My Iron Suit

Chapter 687: The name of the dust!

"I can hardly believe that he once said that the whole future will depend on me and pass on this responsibility to me! I don't understand! His happiest day is to send me to boarding school!"

Chen Mo shook his head gently.

"Not like this, I don't think you know him."

"Daddy, although you used to be comrades-in-arms, don't you know him better than my son?"

In the face of Tony Stark's questioning, Chen Mo nodded.

"In fact, it is true that Howard is not only my comrade-in-arms, but also one of the veterans who formed the SHIELD!"


Tony Stark couldn't help but exclaim.

Previously, he only knew that his father Howard and Chen Mo had fought together on the European battlefield. Of course, Howard provided them with technical and equipment support as a logistics researcher.

As for the SHIELD, Chen Mo has also told them some secrets of the SHIELD, including Sharon’s life experience, as well as the US captain Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter’s suspended animation, but Chen Mo did not mention Howard. He didn't think much about it. At this time, there was no connection, but it was not acceptable.

According to Chen Mo, in order to maintain world peace and protect the safety of the earth, he and Steve and Carter and others jointly formed the SHIELD, hidden behind the scenes. He did not say who created the SHIELD, but The three of them were all comrades who had fought in Europe together with Howard, so it was not surprising that Howard and them formed the SHIELD.

However, Toni is still somewhat unacceptable.

In his impression, Howard is a work madman and arms dealer who is obsessed with technology research and development companies and puts all his energy into scientific research and Stark Industries, although Howard has created a large-scale Stark industry. And left a lot of scientific and technological achievements, but Tony Stark did not have much respect for his father.

Just like himself, the identity of the scientific genius and the super rich did not make him proud, because it is no different from Howard. In the end, it is just an arms dealer, but he has been shrouded in the shadow of Howard. Can break through Howard's achievements in these two areas.

This made him more dissatisfied with himself, while constantly developing new types of arms, developing companies, trying to surpass Howard, proving himself, while constantly indulging himself.

Because he did not find the true value of life from it!

His pride, selfishness, indifference, and romanticism are nothing but concealment of his empty heart!

Until he experienced the terrorist kidnapping in Afghanistan and became the "Iron Man", he suddenly discovered that the identity of "Iron Man" made him feel that his life finally had meaning, he is no longer A mediocre ordinary person, but a superhero who guards the world!

He feels deeply proud of the heavy sense of responsibility and the sense of honor brought by the salvation of civilians! He finally found the meaning of his life!

Therefore, he will open his identity unobtrusively at the press conference and shout "I am Iron Man!"

After that, he finally broke through the shadow of Howard and felt that he finally proved himself.

But the feelings of Howard are more disdainful than the dissatisfaction with him when he is too strict, lack of care and recognition.

You have been working for your own company in this life, in order to make money busy, in the end it is just a selfish and self-interested arms dealer!

However, at this time, he learned from Chen Mo’s mouth that his father, Howard, was also the founder of the SHIELD, which is aimed at guarding the earth. Doesn’t that mean...? !

Tony Stark looked at Chen Mo with an incredulous look, his eyes full of search for color.

I saw Chen Mo greeted his gaze and nodded lightly.

"Yes, the reason why he is busy every day is not for his company, but for the SHIELD, for this world!"

Tony Stark heard the words, and the look became very complicated.

"It is precisely because of this heavy responsibility that he has to give up the opportunity to accompany you. In fact, he loves you very much! But he did not express it, but chose a deeper way, he is against you. Expectations are high!"

Tony Stark's eyes flashed fiercely. Apparently his heart was not calm. For many years, he always thought that his father Howard didn't love him, but Chen Mo told him that it was not like that! For a while, he is very difficult to accept!

Shaking his head, Tony Stark looked at Chen Mo with a sigh of relief.

"I don't know... he was..."

Chen Mo did not explain anything more, but took a shot of Tony Stark's shoulder and said softly.

"Maybe you should personally look at the things he left for you, maybe there is the answer you want!"

"What did he leave for me?"

Tony Stark’s face was puzzled.

"Yes, think about it, maybe it was thrown into which corner."

Chen Mo reminded.

At this point, Howard’s “fake death” has passed for many years, and it’s normal to think of it for a while.

Under Chen Mo’s reminder, the memory of Tony Stark’s thoughts was gradually awakened. He finally had a little impression on what Chen Mo said. It seems that after Howard’s “death”, it was indeed something left, but The sudden loss of the parents' pain and the dissatisfaction with Howard made him choose to escape, but did not organize the relics, but sealed those things directly.

That's right! Father Howard did leave something for him, just in the utility room on the ground floor of the villa!

Seeing Tony Stark's eyes brightened Chen Mo mouth could not help but reveal a smile, finally remembered!

What kind of feelings his father had for him, Tony Stark was eager to seek an answer. Immediately, he did not care about Dr. Chen Mo and Dr. Essen. He hurriedly left the lab and went to the misfortune that had long been forgotten. Between things.

Pushing open the door, a messy scene came into view, and there were mostly things that were not used, including some of the machines, equipment and weapons prototypes he had previously made.

With a complicated mood, Tony Stark walked slowly toward the depths of the room.

In the end, in the most corner of the utility room, Tony Stark found the box left by his father Howard. Over the years, a thick layer of dust had accumulated on it.

Tony Stark squatted and reached out and slowly opened the dust on the surface, a name revealed.

"Howard Stark!" ()

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