My Iron Suit

Chapter 844: Extinguished!

Looking at the familiar face appeared again in front of me, even if the two had prepared in the heart, they could not help but feel shocked.

Just splitting the fierce steel giant into a part, it turned out to be a human being wearing high-tech armor!

When did humans become so powerful?

What kind of high-tech is the black armor that suddenly disappeared?

Is it a powerful force hidden behind the scenes!

The two men could not help but fill their brains.

"You, who is it?"

Looking straight into Chen Mo's eyes, Mikaela asked with a complex opening.

Sam is also full of curiosity, looking at Chen Mo excitedly, looking forward to his answer.

Chen Mo did not like this to the Hornet, but he showed his identity as a special agent of the "Shenzhen Bureau". His eyes swept over the faces of the excited two people. The sharp eyes made the two people in an extremely excited state unable to understand. They then reacted, and they seemed to have blended into something that was not possible.

Chen Mo's momentum is so powerful, although he just wants to scare the two slightly, and did not really release the killing, but also let the two feel a strong sense of crisis!

The two quickly associated with the plots that often appear in movies!

Alien! Secret organization! confidential! Extinguished! ! !

From the two people who saw the powerful alien robot and the shock of seeing Chen Mozheng, they quickly understood their current situation!

These unexpected people who discovered high-level secrets are likely to be smashed by secret organizations!

If it is the FBI or the CIA, it is better to say something, but Chen Mo’s performance before it is obviously beyond the knowledge of the FBI and other special institutions. For their style of action, the two have no bottom!

They don't naively think that just because they have had a relationship with them, Chen Mo will let them go easily!

The shout on Sam’s head ran down on the spot!

He is very sorry at this time to regret why he is stubborn!

Just now, when Chen Mo and the Iron Giants fought, they rushed to escape!

But now it’s too late to say anything!

Michela’s heart was also flustered. Before that, she was always in a state of madness. Even after seeing the battle between Chen Mo and the Iron Giant, and guessing Chen’s identity, she was still immersed in the right. The fascination of Chen Mo’s powerful power.

Until then, under the cold and sharp eyes of Chen Mobing, Michela finally woke up. This powerful and mysterious man sent her back home last night, but that’s it. There is no relationship between the two. What deep feelings, even very likely, this man at the moment does not remember her at all, after all, she just took a ride last night, and the two did not even leave the phone!

At the moment, he bumped into his secret!

He showed his face without scruples, would you really want to kill them!

Under the pressure of Chen Mo, the two even forgot that Chen Mo had just got out of the battle to get rid of the confusion and saved their affairs, otherwise they would not be so scared.

But this is exactly what Chen Mo wants!

Just when Sam’s face was regretted and panicked, and Mikaela couldn’t help but panic, Chen Mo finally spoke.

"Too much is not good for you!"

Chen Mo’s words made the two men lose their necks, but they could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At least from Chen Mo’s words, Chen Mo did not intend to kill people. The two men finally remembered the scene when Chen Mo had taken them from the fierce little robot. This at least shows that Chen Mo is not disregarding civilians. Dead and cold killer!

The two men who were scared by Chen Mo did not dare to ask more. Some of them panicked and stood there, not knowing what to do.

Chen Mo did not speak, they did not dare to leave.

Just as Sam’s sight was flustered, his gaze inadvertently saw the second-hand Chevrolet parked not far behind Chen Mo’s body.

This is the car that belonged to him!

This made him think of Chen Mo’s deal with him last night, and things didn’t seem so simple!

Thinking of this, Sam sneaked a sneak peek at Chen Mo, hesitated for a while, and finally he was still vomiting and asked the doubts in his heart.

"Oh, that, can I ask, why are you buying my car?"

Mikaela couldn’t help but quietly looked at Chen Mo again, but never dared to look at him with such a savage look as before.

After glanced at Sam with his neck and his face, Chen Mo did not evade, and looked directly at him and replied in a cold voice.

"This is a secret, I can only tell you, if you still drive it, then tonight, this guy is looking for you!"

When Chen Mo said that he was at the end, he turned his head and looked at the wreckage of the Decepticons roadblock that had been killed by him.

Sam looked at Chen Mo's gaze, just the last scarlet-eyed scarlet eyeball on the roadblock.

Even if Chen Mo has burst into flames and lost his life, the whole body has been broken by Chen Mo, but there is still a strong suffocation on the roadblock.

Plus, he and other Decepticons, at first glance, let people know that it is not a good person's Sam just looked at it and couldn't help but feel cold.

Involuntarily shrinking his neck, Sam quickly turned back and never dared to look at the second eye.

He doesn't have Chen Mo's steel armor, and he doesn't have the tough fighting skills and extraordinary courage of Chen Mo. If he is found by the steel giant, he will die very badly!

It seems that Chen Mo not only gave him a dream car, but also saved his life!

For Chen Mo, Sam did not have any doubts, although he did not know how his broken car had anything to do with this terrible steel giant, but as far as he was concerned, that was not something he could intervene.

As Chen Mo said, knowing too much is not good for him!

Even if the sports car is really a bad baby, it is not that he can keep it.

With the strength of Chen Mo, it is very easy to get the car from him. Chen Mo can change it with a sports car worth 100,000 US dollars. It is already benevolent.

At this moment, Sam was only grateful to Chen Mo, but he was not taken away from the dissatisfaction of the treasure.

I have to say that although Sam has some minor problems, the whole person's mentality is still very positive, which is why Chen Mo is willing to take care of him.

If you change the protagonist of the brain, Chen Mo has let him evaporate!

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