!"

When I heard Chen Mo finally said the source of the fire, everyone erected their ears and listened carefully.

"Wei Zhentian wants to use the source of fire to transform all the scientific and technological items on the earth into a Decepticons, and to build a powerful and infinitely deformed robotic corps, and then rule the entire universe!"

"This is their plan!"

As Chen Mo finished, everyone's look became extremely dignified.

Although Chen Mo did not say but they can imagine that if these Decepticons' plans are successful, the human end will definitely be miserable, or they will be completely extinct, or they will become slaves of these aliens. !

"you sure?"

Simmons looked at Chen Mo’s face in a complicated look.


Chen Mo looked at Simmons and nodded. In his gaze, Chen Mo saw something else.

"You know where it is, right?"

Chen Mo pretends to look like it has just been seen, Shen Sheng asked.

Tom Benachek did not expect that, just because of Simmons's words, Chen Mo directly guessed the facts.

I looked at Chen Mo deeply, and Tom Benachek said this.

"follow me!"

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