My Iron Suit

Chapter 859: Hoover Dam!

Simmons couldn’t help but stagnate, but it’s obviously not possible to convince Chen Mo to change his mind. He also had to accept it.

Bring it with you, isn't it a car? As long as Chen Moken walks with him, this is not a problem!

Just as Simmons took out his cell phone from his arms and intended to prepare a transport helicopter, his gaze suddenly settled on the car where Chen Mo was sitting.

This shabby yellow Chevrolet was the one they found for one night, and from Sam's mouth, Simmons already knew that this car was replaced by Chen Mo with a $100,000 Porsche sports car!

The keen thinking of being an agent made Simmons feel what he had caught in an instant, but for a moment there was no way to fully understand it.

But the most important thing at the moment is to bring Chen Mo back!

Simmons walked out and called to prepare the helicopter immediately, until everyone got on the bus. Two black SUVs and Chevrolet driving Chen Mo went out to the suburbs. Simmons still wrinkled in the car. Contemplation with a brow.

No one noticed that the pointer on the alien mechanical biological radiation detector placed behind the car was swinging slightly.

If they and Chen Mo's distance go a little further, the detector will sound an alarm, but Chen Mo, who already has the detection instrument in the seventh district, has been deliberately keeping a distance from them. No one found any abnormality on the way.

Because Chen Mo insisted on bringing his car, and the helicopter they were riding could not be transported at all, this time, they did not return to the stronghold where the helicopter was parked, but went directly to a small military. At the airport, a Black Hawk helicopter has been waiting there.

The airport staff quickly completed the hoisting of the car. A few minutes later, the Black Hawk helicopter slowly lifted off and flew away from the distance with the worn Chevrolet hanging below.

An hour later, the helicopter landed on the apron outside a huge dam.

Chen Mo knows that this is the Hoover Dam and the secret headquarters of the Seventh District!

From the helicopter, Chen Mo found that several helicopters had been parked on the tarmac, and it seemed a bit late.

Chen Mo could not help but turn his head and look in the direction of the dam. Soon, his sharp vision of the high-powered telescope found several familiar figures on a bridge.

In addition to Sam and Michela, there are many people, Chen Mo and the characters in the mind one-to-one correspondence, they found that people have arrived!

Simmons also jumped from the helicopter while Chen Mo observed the situation.

Looking at the worn Chevrolet, which was surrounded by several staff members and was touching the spreader, Simmons' brow could not help but wrinkle again.

His instinct told him that Chen Mofei had to bring this car with him for sure, and he also had a certain feeling, but until now, he did not know what it is!

Perhaps because of the unreliable heart, Simmons turned to look at Chen Mo, and said with a strong face.

"This car must stay here!"

It’s a big deal, and Simmons won’t put this obviously problematic car in the base!

Simmons was also worried that Chen Mo, who had always been tough, would argue with him, but beyond his surprise, Chen Mowen just nodded faintly and agreed, and it seemed that the former had toughly demanded the car. The person who brought it is not his average.

Simmons frowned and looked at Chen Mo with a deep look, but he did not see anything, so he had to put it down for a while.

Turning his hand toward Chen Mo, Simmons first walked toward the dam.

"Come with me!"

Soon, Chen Mo and his party met with a group of Sam.

They didn't seem to have been there for a long time. Sam and Michela were looking down at the dam curiously. The Hoover Dam is a very famous landmark in the United States. Before the high school, Sam and Michela had previously It has not been here.

Just as the two looked at the enthusiasm, even when they were preparing to take out their mobile phones, the arrival of Chen Mo and his party caught their attention.

The eyes of the two first fell on Simmons in front of them, and then the faces of both of them showed anger and hatred.

For this culprits who caught them up and sent people to "snapp" for the whole night and almost drove them crazy, Sam obviously hated it.

But the next moment, when Chen Mo came forward from behind Simmons, the look on the faces of the two changed instantly.

Sam’s eyes on Chen Mo’s eyes are somewhat complicated, fearful, grateful, admired, and have a hint of fanaticism. Chen Mo’s previous violent steel giants in abandoned factories have never been forgotten.

Although they were arrested for the reason, but it has nothing to do with Chen Mo, they are with the past, and even Chen Mo also saved their lives from the hands of alien robots, anyway, he I am only grateful to Chen Mo.

As for Mikaila, it is much simpler. Looking at Chen Mo’s eyes is blurred and hot. If it is not the wrong place, no one knows if she will directly rush toward Chen Mo!

In addition to Sam, there is a blond girl with a ponytail and a black fat man wearing a fat sports No need to introduce, Chen Mo knows that these two are talented women. Analyst Maggie Madsen and her friends cracked the world's top hacker Glenn Whitman, who was confused by the intrusion signal.

In addition to them, Chen Mo's gaze skipped a row, and the six soldiers who were in a hurry, finally fell on two men in black suits.

The six soldiers were Captain William Reynolds and his team who survived the attacks of dizziness and the Sark Giants. They were absolutely elite in the ordinary people who had not received reinforcement!

The two middle-aged people in suits are the highest in the world and the two most disciplinary.

Among them, the older, white-haired, but burly middle-aged man is the Secretary of Defense of the United States, John Keller!

The tall, thin man standing next to him with two beards is the head of the seventh district, Tom Benachek!

While Chen Mo looked at the two people, the two also greeted Chen Mo.

Although there was no photo of Chen Mo before, but at the same time with Simmons, except for the person they were looking for, there was no one else!

Although Tom Benachek is the head of the seventh district, his level is lower than that of John Keller, who is the Secretary of Defense, so he is half step behind.

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