My Iron Suit

Chapter 719: Rocky's plan!

Chen Mo knows that Rocky’s unusually undisguised appearance is a bright light, and the purpose is to lure them to come and arrest him.

The Hawkeye Clint Barton agent was controlled by Rocky using the Mind Gems, so he knew that many of the national strategic defense attacks and the logistical security bureau's secrets would be equivalent to telling all the Rocky, which naturally includes the Air Force Aircraft Carrier and the Avengers Alliance. The plan also includes the most uncontrolled Green Hulk Bruce Banner!

Therefore, he deliberately did not hide directly from the show, led them to take them into the air carrier to be held up, and then tried to provoke the relationship between the people, and use the mind gem to affect everyone's mind, angering Dr. Bangna, from internal destruction The Avengers!

The uncontrollable Hulk’s destructive power after the transformation is amazing. On the ground, he can ruin a town, and on the air carrier, he can destroy it directly, even with the other of the Avengers. Members and the National Strategic Defense Attack are buried with a group of people in the Logistics Support Bureau!

This is Rocky's plan!

Actively being caught in the air carrier, causing chaos from the inside, by then, the eagle eye controlled by him, Clint Barton, will also lead a group of armed personnel to take the opportunity to land in the air carrier, rescue him and take the initiative Destroy, ensure that his stated goals are achieved, and he will destroy the greatest threat to the earth in one fell swoop, and the National Strategic Defense Attack will be destroyed with the Logistics Support Agency and the Avengers Alliance!

Therefore, in the movie, after the hero of the Avengers League arrived, he only symbolically resisted for a while and was easily caught.

At this time, Chen Mo already knows his plans, naturally will not let his conspiracy succeed, and will not let go of this opportunity to find out his strength!

"Rocky! Put down your weapon! Surrender immediately!"

A beautiful but murderous icy girl suddenly rang in the air.

Above the square, a Kun-style fighter is hovering at a height of tens of meters. Under the nose of the fighter plane, a six-tube Gatling gun protrudes from the cabin and points to Loki, the black widow Natasha Romano. The driver sat in the cockpit, holding the machine gun joystick and locking the muzzle on the Rocky.

Her warning echoed above the square through the speakers outside the fighter plane. Everyone in the square saw it and quickly dispersed around, for fear of being attacked by a while and pool fish.

Just now Chen Mo jumped from this Kun-style fighter!

Natasha's warning ordered the two people in the confrontation to move at the same time!

Loki looked at the hovering in the air, and the gunpoint of the machine gun pointed to his Kun-style fighter. His eyes flashed a little disdain, and he quickly lifted his scepter to shoot down the fighter.

However, the energy required a short preparation time. When he pointed the scepter to the Kun-style fighter to emit an energy light bomb, Chen Mo’s figure quickly rushed to his front and jumped up and blocked him in front of him. The shield in his hand once again blocked this energy attack, and under Chen Mo's precise control, he just rebounded to Loki again.

Rocky, who had just stood up for less than ten seconds, was once again attacked by his own attack!

Only this time, Chen Mo did not give him the opportunity to stand up again. After landing, he rushed forward directly, catching up with the rebounded energy attack and flying out of Loki. The sword of the king in his hand was lying on the ground. Rocky fiercely slashed the past.

Seeing Chen Mo broke out at an astonishing speed, chasing after him, Morihan's blade made him feel a huge threat. Loki no longer refused to pretend and force, and hurriedly lifted his scepter to resist.


A huge metal crossfire sounded in the square, and people close to it felt that the eardrum was shocked and quickly retreated to a farther place, and a large open space was quickly vacated around the two.

In the middle of the battlefield, Chen Mo’s sword did not smash the objects in front of it as usual, and the attack did not even leave a trace on the scepter.

However, the same, Chen Mo's sword of the king has not been hurt in the slightest, obviously the hardness of these two weapons are very strong, just the degree of attack is not enough to destroy it!

Chen Mo did not stop here. Without a hit, Chen Mo’s long sword kept going and slashed to Loki, who was still lying on the ground.

In the face of Chen Mo's continuous attack, Loki, who could not move on the ground, could only lift his scepter and forcefully parry.

"When! When! When!"

The huge metal crashes sounded one after another, and the people around them looked at the stunned Luoji who was just swaying under the commander's hands. They couldn't help but cheer up. Everyone's face was full of pride!

Loki, who was lying on the ground, heard the cheers of everyone, and his face was ugly, arrogant and self-sufficient. How can he endure the ugliness of these people who are about to become slaves?

This is a huge shame for him!

So he also refused to hide his strength. When Chen Mo’s long sword was cut again, Loki swaggered his scepter and took the initiative to meet Chen Mozhen’s long sword.

The sword sticks intersect, and a louder than the previous one broke out. Chen Mo, who has been suppressing the Rocky attack, only feels a huge force from the sword, and the body involuntarily retreats. After four or five steps back, I finally stabilized my figure.

Taking advantage of Chen Mo’s chances to open, Loki was no longer handsome, and he climbed up from the ground, holding the scepter with both hands and staring at Chen Mo!

Although he was repelled by Rocky, Chen Mo was very happy in his heart. He had already figured out the strength of Loki!

When Loki began to resist his attack, the physical quality displayed was only about five times that of ordinary people. It was similar to the American captain who injected the serum of the enhanced super soldier, but Chen Mo knew that he must hide his strength!

Therefore, Chen Mo seized the weakness of his arrogance and self-confidence, and deliberately suppressed his constant attack, making him very embarrassed in front of the audience.

Sure enough, although Rocky was originally prepared to be defeated by them and brought to the air carrier, but did not intend to make such a big ugly, his fragile self-esteem was undermined, and he refused to hide his strength and broke out stronger. Power, repelling Chen Mo, quickly climbed up from the ground.

When he just repelled Chen Mo, the power that broke out was about eight times that of ordinary people, and he has reached the level of Chen Mo’s own strength!

However, Chen Mo feels that this should not be his strongest strength!

So, Chen Mo did not give Rocky a chance to breathe, and the sword slammed up again.

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