My Iron Suit

Chapter 760: Raytheon? Hammer God?

Just as feeling the continuous improvement of physical fitness, when the heart is excited, this kind of improvement suddenly slows down, and soon stops completely!

However, the power of Thunder, which was raging in Chen Mo, suddenly lost its supplement, the crisis gradually weakened, the destruction stopped, and the repair and promotion of nature was interrupted.

Although the Quake hammer is a top-level artifact, the Thunder force that has just been absorbed from the sky is limited. After dozens of seconds of continuous bombardment, the thunder stored inside is finally exhausted, and the blue electric light across the air is interrupted. The thunder, which was completely wrapped up, passed for a while and then gradually weakened, eventually dissipating.

When Sol looked at the disappearance of the electric light, he once again showed his body shape, and he looked safe and sound. Chen Mo, who was still standing upright, could not help but frown. The Avengers and Loki are different looks, proud, admired, and proud. There are regrets.

"Is it finished?"

A dull voice sounded in the field, and did not bring any feelings, but listening to Sol's ears made him unable to raise his eyes and asked with anger.

"Do you still want?"

Chen Mo under the armor nodded.

"feel good!"

The Avengers and Loki heard a strange look, and Sol directly reddened his eyes, as if his favorite thing was underestimated, and raised the hammer of Quake that had just been put down in his hand.

"it is good!!"

The voice just fell, the dark clouds that had just dissipated in the sky gathered again, and it was thicker than the one just before!

A dazzling lightning once again descended from the sky and fell to the hammer of Thor, which was lifted by Sol. This time, Sol bit his teeth and absorbed longer lightning. Finally, he couldn’t hold it anymore. The hammer stretched forward, and a blue thunder like the previous one hit again. This time, Chen Mo did not hold the shield again, but stood quietly in the same place, directly let the Thunder hit himself, and the body was again smashed. The dazzling electric light wrapped up.

The violent pain came from every part of the week again, but Chen Mo was covered with a smile on the face covered by Edelman alloy armor!

Time passed by, but soon, Chen Mo frowned.

At the beginning, everything was the same as before. The cells were constantly destroyed and reborn under the destruction of the power of Thunder and the repair of self-healing ability. The physical quality of Chen Mo is also constantly improving, but slowly, the destructive power of the power of Thunder Suddenly began to weaken, Chen Mo can feel that the Thunder from the external Sol has not changed, still very stable, but the same strength of the Thunder force, the destructive power to the cells is getting weaker!

This change was very weak at first, and Chen Mo did not even notice it, but as time went on, the cells continued to regenerate and strengthen. This change became more and more obvious, and the power of the Thunder weakened the cells more and more quickly.

This time, Sol absorbed more lightning power from the sky, so the thunder that was issued lasted for more than a minute. When the Thunder disappeared again, the damage of the Thunder's force on the cell had become very weak. Even feeling, continue, the power of Thunder will completely lose his effect!

The electric light dissipated, and Chen Mo’s eyes looked inexplicably and looked at some of the breathless Sol, who asked for it.


Sol heard and yelled at Chen Mo. If it wasn’t for the power of the gods to use too much force, Sol was not a hammer!

What is your tone? What is the meaning of the game? What did you take me for? Massage therapist?

If the average person will definitely not call the Thunder to "massage" Chen Mo, but Sol is different, not to mention his impulsive, unyielding slap character, just say his identity, he is not allowed to back down!

Who is he? Raytheon Sol!

Now a mortal on earth has challenged him. If he evades, does he admit that his power of thunder can't cope with him?

This is unacceptable to Sol!

The power of Thunder is his trick, but also a symbol of his identity. His position in his mind is still above his strength. He will never allow himself to admit defeat! Especially lost in the power of the Thunder!

So, Sol, who has summoned the Thunder twice, once again clenched his teeth and lifted the hammer of Quake, but this time, his power is not much, so the summoned Thunder is less than the first time, Sol also Without this, biting his teeth again pointed the hammer of Thor to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo smiled and greeted the thundering light column, feeling the changes inside the body.

Sure enough!

After only a dozen seconds, Chen Mo felt that the power of the Thunder had completely lost its effect, and he could no longer complete the damage to his body. The power of the thunder that raged in the body, except for making him feel the feeling of numbness, could not make him Feeling a little pain.

Now, Sol's Thunder's power has really become a "massage"!

It is confirmed that the power of Thunder has completely lost its effect. Chen Mo is not planning to continue to enjoy the exclusive "massage" of Raytheon.

Chen Mo, who has been standing in the same place to bear the thunder baptism, suddenly moved!

I saw him take a step, so I walked forward with the thick blue thunder. The electric light wrapped around him is not there, and it does not affect his actions. Chen Mo So step by step to the front of Sol.

Chen Mo did not go fast. Just when Chen Mo stood in front of Saul three meters away, the Thunder in the hands of Sol finally stopped.

This time, Sol had some sweat on his forehead, and his breathing was much heavier than before.

Looking at Chen Mo, who is able to move freely under his own Thunder attack, Sol can't help but feel a sense of frustration. Is his Thunder's power so weak? Even Chen Mo, such a person on earth, can easily follow?

"Is this hit?"

A low, dignified voice rang in front of Sol.

Sol slammed his head up and looked at Chen Mo, who stood upright in front of him. His face was a bit complicated, but he just looked at Chen Mo and did not speak.

"Your strength should be strong in the realm of the gods, so you are so proud and arrogant, but I can feel that you are still far from the strongest state!"

Chen Mo said, bowing his head slightly, and his eyes fell on the hammer of Thor in the hands of Sol.

"You must use the hammer, attack, and flight in your hands, all rely on the hammer. Are you Raytheon or Hammer?"

Sol heard that his eyes couldn’t help but lifted the hammer of Thor to try to teach Chen Mo, a guy who dared to ridicule him, but then he suddenly broke his head and turned to look at the hammer of Quake held in his right hand. There was a hint of thought in the eyes. 18

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