My Iron Suit

Chapter 854: Real enemy!

After a brief introduction to the origins of the seventh district, Tom Benacek directly entered the theme.

"You may remember that the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory lost the Hound No. 2 robot on Mars."

"We told them to fail the entire task, but it wasn't. The Hound II transmitted a thirteen-second image."

"This is more confidential than the top secret."

As he said, Tom Benachek turned the laptop in front of him to John Keller and pressed the play button.

John Keller’s attention was even on the screen.

The entire video was only thirteen seconds, and the front was always normal, just to detect some of the images of the surface of Mars captured by the robot, but in the last few seconds, the ground suddenly appeared a shadow similar to the human form.

Then, the detection robot seemed to be attacked, and the picture began to shake, and at the end of the video, a tall steel figure flashed past.

Then the picture fell into the dark.

After watching this short 13-second video, John Keller's look has become more dignified.

Tom Benachek looked at him slowly.

"There is not only stone on Mars."

Later, Tom Benachek handed out a few photos and handed it to John Keller.

"This is an image uploaded by Mars. This is an image taken by your special forces when the base was attacked. We believe this is the same exoskeleton structure."

“Obviously, this is not something that other countries can have.”

Both photos are a bit fuzzy, but they can also see the overall outline. John Keller looks at the exoskeleton structure of the two photos that clearly transcends the current era of robotics. He agrees with Tom Benachek’s statement. of.

"You mean alien invasion?"

John Keller said that he looked at Tom Benachek, but he couldn’t help but think of the female analyst who was arrested. She had previously suggested to him that their enemy is likely to be an alien life. .

Tom Benachek nodded and took another photo from his suitcase and placed it again in front of John Keller.

"On the evening of this evening, we found a giant robotic wreck on the outskirts of Los Angeles. After comparative analysis, we believe that this wreckage and the first two photos are the same kind, a strange alien mechanical life!"

This photo is completely different from the first two, it was shot with a high-definition camera, and every detail is clear.

Although this wreckage is severely damaged, it is precisely because of this that many internal structures have been exposed.

As Secretary of Defense, John Keller is also well-informed. Obviously, these complex structures are by no means capable of being produced by current Earth technology.

If the previous two photos only make him doubt, then now, he can already determine the existence of alien creatures!

And it also corresponds to the powerful giant scorpion robot that they captured when they rescued Captain William Reynolds and his surviving squad.

It turns out that their enemy is not a hostile country at all, but an alien mechanical life!

Just as John Keller was shocked, he listened to Tom Benachek and said with a serious look.

"We intercepted the messages sent back by the special forces. Those things knew that they could also be harmed by our weapons, so they used the virus to paralyze the military command system so that we could not organize forces to guard against their next attack. !"

Tom Benachek pointed out that Captain William Reynolds found that high-temperature armor-piercing bullets could damage the armor of Transformers, and the Decepticons also discovered this, which made them feel threatened, so they used the confusion before planting. The virus that has entered the network has smashed all the networks, and the class of troops cannot be mobilized and commanded, and there is no way to stop their actions!

Looking at John Keller with a solemn look, Tom Benachek screamed his judgment.

"I dare to bet with my government salary, the next wave of attacks will definitely come soon!"

John Keller first digested the vast amount of information he had just received. Although many of them were unbelievable, he only analyzed it in his mind, even though he agreed with Tom Benachek.

This group of aliens attacked and invaded the Sanxen base and the Air Force No. 1, apparently the people were not good. Now they have smashed the command system of the army. The next step is bound to have new actions.

The current situation is very unfavorable for them, and the whole country is almost completely unprepared to show up in front of the enemy!

They must be prepared as soon as possible to deal with the upcoming alien invasion!

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, John Keller immediately stepped out of the conference room, and several officers who came up to the door eagerly confessed.

"Use the National Guard's channel to inform the fleet commander that it is a short wave, and it may have a role, asking them to jump to the bow and quickly come back!"

"Notify the various commands to resist the upcoming attack!"


Nellis Air Force Base

Captain William Reynolds and his team had just come off the plane, and several black SUVs with flashing lights suddenly drove straight into the airport and stopped by the military transport.

A lean man in a black suit quickly got out of the car and looked at William Reynolds and others who were about to leave, and quickly stopped them.

"Captain Reynolds!"

The suit man shouted and ran quickly.

"Please bring your troops to come with us!"


Pentagon, an interrogation room.

Maggie Madsen and Glenn Whitman were lying on a chair, and one fell asleep on the table.

Even if the heart was no longer embarrassed, they still couldn’t hold it in the middle of the night and slept.

However, when the two of them slept, the door of the interrogation room was suddenly pushed two people who were not sleeping deeply quickly woke up, but saw an FBI push the door and walked in. .

"She is here!"

Maggie Madsen asked for an unclear look.

"what happened?"

However, the FBI agent did not take care of him and walked straight to the side. Immediately, accompanied by two agents wearing black suits, John Keller strode in.

"You come with me!"

Maggie Madsen heard the words and turned to see it, this is the Secretary of Defense John Keller!

"From now on, you are my consultant!"

After John Keller finished, Maggie Madsen had not responded, and Glenn Whitman, who was on the side, spoke first.

"I want to go too?"

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