My Iron Suit

Chapter 840: track!

When Chen Mo drove the worn Chevrolet from the side of the road, Mikaela just saw the familiar figure of Chen Mo from the lowered window!

After a short glimpse, Mikaila immediately stood up and greeted the girlfriends, and then chased her pink mini motorcycle in the eyes of a few people!

When crossing the road, she was almost hit by a rampage police car!

But soon she found out that the police car seemed to be chasing Chen Mo!

Just looking at the distance between the two, it is more like tracking!

Why did this police car follow him? Why did he put the mighty luxury off-road vehicle last night, but changed such a dilapidated used car? What happened in the middle?

There are all kinds of questions and guesses in Mikaila’s mind, and the desire to catch up and find out is even stronger!

Her instinct told her that there must be a secret in this!

And as long as she keeps up, she will be able to find out!

However, even if Chen Mo did not open too fast to wait for the roadblock that followed quietly, it was not the small motorcycle that Mikai could catch up with.

Seeing that the yellow Chevrolet driving Chen Mo is getting farther and farther away from her, Michela could not help but feel discouraged.

Just as Michela hesitated to give up, a bright red Porsche 911 Roadster suddenly caught up behind her, and a pleasant voice immediately rang around Michela.

"Hey, Michela! Where are you going, let me send you!"

Michela turned her head and saw that the boys sitting in the driver's seat looked familiar.

It seems that I saw the doubts in Michele’s eyes, and the boys immediately said.

"I am Sam, we met at the lake yesterday!"

At the reminder of Sam, Michela thought about it and saw him at the lake last night.

Just thinking of Sam, Michela suddenly reacted. Yesterday he drove as if the old yellow Chevrolet was in front of him, and Cui En mocked him and he was very courageous. I have ridiculed Cui En. If it wasn’t for Mikaila, he would definitely be beaten by Cui En!

But now, why is his car in the hands of Chen Mo, and he has replaced himself with such a brand new Porsche sports car?

Looking at the wind-powered roadster that Sam was driving next to him, Mikaela’s heart was full of doubts.

But now obviously not considering this time, seeing the figure of the bumblebee in front of it getting farther and farther, Mikaila immediately stopped his own small motorcycle.

When Sam saw his face, he couldn't help but show a touch of excitement. He quickly stepped on the brakes and parked the car in front of Michele.

Sam didn't even think that it wasn't long before he drove out, just happened to meet Michela, and it looked very anxious.

Now he is not the same, Sam with a brand new Porsche 911 car has become full of enthusiasm, and actively invited to drive forward.

Michela stopped her pink motorcycle directly on the side of the road, and even if she stepped forward, she did not waste time opening the door, but jumped directly from above.

Looking at the goddess Mikaila, who is sitting down in the passenger seat, Sam feels that his heartbeat has become very fast, and his face is full of excited flushes!


He finally sat down with the goddess, and Mikaila got on his car!

Sam at this time really wants to cheer out loud!

Tightly holding the steering wheel in his hand, Sam attributed it all to his new car. If he was driving the broken Chevrolet yesterday, Mikaila would not come up!

Thinking of this, Sam’s heart is really grateful to Chen Mo!

At the time of Sam's sorrow, he was already sitting in the co-pilot. Michela, who was wearing a seat belt, found that the car had not moved, and immediately frowned and looked at Sam.

"Come on, catch up with the car in front!"

Sam finally recovered from the urging of Michela.

"Oh, alright!"

Sam repeatedly promised, and quickly stepped on the gas pedal, the bright red Porsche 911 sports car suddenly slammed forward, chasing in the direction of Michela's fingers!

While taking out his strongest technology and driving the sports car to chase it forward, Sam sneaked at Michela with the light and wanted to see a little adoration and excitement from her face, but obviously his car skills Didn't touch Mikaila, from her face, Sam only saw serious and anxious.

At the same time of some loss, Sam regained his attention and put all his energy on the car. He must not drop the chain in front of Michela!

"Which car we are going to chase!"

As he drove, Sam asked.

Although the road at this time was not crowded, but all the cars were in front, and Sam did not know which one Mikaila was going to chase.

Michela glanced at the yellow Chevrolet, which could only see the figure in the distance, and finally pointed her hand to the ford "Wild Horse" police car with red and blue flashes in front of the traffic.

"Follow the police car!"

Sam couldn’t help but hear that he had already seen the police car in the distance, but he did not expect that Mikaila would be chasing the police car!

Isn’t the police usually chasing gangsters? How is it now reversed!

But no matter how incomprehensible in the heart, Michele's request to Sam can not refuse!

Chasing it, as long as it is not driving to hit it, who still stipulates that you can't follow the police car!

Following the "roadblock", Sam drove all the way out of the city and entered the industrial area on the outskirts. The traffic in front of the car slowly became sparse, and soon the police car was left in front.

In order to prevent them from being tracked, Sam deliberately lowered the speed and kept a long distance As for the yellow Chevrolet that belonged to him further away, his attention was all on the "roadblock". Sam on his body did not notice at all!

When the car drove to the abandoned factory area, there were no other vehicles and people around, and when the police car turned into the door of an abandoned factory, Sam could not help but lower the speed and looked at the co-pilot. On the Michela.

"What do we do now?"

If you keep up, you will definitely be discovered. He doesn't want to be caught by the police!

Michela knows this naturally, but she knows that she will know the answer as soon as she walks into the gate!

Mikaela's beautiful and touching face could not help but emerge a touch of tangled color, but soon, the intense curiosity took the upper hand.

Anyway, they have not done anything illegal, even if they are found, there is no big deal!

And, as long as they are careful, they are not so easy to be discovered!


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