My Iron Suit

Chapter 441: Then defeat half of the United States!

Today's Congress is not controlled by the capitalists of the North and the plantation slave owners of the South. How is his own power being the opponent of these huge forces.

As Chen Mo said, Henry Clay just grabbed him in front of the southern slave owners in advance, and even without him, his southern fellows would not let him go.

Zachary Taylor deeply felt the terrible political situation, far from being as simple as he was.

Even if he abandons his personal gains and losses, all the interests of the country will be the most important, and will eventually infringe on the interests of others, so that they want to get rid of it.

The irony is that he didn't understand this when he died, and he simply thought that he was really sick and died.

If it weren't for Chen Mo, he couldn't have known in his life that there were so many complicated things hidden behind him.

Perhaps, he should not run for the presidency at the beginning, honestly staying in his cotton plantation as a farmer, or his best home.

Thinking of this, Zachary Taylor could not help but be disheartened, his eyes fainted in an instant, sitting on the bed in abruptly, his head lowered, his eyes staring at the quilt in front of him, for a long time without words.

Victor and James saw him look at Chen Mo without worry.

Chen Mo smiled and asked softly to Zachary Taylor.

"Do you want to take revenge?"


Zachary Taylor still lowered his head and whispered in his mouth. Chen Mo could see the violent fluctuations in his eyes. After a while, the violent fluctuations completely stopped. Zachary Taylor gently Shaking his head, the voice said faintly.

"How can you report your enmity? Kill Henry Clay and there will be spokesmen from other bankers coming to power, killing the bankers, and there will be factory owners, manor owners, slave owners. I can't kill them all. What?"

Obviously, Zachary Taylor has lost confidence in this dark and decaying country that is under the control of the capitalists.

"Then do you want to abolish slavery?"

Chen Mo’s mouth was filled with a smile.

"Think! Of course! But I can't do it, the next president can't do it! Those slave owners represent half of the United States! Unless we defeat half of the United States, slavery cannot be abolished!"

Since he was originally a plantation owner, Zachary Taylor was very aware of the powerful forces of the southern slave owners throughout the southern United States. The entire southern states were under the control of these slave owners and went to the army, the county and the government. To civilians and slaves, all under the control of these plantation slave owners.

When he was in office, what he thought was nothing more than preventing the spread of slavery to other states in the United States, maintaining the status quo, and never thinking about abolishing slavery altogether.

He doesn't want to, but can't!

Slave is the private property of planters and their free labor. If slavery is abolished, they must pay salaries to those who cultivate their plantations at the price of hiring civilians, when their balance of payments will be broken. Even if they can't make ends meet, a lot of plantations will go out of business.

The slaves are the lifeblood of the plantation slave owners. The slave owners cannot allow the slavery to be abolished. This touches their most fundamental interests. If the US government forces the abolition of slavery, the final result will only be the departure of the southern slave states. The federal may even explode the civil war.

"Then defeat half of the United States!"

Chen Mo's tone is extremely relaxed and casual. It seems that he is not talking about a strong United States, but a weak and small country.

"Beat them?"

Zachary Taylor muttered to himself.

"Yes, politics and compromise can't solve the slave problem. The only way is war!"

"Only the time is not yet ripe. After fifteen years, slavery will be completely history!"

"fifteen years?"

In the mouth, recited the deadline given by Chen Mo, Zachary Taylor's bleak eyes could not help but shine.

Although I don’t know why Chen Mo will conclude that slavery will end in fifteen years, he has already experienced the magical ability of resurrection. For Chen Mo’s words, Zachary Taylor is now blindly convinced by Victor and James. .

Fifteen years may sound like a long time, but it seems to be very fast in Zachary Taylor. When he originally wanted to come, it is estimated that it will be possible until the 20th century and even the 21st century, the US slave system is possible. Thoroughly overthrown.

For a system that has been ingrained in a country for nearly a hundred years, and this system also involves the fundamental interests of half of the people within the country, wanting to change is not a one-night event. In fifteen years, it is already very short.

Zachary Taylor can imagine that this fifteen years will never be calm, as Chen Mo said, politics and compromise can not solve the slave problem, the only way is war!

Only defeat half of the US ~ ~ to completely abolish slavery!

The end of slavery must be a great war that is even bigger and more magnificent than the US-Mexico war!

"If you want, you can join the army with Victor and James and end slavery by yourself!"

Chen Mo’s words made Zachary Taylor’s eyes shine.

Before he was tired of the war, it was because he was pitted by his own people, causing heavy casualties for his soldiers. The US-Mexico war was essentially a war of aggression. Although the country expanded its territory, it was actually Zachary. Taylor did not feel how glorious.

The war against the slave owners was for the reunification of the motherland and the liberation of the people. Zachary Taylor felt the flame of fighting in his heart again.

However, fifteen years later, he is already over eighty years old. How can he still get on the battlefield? Even if the war started earlier, his body will be difficult to withstand.

Over the years, Zachary Taylor has become more and more aware that his body is not as good as before. Although he is still strong among his peers, he is still worse than he was when he was young. This is why he got "malaria" for himself. "And in a few days, there is no doubt about the cause of death."

Moreover, it is hard to say whether he can live until that day. In today's era, there are not many people who can live to be eighty years old.

Chen Mo looked at Zachary Taylor's bright eyes and then quickly dimmed his eyes, feeling his inner loss and regret, it was easy to see through his mind.

"The body is not a problem. I can make you die and resurrect. Naturally, you can restore your youth. In fact, you now have an eternal life!"



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