My Iron Suit

Chapter 666: If there is God help!


But he couldn't understand why, how could fbi come to the door so quickly, their actions are very hidden, and this place is even more difficult to find.

Naturally no one has to explain his doubts.

The five security guards on the first floor were quickly copied and searched for weapons, including the phone on Gerrard.

"Where are the other people?"

In the face of the question of the FBI agent, Gerard pointed out the location of the entrance to the basement. Even if he did not say it, the other party could find it soon.

Next, the researchers who were debugging the equipment in the basement were all picked up by the fbi agents who had "fallen from the sky", and the stolen new anticancer drugs were also found in the basement.

Under the leadership of David Raytheon, fbi overnight wiped out the stolen drugs and the secret research team of Meishi Pharmaceuticals, and Miller still knew nothing about it. Just before the arrest, he and Jay Rade is on the phone, everything is ok!

Back to the fbi building, David conducted a surprise trial on the arrested people overnight. As long as they had their confession, Miller would have difficulty picking himself out and staying out of it, but the biggest gain was found out of Gerard. That phone!

The mobile phone is new, the calling card is also anonymous, and there is only one phone in the address book. It is obviously prepared for prevention. However, to the surprise of David, this phone has turned on the automatic call recording function, all the call content. All of them were recorded, and after listening to several phone recordings inside, David’s face could not help but show a deep smile, it really took no effort!

"Go two people and bring me back to me!"

When David said this, his face was full of enthusiasm. Even if you have more money, you can't escape the legal sanctions in front of the iron certificate!

It seems that my luck today is really good!

I don't know if this security captain Gerrard didn't know or deliberately. In short, with this call recording, Miller is over!

Needless to say, this call automatic recording function was quietly opened by Jarvis. With his full support, David took only one day to completely crack the case and hired the commercial spy to steal the new anti-theft. Miller, the cancer drug, completely pulled down the water, and other executives who bought stolen drugs didn't think too much.

Soon, in his own villa, the beautiful blonde is preparing to exercise, Miller, the fbi agent who was suddenly rushed in, pointed at the head and stabbed his head, and the weapon that was originally preparing for the charge was even more The threat of powerful hot weapons quickly collapsed and retreated.

He didn't even react to him for a long time because he was arrested. The case of Aegis was not just handed over to fbi. It took only a long time to find out about himself. Is this his fbi?

At two o'clock in the morning, the preliminary collation of the interrogation transcripts and evidence was ended, and the researchers, security personnel, and the behind-the-scenes masters of the entire event, which were captured by the more than a dozen companies, and Miller were turned on and off. Wei patted the crowd towards the crowd below.

"Everyone has worked hard today! Have a day off tomorrow, take a rest!"

David stood in front of the office area and smiled and said to his team members.

As the detective director of the Criminal Investigation Department, David has the right to give his hand a day off after the case is over.

In just one day, they didn’t even have a door. Just sitting behind the computer, they broke most of the very difficult cases. The collective release in the middle of the night was very smooth. The remaining main behind-the-scenes ambassadors The company's secret research team has become a net, and has obtained the ironclad evidence of the high-level case of the company. Not only David, but also all his agents are feeling like dreams.

This day is like a god!

However, no one doubts that someone is manipulating behind the scenes. Their computer experts at fbi are not the world's top hackers. It is impossible to use God's eyes and feet under their eyes, so their explanation is that they are lucky. Plus super play.

Compared with God-level hackers who can play with their world-class hackers in the palm of their hands, it’s still a bit of luck. Who’s not a chance to play, when it’s super-played, maybe it’s The Chinese koi, which has just been forwarded recently, has worked, and it seems that it will be forwarded more in the future.

Not to mention the full staff of the criminal investigation department of the Fbi Los Angeles branch, the collective forwarding of the koi in the middle of the night, the detective director David is advancing with the times to forward the humanoid koi Yang beyond, in short, this new type of anti-cancer The drug was stolen and transferred to fbi in just one day, and it was directly smashed. The next step was on-site search, arrest and prosecution.

However, in addition to Meishi medicine in Los Angeles, the other four companies involved in the case are located throughout the United States, do not need David and his people to go out, naturally the local fbi department took over.

David's work has been completed, and the relationship between him and his later is not great. It is the work of the procuratorate and the court. He will wait for the merits.

According to the evidence collected in his hands, the five pharmaceutical companies did not say that they suffered a devastating blow. At least those high-level officials involved in the case did not think so well.

The outside world still knows nothing about it. The news tonight is only pointing the suspects to several pharmaceutical companies. No one knows that if there is a **** help, the fbi has already solved the case and has mastered the key substantive evidence!

Despite this, the news of several well-known anti-cancer drug companies involved in the case has caused quite a stir in the Several anti-cancer drug manufacturers have started to attack the new anti-cancer drugs of Aegis. Sending a commercial spy to steal, the meaning behind this is not just as simple as it seems.

If this new type of drug does not really pose a huge threat to them, how can they steal such unscrupulous means, these pharmaceutical companies must have received any solid news.

Many people understand the relationship with a little thought. For the new anti-cancer drug of Aegis Biotechnology, the voice of doubt is reduced a lot, and more people are looking forward to it.

What is the real effect of this drug? Is it really like the Aegis Bio Company said that it can completely curb the proliferation and spread of cancer cells and achieve a near-healing effect?

What the public pays attention to, the media will naturally work harder to dig.

Reporters from major TV stations, newspapers and other media, like the smell of sharks, launched an action on the Ronald Hospital for clinical trials.

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