My Iron Suit

Chapter 391: The correction of the plot!

Even if it will be developed sooner or later, but waiting for the last three years and five years is enough for many people to go bankrupt, when the large amount of funds to buy land is trapped, the bank's vampires will not be polite to them.

So even if you know the land that will be developed in the future, the uncertain time and the unpredictable price are enough to make most people discouraged.

Unless the government clearly publishes a city development plan that clearly lists which areas are being developed, they will be willing to make some short- and medium-term investments with sufficient funds, as appropriate.

As for the long-term investment of Chen Mo, which has been carried out for hundreds of years and hundreds of years, there will be no second besides Chen Mo, who has eternal life and bad motives.

While merchants throughout New York were laughing at Chen Mo, Chen Mo had quickly completed the acquisition of land outside of today's New York City and adjacent areas to be developed.

In other words, in addition to the lower city, the future of Manhattan, the Midtown and the Upper City are already in the hands of Chen Mo.

It should be noted that with the development of the times, the old city area of ​​Lower Manhattan has been far from meeting the development needs of New York, an international metropolis. The center of New York has gradually moved northward, and Midtown Manhattan has gradually become the center of Manhattan. The most crowded and bustling area of ​​New York is also the region with the highest density of skyscrapers in the world, the Empire State Building, Rockefeller Center and other New York landmarks, where world-renowned office buildings are located.

The upper part of Manhattan, the upper part of the city, is the future richest residential area, which can be called the price of gold.

After buying most of Manhattan in decades, Chen Mo’s gold has already consumed nearly half of the money. After all, he just put a box of gold in the space for emergency. He can buy more than half of Manhattan because of the current land price. Cheap, and then Chen Mo's space is large, without having to consider the weight problem, a large box is full.

However, the gold brought by Chen Mo is limited. The future plan can't rely on the gold in the space. Otherwise, one day, there will be a day to eat, and Chen Mo must start to create his own industry and provide sufficient funds for his future plans.

Therefore, after buying most of Manhattan, Chen Mo did not continue to encircle around New York, but began to carry out commercial layout.

The first industrial revolution started in Europe has spread to the United States. At this time, the industrial revolution was taking place in the northern and central parts of the United States. The industrial development was rapid. The industrial machinery powered by steam engines has been applied to industrial production on a large scale. The densely populated factory handicrafts such as clothing are gradually being replaced by factories produced by large machines.

However, Chen Mo did not return to his old business and created a car manufacturing company, because, at this time, not to mention a car, even the internal combustion engine has no shadow.

Now is the first industrial revolution, the core equipment of this industrial revolution is the steam engine. The first true internal combustion engine will not be manufactured until 1866, and the car did not appear until 1885.

As for the use of steam engines to manufacture cars, due to the huge size of the steam engine and the need to continuously add fuel, it is impossible to manufacture a car that is too small, and the speed cannot be raised at all. There is no practical significance at all, and the market prospect is not great.

And if you make a big move, it is a steam-powered train.

However, although the first steam-powered train was already manufactured as early as 1825, it was not until 1863 that the United States began the construction of the first railway in the country, the Pacific Railway.

Although he holds a large amount of advanced science and technology in his hands, Chen Mo does not intend to interfere excessively in the development of American industry and technology.

Because the technology in his hands is taken out, it will inevitably strengthen the strength of all aspects of the United States.

The appearance of light alone will greatly enhance the transportation capacity of the United States, and its chain effect will have a huge impact on all walks of life, economy, military and other aspects.

Not to mention that Chen Mo still holds a large amount of other technologies. Even if he does not directly produce too advanced technology, it is only necessary to advance the appearance of some things, which will inevitably lead to a huge change in the national strength of the United States, which in turn will affect the future world trend.

If the change is too large, resulting in more than the ability to correct the plot, the key story he is waiting for cannot happen smoothly, then his purpose will not be realized, and the waiting for more than one hundred years will be wasted.

Therefore, before finally achieving the goal, Chen Mo will not change history significantly, especially in technology, industry, and military.

However, this does not mean that Chen Mo must be careful. After doing things, he can't let go of his actions. According to Chen Mo's experience of crossing the summary many The correction ability of the movie world itself is still very strong.

It’s like he made many changes in the world of Captain America. The fate of Hydra, SHIELD, Dr. Erskine, Howard Stark and even Captain America and Carter were completely rewritten, but in the end, When Chen Mo returned again seventy years later, at least everything on the surface was corrected by the plot. Of course, the changes made by Chen Mo still exist, but it did not affect the occurrence of the "Iron Man" story.

This shows that the plot can be automatically corrected within a certain limit, as far as possible in accordance with the film plot, but if Chen Mo did kill Howard, or gave him off, then the story of "Iron Man" can not happen again.

Chen Mo’s goal in this world is the X plan created by Stryker during the Vietnam War more than a hundred years later! Therefore, some things that are not too relevant can be changed, such as economics, commerce, finance, etc., but involve important historical processes, military science and technology development, etc., Chen Mo is not sure if the changes he caused are too big, will it affect? The development of the plot even directly led to Stryker no longer appearing.

Therefore, from the perspective of insurance, Chen Mo decided not to intervene in the US industrial, scientific, military and other aspects to accelerate or slow down its development, but this does not mean that Chen Mo does nothing.

Chen Mo, who has a library in his brain, knows every detail of the recent development history of the United States, the time of each important technological invention, when a new thing is created, and the key to many great opportunities. At the moment, Chen Moquan knows everything. If he wants it, he only needs to start a few days in advance, and he can take the opportunity to take these opportunities into his own hands without completely affecting the overall development.

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