My Iron Suit

Chapter 451: US President - Abraham Lincoln!

Chen Mo’s metaphor made Abraham Lincoln’s eyes shine, and his heart suddenly opened up. &1t;/

Indeed, although the contradictions between the North and the South are increasingly fierce, but they have not yet reached the peak, and more are the struggles in the National Assembly. The feelings of the people are not profound. It is not a good time to start now. It is better to let them continue to show up for a while. When the time is ripe, it is not them who want to fight the war, but the people of the country! &1t;/

By then, everything will come to fruition! &1t;/

Just when Abraham Lincoln wanted to understand, Chen Mo looked at him and said suddenly. &1t;/

"The next president will be you, Abraham Lincoln! Slavery will end in your hands!" &1t;/

Chen Mo’s words made Lincoln’s pupil shrink. Although he is now the leader of the Republican Party, he is only a young man in politics in his forties. The main reason why he can become the leader of the Republican Party is Chen Mo’s support and cultivation. &1t;/

There are still many people in the party who have deeper qualifications and higher prestige. He originally intended to send out the presidential election, not himself, but John Fremont, who is more influential among the people. &1t;/

His influence in Illinois is OK, but it is not very high in other states. He himself has not yet been known to the public. It is unrealistic to want to run for president. But Chen Mo now says that the next president will be he! &1t;/

He does not know how powerful Chen Mo’s power is, but he knows that Chen Mo will never open his mouth, and now that he has said this, he must have sufficient basis, and the power in his hands is indeed sufficient. As a result of the presidential election, Abraham Lincoln could not help but be excited. He did not want to sit on the throne of the president and personally led the United States to completely eliminate slavery! &1t;/

Chen Mo’s remarks completely dispelled the idea that Lincoln’s forces in the party fought for the presidential election, but did not erase his fighting spirit, but made him more motivated. &1t;/

Waiting for another four years, the history of the United States will be rewritten by him! &1t;/

Next, Chen Mo explained to him some of the goals of the Republican Party in the latter part of the period, the issues that need attention, and the preparations that can be made in advance. After all the explanations, this is the case. &1t;/

After listening to Chen Mo’s teachings, Abraham Lincoln stood up from his chair and bowed his face with respect and respect. &1t;/

"So, sir, I will leave!" &1t;/

"Yeah!" &1t;/

Chen Mo nodded lightly, but when Lincoln planned to turn and leave, Chen Mo suddenly thought of something, and said again. &1t;/

"Right, you can try to keep your beard, which will make you more dignified." &1t;/

Although Lincoln was somewhat inexplicable, he nodded and agreed to it. Until he finally left his beard, he was now wise and wise! &1t;/

Lincoln’s cheeks were very thin, and even sagged inward. It looked handsome and majestic. In history, when Lincoln was running for president, he was too thin and scared for his cheeks until someone suggested that he should keep his beard before letting him see. Going up a lot more handsome, don't underestimate this beard, but also won him a lot of votes. &1t;/

Chen Mo was just thinking about it, and this is a reminder. &1t;/

Abraham Lincoln was about to leave after Chen Mo’s resignation. When he turned around, the rest of his eyes saw a familiar, sharp silver. &1t;/

Lincoln carefully smashed it, but now there is a shelf on a table by the wall of the study. At this time, a silver-handed knight epee with a length of more than one meter is placed across the shelf! &1t;/

And this sword is clearly the same as the one in the oil painting behind Chen Mo, who led the Knights to the high-pitched black-handed knight who is charging toward the castle gate! &1t;/

He has already told Chen Mo, he is not good enough to stay in the study, so Lincoln just took a deep look at the sword, and remembered his appearance deeply in the brain, and then opened the door and went out. . &1t;/

Gently closing the door of the study, Abraham Lincoln stood in the door of Chen Mo's study for a while, his face full of doubtful colors, but it was not good enough to stay here, and then he went downstairs along the corridor. Go, thinking about this accident in my mind. &1t;/

Although he only took a look, he completely remembered the look of the sword. The work of the sword was extremely simple and fine. It didn't look like an imitation made in oil painting. &1t;/

Is the picture on the painting really a thing that was once born, then who is the black robe knight, and what is their final result? &1t;/

With all sorts of doubts, Lincoln walked downstairs downstairs. &1t;/

The direction of the stairs is facing the lobby on the first floor. Walking on the stairs can clearly see the scene in the hall. Although I am thinking about things, Lincoln’s eyes still see the situation in the hall. &1t;/

In the hall on the first floor, in addition to the middle-aged man who led him upstairs, he also saw two very tall and strong young people coming in from the side door on the side of the hall. Their height was even higher than him. Some of them are nearly two meters long, and the two are extremely majestic, and they are scattered like a beast. &1t;/

And the eyes of the two revealed the sharpness of the blade and the unyielding arrogance Just a glance, Lincoln can feel the good of these two people. &1t;/

Their strength must be very strong, they should be the guards of the gentleman, and only the characters like Mr. can conquer such a powerful guard. &1t;/

The gentleman’s hands are not ordinary people! &1t;/

To his surprise, the calm middle-aged man who had taken him to Chen Mo’s study room, after seeing the two young people, was so angry that he rushed toward the two. &1t;/

"You two stinky boys dare to be lazy!" &1t;/

The two young people who are much taller and stronger than the middle-aged people, after hearing his voice, changed their face and turned away and ran out of the door. They disappeared without blinking, but the voices of the two men Passed in from the door. &1t;/

"The **** old Taylor, who deliberately hid in the hall to block us, is too deceitful!" &1t;/

The middle-aged man who stopped at the door and heard the anger, and went straight to the back of the two men. &1t;/

"I am waiting here! You two will immediately roll back to me to continue practicing, then dare to be lazy, see how I can pack you!" &1t;/

It turned out that since Zachary Taylor had been reinforced by the sera of the soldiers, and after the strength of Victor and James, Chen Mo gave him the work of supervising the training of the two men. He had not supervised the soldiers training in the army before. However, it is very experienced. The only difference is that the content of the training is different. &1t;/


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