My Iron Suit

Chapter 634: I am from SHIELD!

The stout man’s body was shocked, only the heart jerked, and the shadow of death instantly enveloped him.

However, after a while, he reacted, and he had nothing to do, but the voice was not a gunshot, but the voice of Chen Mokou.

"It seems that your pistol is really broken, still use mine."

Chen Mo threw the gun on the ground next to him, and a black light flashed through his hand, but it was a pistol that was full of sci-fi and sci-fi.

Although the stout man did not know that his pistol was all right, why couldn’t he pull the trigger and he couldn’t shoot the bullet, he didn’t know where Chen Mo took the gun, but he knew that the other person really wanted to kill him. !

Facing the muzzle of the black hole, the shadow of death that had just receded again shrouded him. He screamed in horror at Chen Mo.

"Don't shoot, please let me go!"

Chen Mo was a cold smile, and the trigger was pulled off neatly.

This time, no accident occurred, a blue beam shot from the muzzle, instantly hit the stout man's chest, a dazzling blue light flashed, the stout man's body instantly turned into a fly ash in the blue light , drifting away from the air.

Mrs. Chen and Eddie Bullock instantly opened their eyes, just like seeing aliens.

What happened just now?

What about the gangster?

What about the blue light?

Is the dust floating in the air?


The two people only feel the confusion in their minds. If Chen Mo is still standing in front of them, they will definitely think that they are just dreaming!

Just as Eddie Brock was lying on the ground, a slender palm was reaching in front of him.

Looking along the arm, Eddie Bullock greeted a pair of deep and sharp, like the darkness of all the dark, so that he could not help but create a very familiar feeling, these eyes, he seems to have seen it!

However, he did not think much. He felt that the severe pain in his stomach had been alleviated a lot. He extended his right hand and grabbed Chen Mo’s extended arm. Then he felt that he had a strong force and he was stationed by Chen Mo. It’s up.


Eddie Bullock bent over his still aching stomach and looked at Chen Mo with a shocked look.

Chen Mo looked at the two people and found that both faces were incredible. It is obvious that the power and effect of the energy pistol just exceeded their cognitive range.

In fact, Chen Mo just didn't want to smother the clean and tidy shop after killing with a pistol. As for the dust that remains after the energy pistol destroyed the enemy, it would soon be blown away by the wind.

When Chen Mo came over this time, he thought about picking up this little tail. It was also a good beginning and a good end, but Mrs. Chen and Eddie Bullock’s performance just made him have other ideas.

Seeing that both of them were staring at the energy pistol in their hands, Chen Mo smiled.

"You mean this?"

Chen Mo said, shaking the energy pistol in his hand.

"An energy pistol only."

Although the two did not know what the energy pistol Chen Mo said was, the blue beam and the stout man who was instantly turned into fly ash after being hit showed the power and magic of this pistol!

And what is the origin of Chen Mo who owns this magical "energy pistol"?

"You...what is it?"

Mrs. Chen’s eyes at Chen Mo at this time were full of strangeness and shock.

She originally thought that Chen Mo was just an ordinary Chinese immigrant who had just moved to the slum area, and kindly reminded him of safety.

Unexpectedly, just a few minutes later, he showed his powerful and incredible magical ability. He will always oppress her, and she will come to her for extortion every three or five times, and force her to sneak up on the gangster who can hardly survive. It was solved, and it was such an incredible way as magic.

Hearing Mrs. Chen’s question, Eddie Bullock also looked at Chen Mo with a puzzled look.

Chen Mo smiled slightly, and his eyes swept over the faces of the two men, slowly speaking.

"Actually, I am an agent, affiliated with the National Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau."

Eddie Bullock’s words are awkward and compelling.

"What bureau?"

Chen Mo couldn’t help but rolled his eyes.

"Our short name is SHIELD."

"Shock Shield?"

Eddie Bullock and Mrs. Chen looked at each other and apparently never heard of the name.

Eddie Bullock is an excellent investigative reporter. Although most of the reports are usually hot events of the audience, but for some special institutions in the United States, he knows much more than ordinary people, except for the public. In addition to the CIA, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, there are many special agencies such as the National Security Agency and the US Department of Homeland Security's US Defense Intelligence Agency.

However, he has never heard of the names of the "National Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau" and "Shenzhen Bureau", and even those special institutions in front can not have the kind of blue light in the hands of Chen Mo. The powerful weapon of human beings into fly ash clearly exceeds the technological level of this era.

Eddie Bullock did not hide his doubts.

"I have never heard of such an institution in the United States."

Chen Mowen said that it was just a faint smile.

This world does not have a SHIELD, but as the founder and controller of the SHIELD, Chen Mo said that there is naturally!

Gently shaking his head, Chen Mo looked at Eddie Bullock, sharp and deep eyes, he could not help but feel guilty.

Just listening to Chen Mo’s low voice slowly said.

"The SHIELD is not affiliated with the United States."

"In the period of World War II, in order to cope with the powerful the alliance countries have jointly established a scientific strategic reserve, which is the predecessor of SHIELD..."

"In order to prevent being controlled by politicians and involved in the struggles of various countries, SHIELD began to hide behind the scenes and gradually forgotten for the world..."

"Our mission is to maintain world peace, protect the planet and protect all mankind!..."

Listening to Chen Mo's remarks, the two couldn't help but feel excited. A huge secret beyond their imagination was slowly unfolding in front of the two.

Chen Mo introduced the origins and purposes of the SHIELD to the two people. The two people looked shocked and fascinated. It turned out that there is such a mysterious and powerful secret organization in the world!

No wonder Chen Mo is so powerful!

It turned out to be a super agent from the mysterious organization that guards the earth!

With the magical ability that Chen Mo showed before, they naturally would not suspect that Chen Mo was lying. Compared with the general intelligence agencies like the CIA, it is more difficult for people to accept the "Shenzhen Bureau" that Chen Mokou guards the earth.

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