My Iron Suit

Chapter 847: Go to the door!

Seeing that he had reached his destination, Simmons temporarily put away his thoughts and opened the door to get off the bus.

At the headquarters, the investigation of suspicious vehicles and the analysis of alien biological wreckage have to take some time, or let the task at hand be completed.

However, when Simmons strode through the outer shrub fence and walked into the yard, his eyes could not help but condense.

I saw a brand new red Porsche Roadster parked quietly in front of a flat lawn, which was exactly the same as one of the surveillance videos Simons had just seen!

Although it is still not possible to confirm that the car is the one that appears in the surveillance video, Simmons' intuition tells him that this is definitely not just a coincidence!

"Give me here! Don't let a person get rid of it!"

Simmons immediately greeted his men and dispersed all the windows and gates that could escape, and he himself took a few people directly to the front door and rang the doorbell.

Soon, a slightly blessed middle-aged man opened his door with doubt.

"Ronald Vecchi?"

After seeing the middle-aged man, Simmons asked directly with a slap in the face.

"It's Vitwich! Who are you?"

The middle-aged man asked after a correction.

"We are the government department, the seventh district!"

Simmons said that he showed a silver badge similar to the badge.

The middle-aged man frowned and looked at the badge, and could not help but blink his eyes.

"I have never heard of it."

"Not in the future!"

Simmons categorically said, then stared at the eyes of the middle-aged man and continued to ask.

"Your son is the great-grandson of Archibald Vititi, is that right?"

"It's Vitwich!"

The middle-aged, that is, Sam's father, Ronald Wittovic, once again corrected the disappointment, but also admitted the Simmons problem in disguise.

Confirming the identity of the target, Simmons did not intend to waste time, looking at Ronald, who was still stuck in the doorway, leaned over and put his head in front of him, and asked coldly.

"Can I enter the house, sir?"

Although it was an inquiry, Simmons obviously did not mean to ask for opinions. After that, he directly took several people into the team.

In the house, Sam’s mother looked through the window at a group of black suits that were alert in the yard, and shouted in a panic.

"Ronald, there are a lot of people outside!"

Ronald was also puzzled by this sudden change, and immediately refused to pursue the rudeness of Simmons, frowning and asking.

"What exactly is going on?"

Simmons did not answer his question, but asked the red sports car parked in front of the lawn outside the door.

"Who is the Porsche outside?"

Ronald couldn’t help but hear, and Sam had doubts when he told him that someone had used a Porsche to get his second-hand Chevrolet, but he swears at Sam’s swear and adds his classmate Myers to testify. Ronald just believed him, but now it seems that this car is definitely a problem!

But now it’s too late to say anything. In the face of Simmons’ question, Ronald has to tell the truth.

"My son, Sam, is there any problem?"

"Is he driving out tonight, when will he come back?"

Simmons' expression is still very serious.

"Hey, I went out in the evening, just after I came back, what happened?!"

Ronald’s heart was so embarrassing that he was afraid of what Sam had done illegally.

Simmons heard his answer and completely confirmed the previous guess. He couldn't help but get excited. For his question, Simmons finally answered this time.

"Your son is involved in a top secret incident, and we think it is related to the security of the country!"

"National Security?"

Ronald is a bit angry.

Just a sports car, how can it be related to national security?

While Simmons and Ronald spoke, a group of black suits were busy inside and outside the house, constantly looking around with an instrument.

At this time, Sam heard the movement downstairs and walked down. He saw that many black suits inside and outside the house could not help but have a bad feeling.

Simmons saw Sam’s eyes shine, but he did not talk to Ronald’s nonsense and greeted Sam directly.

"Kid, are you called Sam?"


Although Sam was a little uneasy, he still replied calmly.

"Where did you go tonight?"

At the same time as the question, Simmons’ eyes fixed on Sam.

"Forehead, I drove out for a ride."

Sam tried to make himself behave naturally, but how could he escape the sinister eyes of Simmons.

"A person goes for a ride?"

Simmons followed the pressure and asked.

Sam heard the words and he couldn't help but he was naturally reluctant to involve Mikaela. He immediately nodded quickly and said without hesitation.

"Yes, only myself!"

Simmons looked at Sam's somewhat dodgy eyes, and it was easy to see that he was lying, but he did not rush to dismantle him, but continued to ask.

"So, have you seen anything weird?"

"Strange things? Of course not, everything is normal!"

Sam pretend to say it easily.

It’s just that Simmons said to him, but he didn’t believe it!

But he doesn't expect to get the answer he wants on the spot. He is just testing Sam. Obviously, Sam is indeed hiding something!

Simmons’s cell phone suddenly rang when Sam’s eyes were reluctant under the eyes of Simmons.

Simmons glanced at Sam, and then he took out his cell phone and looked at it. Soon, a smile appeared on Simmons' face, turned the phone, and handed the screen to Sam, Simons sneered.

"It seems that our little guy didn't tell the truth!"

Sam looked at the mobile I saw that the surveillance camera at an intersection was taking pictures of the Porsche sports car, and in the first officer, Mikaila’s face was clearly visible!

Sam saw some confusion, but still bite his teeth and explained.

"We met on the road."

Simmons sneered and watched Sam not speak. It is not certain that he did have contact with alien creatures. However, they have a simpler way to confirm.

The seventh district has studied Megatron for several decades and naturally has corresponding detection methods.

Simmons reached out and handed a hand-held detection instrument to his hand.

This is a detector that specifically detects the radiation from the Transformers. This instrument can be detected as long as it has been in contact with Transformers.

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