My Iron Suit

Chapter 438: What kind of existence is it? !

Zachary Taylor, the ruling party with only 16 months, the 66th-year-old US president, like the old hero Harrison 9 years ago, died in the hospital during his term of office.

After the death of President Taylor, Congress finally passed the compromise bill proposed by the Whig party leader Henry Clay and others.

The bill decided to join California as a free state, and set up two special zones in New Mexico and Utah. It does not set a law on whether to allow slavery, prohibit slave trade in the District of Columbia, and enact more powerful laws to help slave owners escape. slave.


In a seemingly eternal darkness and silence, a faint and awkward light suddenly appeared, and as the light spread, a blurry voice gradually sounded in this dead silence and became more and more Clear.

" see, his eyes are moving!"

"That blood can really make people come back to life!"

who am I?

I am Zachary Taylor! The 12th President of the United States!

The two voices just got familiar!

And, am I not dead?

Zachary Taylor’s consciousness returned from nothingness. He gradually remembered the previous things. Was he not sick?

The feeling of death and the boundless darkness and silence made him convinced that he was not mistaken.

So what is going on now? Have you come to heaven yourself?

Feeling the light in front of him, Zachary Taylor tried hard to open his eyes and see where it is.

Under his constant attempts and efforts, it seems that he finally recovered his control of the body. The heavy eyelids slowly opened, and a white ceiling first came into his eyes.

In the corner of his eyes, there seems to be a few figures. I think of the familiar voice I heard in the middle of the night. Zachary Taylor can't help but turn his eyes. At the same time, he tries to look up and look at the figures. The direction in which you are.

After waking up from the darkness of death, Zachary Taylor gradually restored his control of the body, and he felt as if he was lying on a bed.

Under his efforts, Zachary Taylor finally saw a few figures standing in front of the bed.

Two of them are the very familiar Victor and James!

"How can you both be here? Are you also...?!"

Although Zachary Taylor is still a little weak, but the voice still reveals a deep concern for the two.

Obviously, he thought it was a paradise, and if Victor and James appeared here, did they mean that they both became dead like him?

"This is our home, of course we are here!"

Victor watched Zachary Taylor, who was alive on the bed, and licked his mouth with two sharp tiger teeth, saying with sarcasm.

"I said that there is a goodbye. It seems that we still have a lot of fate."

Victor's tone did not make Zachary Taylor angry. He had already become accustomed to Victor's "toothy mouth". He cares about the meaning of Victor.

Recalling the two words I heard before, Zachary Taylor couldn’t help but shocked and widened his eyes, asking the two men to dare not believe.

"You mean, I am not dead?!"

Victor swayed his head gently.

"No! You are dead!"

Looking at Zachary Taylor's face full of doubts and confusion, Victor could not help but smile, and continued.

"Just, you are resurrected by our lord!"

master! resurrection!

These two sensitive words made Zachary Taylor unable to change his sight from Victor and James to the tall and majestic figure standing beside them.

Is this the "master" of the two little guys who can do everything? Did he really be resurrected by him?

Zachary Taylor had no doubt about his death. He personally experienced the whole process, suffered the pain of the disease, and clearly felt the whole process of stepping into death. Those feelings could not be faked, especially it seemed Endless nothingness and darkness.

It seems to have passed for a long time, and it seems to be just a moment of time.

He can be sure that he is not in a coma or sleeps, because that feeling is completely different!

As far as Zachary Taylor himself is concerned, he actually believes in the fact that he was resurrected after his death.

Moreover, this is from the Vickers, although this stinky boy is not inferior, always loves to do with himself, but also particularly likes to watch his own eating, but he and James have never lied to themselves, so this words from Vic Speaking in the mouth, Zachary Taylor is still very convinced.

It seems that he really died in the White House and was "resurrected" by the mysterious "master" in front!

Thinking of this, Zachary Taylor could not help but carefully look at the long-known "Master ~ ~ the first feeling that the other party gave him is powerful!

This kind of power is not only the tall and strong on the body, but also the unique momentum that the other person exudes.

Although his expression is dull, Zachary Taylor can feel a strong majesty. This is the only temperament that can only be produced if the long-term high position controls the powerful force and the lives and deaths of countless people. How to imitate it is impossible to copy.

Zachary Taylor has been a major general for more than 40 years. He has always been a major general and led a military. In the end, he became the president of the United States who led the whole United States. It is also considered to be a long-term high, and he has control over enormous power, but no matter what. It is himself, or the high-ranking politicians and princes he has seen at home and abroad, who are far from the powerful majesty of the people in front of the world.

He does not think that this is his illusion or that the other party is acting. Although he does not know how to explain the powerful dignity of the other party, is the other party stronger than the president of the United States and the king of a country?

He wants to see the answer from Chen Mo's eyes, but when he put his eyes on Chen Mo's eyes, it seems to contain the whole world, and the darkness of the whole universe is so deep that he almost lost himself. Both eyes seem to be able to understand everything. Zachary Taylor feels his own thoughts, and his heart is completely exposed to the other side, and there is no secret at all.

The line of sight was removed from Chen Mo, and there was not much change on Zachary Taylor's face, but his heart was like the sea in the storm, and it burst into waves and waves, and it could not be calmed for a long time.

What kind of existence is this "master" of Victor and James? !


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