My Iron Suit

Chapter 393: Let's go hunting!

By 1827, John Jacob Astor's American Fur Company had successfully monopolized the trade with the Indians in Missouri.

In this desolate and barbaric area, the agents of the American Fur Company are fully armed, and it is clear that no competitor, or individual businessman, can dare to enter the region to do fur business.

The American fur company deterred and controlled everything. It did not take the government's representatives into the eye. It did not recognize any other laws except the laws required by its own interests.

It was through the monopoly of the fur trade in Missouri that John Jacob Astor earned an amazing profit, starting with an ordinary fur businessman and becoming the richest man in the United States, and earning money from the fur trade. Involved in the real estate sector, and also invested heavily in coal mines and other minerals, gas plants and other industries.

And Chen Mo’s goal this time is to take food from the hands of the richest man in the United States!

In fact, Chen Mo can choose other targets with weaker strengths, but the time spent is too long and the efficiency is relatively low. It is not as fast and direct as this.

Moreover, the so-called richest man in the United States, who relies on powerful military power to monopolize the whole bar trade of Missouri's fur trade, is not seen by Chen Mo at all. He can deter any attempt to invade his "territory" for fur purchase. The armed team, in the eyes of Chen Mo, is nothing but a chicken and a dog.

However, Chen Moke did not intend to take his own shot, but planned to use this opportunity to exercise the fighting ability of Victor and James.

Other industries rarely go deep into the wilderness like the fur trade, and they can use force at will. The two natural warriors of Victor and James are in need of such an environment to temper their combat power.

John Jacob Astor will not know that the Chinese businessman who has just been ridiculed by him is not only eyeing his most profitable fur business, but even intends to turn his armed forces into his own. The nourishment of the growth of two beasts!

Not long after staying in a luxury hotel in New York, Chen Mo took Victor and James again to leave the bustling city and head towards the lush forests of Missouri.

The two little guys were very new when they first arrived in New York, but they soon became boring. Apart from the dense buildings, luxurious decoration, and the busy crowds on the streets, there seemed to be nothing interesting here. After watching it for a few days, it quickly became boring.

Moreover, New York is a city with extremely developed business and finance. The rhythm of the whole city is extremely fast, which makes the two people who grow up under the embrace of nature in the manor under the forest very uncomfortable.

Now that I have finally left this busy and bustling city, but like a caged city, Victor and James feel relaxed, like two beasts that have been locked up, finally regaining their freedom, sitting in the carriage is a face The excitement is not as sullen and languid as it was in the hotel a few days ago.

"Sir, where are we going this time?"

Victor was driving in front of the carriage. James was sitting in the carriage and looking at the familiar and comfortable natural scenery outside the window. The days of depression were swept away, and the destination was curious. It took a long time to get along with Chen Mo. James was not as restrictive as he was at the beginning. He asked directly if he had doubts in his heart.

Although it was strange for Chen Mo to leave again in New York soon, James was very happy.

After all, he is only a child in his teens. He likes the relaxed atmosphere, and the wild nature that lies in his heart, which makes him prefer the vast and free environment. Compared with why he left New York, he is more concerned that they will Where to go, another busy and crowded city, still a quiet and free country.

Victor, who was driving in front of the carriage, heard the words of James across the window and could not help but erect his ears.

Like James, when he grew up at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, Victor, who often ran into the forest, didn't like the business atmosphere of New York. But he was a little older than James, and he was more mature, but he didn't. As impatient as James.

But for this destination, Victor is also full of curiosity.

Feeling the curiosity of the two small hearts, Chen Mo’s mouth smiled slightly and slowly opened his mouth, slowly speaking with the sound that Victor could just hear from the front window.

"Let's go hunting in the forest!"

When Victor and James heard their eyes, they were obviously interested in what Chen Mo called "hunting." When Victor entered the forest and played, he often placed traps in the forest or used slingshots. Hunting some rabbits, little animals like birds, naturally knows the fun of hunting.

It has always been frail and rarely left the Haolid Manor, but James, who has no chance to enter the forest, is always eager for hunting.

It’s just that the two people who are excited inside and outside the carriage don’t know that the “hunting” that Chen Mokou said is not what they thought. The objects they hunted were neither the small birds and beasts that Victor had previously captured, nor the bison. A large animal such as the Grizzlies, but the armed men of the American Fur Company under John Jacob Astor!

With the temptation of hunting, Victor and James, who were ruined in New York, couldn’t help but look forward to the destination. Even the carriage was much faster. In a few days, they finally arrived in Missouri. Outside the forest.

The carriage was parked in a small village on the edge of the forest. Chen Mo and the excited faces of Victor and James walked into the forest with empty hands.

Shortly after they left the village, their whereabouts were reported to a group of militants stationed in the village.

The village is close to the forest and there is a dirt road connected to the outside world. It is the only way for many fur merchants to enter and leave the forest, and the best place to rest. When it was bustling, every day, many fur merchants settled here and transported. The carriage of the fur can be seen everywhere.

However, since the United States fur company monopolized the fur trade in the entire Missouri area more than a decade ago, it has rarely seen foreign fur traders. This village has become the exclusive base for the armed personnel of the American fur company, and information about each outsider. They will report to them very quickly, and these imaginary people who have escaped from the American fur company’s armed personnel and secretly traded with the Indians in the forest, but when they enter the forest, no one can come out again!

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