My Iron Suit

Chapter 815: I have encountered something!

In addition to the sturdy frame and casing, the aircraft is also equipped with a dedicated escape cabin that can accommodate more than 20 crew and crew on board.

Even if there is an extreme situation and the danger of crashing, this escape cabin using the top aerospace technology can also ensure that the crew will land safely on the ground!

This escape cabin is not the function of Hydra's supersonic bomber. Instead, Chen Mo applied the space capsule recycling technology to the space science technology he has mastered. He built the escape cabin.

What is the most attractive thing about a supersonic private jet?

Super speed!

But at the same time, this extremely high speed will also cause people to worry about their safety. In particular, many people are afraid of flying, but what if they are in an air crash? Can you wait to die?

The more people who are in high positions, the less they like the feeling of life and death!

Therefore, Chen Mocai specially designed this escape cabin. If he encounters special circumstances, he is in danger of crashing. He does not need to panic and despair, and does not need to take great risks to make a forced landing. Everyone can enter the escape cabin.

After fixing the body and opening the escape button, the escape cabin made of aviation special alloy will be ejected from the aircraft. After falling to a certain height, the parachute will be first popped out and decelerated, then the four small propellers at the bottom will be started. To ensure that the escape cabin is safely and smoothly landed on the ground!

People who can afford a private jet may not be as strong. After all, a small private jet is only a few million dollars. But the ones who want to buy a supersonic private jet are all the world's top rich, and the money is against them. It's just a number. Compared to faster speed and timeliness, price is not a problem at all!

Therefore, even if it is counted that Chen Mo is "full of private pockets", the precious metal alloy materials in his space, the construction cost is only 50 million supersonic private jets, Chen Mocai dared to set a high price of 150 million US dollars!

The profit of a supersonic private jet has reached an astonishing one billion!

However, Chen Moe has set such a high price. The main reason is not simply to make money. The sales of private jets are limited. Even if they sell more, they will not achieve the benefits of Aegis and Aegis.

At the beginning, he let Aegis Aerospace take the lead in the manufacture of supersonic private jets, but in order to train the company's construction capabilities and prepare for the construction of the spacecraft, the purpose has been reached. The most important thing is to prepare for the construction of the spacecraft. Sonic private jets can be shipped in small quantities.

If the pricing is too low, whether it is 60 million or 100 million, the super-sonic private aircraft's unparalleled super performance, the sales will inevitably skyrocket, it will inevitably take up a lot of productivity, which is contrary to Chen Mo's original intention!

And if you really sell the supersonic private jet modified on the basis of the supersonic bomber produced by the Hydra at tens of millions of low prices, Chen Mo can't accept it!

Nowadays, despite the high price of 1.5 billion, this supersonic private jet is indeed like Chen Mo hopes that there is no sales explosion, but it still attracts a lot of attention!

This supersonic private jet is by far the first supersonic private jet. Prior to this, there was only the Concorde, a supersonic aircraft for passenger transport, which had long since retired due to safety issues.

The maximum flight speed of Mach is not comparable to that of the sr-71 blackbird reconnaissance aircraft, but it is comparable to the VW supersonic long-range bomber that Mi Fang once developed.

However, due to the change of the concept of large-scale strategic bombers, the ground-to-air missiles continue to develop at a higher speed, and the MiG-25, which can intercept its opponents in the former Soviet Union, has also been released. This Valkyrie supersonic long-range bomber eventually Only two prototypes were built and then ordered to stop.

Therefore, the supersonic private jet made by Aegis Aerospace now has the performance of the Valkyrie supersonic long-range bomber, but it has not touched the nerves of the rice side. Instead, it has caused great enthusiasm for the ordinary people.

Although they can't afford it, they don't affect their love for good and powerful things!

The test flight video of several supersonic private jets released by Aegis Aerospace is madly transmitted on the Internet. The supersonic private jets are as powerful as the military supersonic bombers.

And one of the videos taken from the porthole of the cabin is a lot of people to admire.

The supersonic private jet has a flying height of 25,000 kilometers, which is more than double the flying height of an ordinary passenger plane. At this altitude, you can clearly see the arc of the horizon Earth. There is a kind of space in the space. a feeling of!

The video of another escape cabin landing is a breakthrough for many people who are unclear, and the space capsule has been able to land so smoothly!

However, the ASR's supersonic private jet has become the focus of public When the holographic smartphone hot search list was taken, a rich second generation used its own personal experience to holographically The smartphone is once again pushed back to the top of the hot search list!

He was the first super rich second generation to buy a holographic smartphone, Dan Brandon!

To be precise, this rich second generation who likes to show off his wealth on Twitter has met!

Late that night, Dan Brandon was sitting on the large and comfortable living room sofa with his left and right, watching TV with his four **** girls leisurely, but his hands were never honest, from time to time. Swim in those plump places.

Just as Dan Brandon planned to do something further, the holographic smartphone on the coffee table in front suddenly projected a holographic projection, while a slightly cold female voice rang.

"Warning! Discover the intruder! The other party holds the automatic weapon!"

The heart of Dan Brandon's heart was instantly smashed by this voice, and he quickly looked down at the holographic virtual projection. I saw a surveillance video on it. Dan Brandon recognized him exactly at a glance. Inside the villa door!

At this time, a group of masked people were holding rifles and rushing in the direction of the villa. At least seven or eight people he saw!

Obviously, the other party is not here to be a guest!

Dan Brandon couldn't help but change his face. The two women who quickly pushed open the body and got up from the sofa. They took a holographic smart phone on the coffee table and greeted the four women running upstairs!

These gunmen have come in the yard and can break into the villa in less than a minute, and stay in the living room to wait for death!

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