My Iron Suit

Chapter 696: Still take me to the hospital!

Tony Stark finally reacted, and turned his head to look at the always calm standing side, watching Chen Mo who was crying out of the world.

"Daddy! Have you cured me?!"

Chen Mo endured the inner smile, and looked at the faceless Tony Stark with a blank expression, said coldly.

"Is the heart still hurting?"

Tony Stark remembered his own exaggerated reaction, narrowed his neck and whispered.

"No, it doesn't hurt!"

Chen Mo still kept quiet, asked coldly.

"Is it going to be?"

"Do not……"

Tony Stark instinctively just wanted to shake his head, but then quickly reacted, looking at Chen Mo with his eyes, and nodded hard.

"Yes! Want! Want!"

This power can be used not only to move objects, but also to perform such a difficult operation, to control the shrapnel in his body to move directly along the blood vessels to the arm, and without any damage to the blood vessel wall, this precise control ability Even the world's top surgeons can't do it!

This shows that the accuracy of the mind control can be very high, which is even more tempting for Tony Stark!

The ordinary ability to move things is just equivalent to a few assistants. Although convenient, it is not essential.

However, this kind of precise ability to control objects can be accomplished by borrowing equipment, and even due to the limitations of the equipment, many things that could not be done in the past can be achieved through the power of mind. This is true for him. For genius scientists, it is simply the ability to dream!

Chen Mo sees Tony Stark's eyes shining, can't help but laugh, and immediately no longer scare him.

Looking at the big hole in Tony Stark's chest, Chen Mo took a syringe from the space and injected it into Tony Stark.

"First make up your hole in your chest and say it!"

Tony Stark strangely glanced at the yellow medicine that Chen Mo was injecting into his arm, and looked down at the dark hole in his chest, thinking that Chen Mo was giving him an anesthetic.

Although Chen Mo just used the power to help him remove the shrapnel from the body, but to help him plug the hole in the chest, Tony Stark still has some heart guilty.

Before that, it was non-invasive. It relied on the fine control of the shrapnel, but the hole in the chest was not only to sew the skin, but this is the real surgery!

"Daddy, or you still send me to the hospital, let the doctor come!"

He was really afraid that Chen Mo would directly sew the hole to him. The sternum inside would still need to be repaired!

Chen Mo heard but did not look at Tony Stark, but stared quietly at the hole in his chest.

Tony Stark felt a hair in his heart, for fear that Chen Mo could not open it, put his hand in it, and took out his heart and played it out!

But soon, Tony Stark felt that it was wrong. Chen Mo did not seem to be an anesthetic just because he had no feeling of anesthesia. On the contrary, he felt a little after injecting the yellow medicine into the body. The warm current spread quickly from the arm to the whole body.

Where the warm current passed, a feeling of numbness followed, and it was not uncomfortable. On the contrary, it felt warm and very comfortable.

After seeing Chen Mo injecting him a drug, he just stood next to him and there was no movement. Tony Stark also temporarily relaxed and quietly felt the changes in the body.

After a few minutes, this warm feeling faded away, and Tony Stark felt that his body seemed to have changed.

The body, which was weak because of palladium poisoning, seems to have regained its vitality and seems to be healthier than before poisoning!

Dr. Ethan suddenly exclaimed without waiting for him to feel the changes in his body.

"Tony! Your chest!"

Under the reminder of Dr. Ethan, Tony Stark also quickly felt the tingling sensation coming from the chest. Unlike the warm feeling of the previous one, the itch that came from the chest was not very good. It's a bit like the itching of the wound healing period before his injury, but it is many times stronger.

Tony Stark couldn't help but look down and saw the round wound in the chest. The flesh on the surface was slowly creeping and extending toward the middle.

Tony Stark stunned his eyes wide open.

With his incredulous gaze, the fist-sized wound was a little bit smaller at a rate visible to the naked eye, and Tony Stark could feel that not only the flesh on the surface, but the underlying bones also grew along. He even vaguely heard the special "squeaky" sound of bone growth!

Tony Stark stared at his chest with such wide eyes. Like watching the rapid growth of plants in the documentary, he looked at the hole in his chest and closed it a little. After ten minutes, he was completely healed. There is no difference between normal people.

The violent itching sensation also disappeared. Tony Stark reached out and touched it. The feeling of the skin that had just been "filled" was no different from normal skin. Feel the hard bones below.

On this skin, it also clearly senses the feeling of finger touch, and does not have the numbness he imagined.

Feeling that the invisible **** of the body disappeared, Tony Stark sat up from the chair and went back and forth for a long time, until Dr. Chen Mo and Dr. Ethan changed their faces and looked at him with strange eyes. Tony Stark stopped reluctantly looked excited at Chen Mo.

"Daddy! What did you just give me a shot? How do I..."

Chen Mo roughly explained his self-healing ability and X gene serum, and then threw him a brain gene.

"After injecting him, you will have the power to read!"

Tony Stark's eyes were exposed to the X gene serum. If Chen Mo said that the gene serum had to be injected intravenously, and he did not know how to find a blood vessel, it was estimated that he had to take a shot on his own.

Although Tony Stark is somewhat cynical, not very reliable, knowing that he has begun to indulge himself after a few days, but even if he is under pressure to die, he has not chosen to inhale and poison to indulge and paralyze himself.

Therefore, Tony Stark does not have an intravenous injection, but Dr. Ethan will!

Don't misunderstand, Dr. Ethan, who is principled and self-disciplined, will not choose to smoke or poison. He is not only a scientist but also an excellent surgeon!

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