My Iron Suit

Chapter 1399: Emergency!

Chen Mo couldn't help but wonder. Jarvis has been monitoring David's situation. If they act or encounter danger, Jarvis will notify him in advance.

And now that Jarvis hasn't moved, it means that David is not in danger.

With some doubts, Chen Mo directly connected the phone, and David's anxious voice immediately came out of it.

"Director, I have an emergency report!"


"I just received news that a flight from Los Angeles to Huaxia lost contact over the Pacific Ocean. The military sent two fighters to investigate, and found that all the people in the plane were in a coma. The plane is now no longer controlled! "

Chen Mo frowned when he heard the words, but he continued to listen anxiously.

"The military cannot provide effective rescue. If no one saves them, when the fuel is exhausted, more than one hundred people on the plane will be killed along with the plane!"

Chen Mo immediately understood the purpose of David's phone call. In this case, the passenger plane must be in an autonomous driving state, flying at high altitude and high speed. Although the fighter can see the inside of the aircraft through the porthole, it cannot Under altitude and speed, send people into the interior of the passenger plane.

So they can only watch, but have no choice.

In the current situation, no one can really save them!

But David knew that there was someone who could!

That's Iron Man!

Although Chen Mo could not directly pull a large passenger plane that crashed like a helicopter, he could directly enter the interior of the passenger plane and find a way to control the plane to land smoothly!

So, the first time he heard the news, David called Chen Mo.

Now in the whole world, only Chen Mo can save this passenger plane and more than 100 people on it!

Chen Mo is not a dead man, let alone this plane is flying to Huaxia. There must be many passengers on the plane who are Huaxia's compatriots, and Chen Mo can't do anything about it!

"I know, leave it to me!"

After Chen Mo finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly. David on the other side couldn't help but look at the hung up phone in his hand. I haven't told you where the plane is!

However, I thought about it, but the head of the SHIELD Bureau was on the opposite side. With the power of his control, it was not easy to know the location of the passenger plane!

Immediately, David's heart, which he had been carrying since he heard the news, instantly fell to the majority. Chen Mo shot it personally, and David believed that the plane would be rescued!

for sure!

On the other side, Chen Mo did not delay, let Jarvis locate the position of the passenger plane, and then put on the steel armor directly, and opened the stealth mode and flew out of the castle!

Following Jarvis's navigation, Chen Mo drove the steel suit to its maximum speed and flew towards the northwest.

With the super high speed of the steel suit, Chen Mo arrived in the airspace where the passenger plane was located in less than half an hour.

In addition to the Boeing 747 passenger plane, two F15 fighters appeared in Chen Mo's sight, following on both sides of the passenger plane.

But now there is a problem. The stealth device of Chen Mo's steel suit can actually only play the role of visual stealth, and cannot completely avoid the detection of radar and thermal energy detection devices.

Although the shape design of the steel armor can reduce the radar cross-section to a certain extent, the coating on the surface of the armor can also absorb most of the radar waves and play a certain degree of stealth effect, but this stealth is limited in distance .

The F-15's radar uses an airborne active phased array radar with a detection range of 250 kilometers and a range of 70-80 kilometers for detecting invisible targets. According to Jarvis' calculation, the stealth distance of the steel armor You can reach five kilometers!

In other words, five kilometers away, the F-15 fighter could not find Chen Mo's existence, but Chen Mo wanted to enter the interior of the passenger plane, even if it was teleported, it must be within the range of this point. It means that if Chen Mo wants to save people, he will be discovered!

However, since Chen Mo was here, naturally he had already been mentally prepared. The steel armor was actually exposed when the helicopter was rescued last time. This time, it was only a little more thorough.

Chen Mo did not hesitate and flew directly towards the passenger plane ahead. At the same time, he also canceled the stealth function of the steel suit.

Anyway, I was ready to expose the steel armor. Chen Mo did n’t hide it anymore. Otherwise, the fighter pilot would see nothing on the radar but could not see anything. I thought he had encountered a ghost. It!

Moreover, it is enough to expose the steel armor. The stealth ability and teleport do not need to be exposed together. Although Chen Mo is somewhat expecting people ’s reaction after learning that Iron Man really exists, he still does not want to make this world a flood. With a magical world of superpowers, at least until the third-level agents of SHIELD have grown up, the world still maintains a technological route.

Moreover, although the existence of Iron Man will cause a lot of attention, but the impact on people's hearts is not comparable to superpowers.

Iron suits can at least be explained by advanced black technology beyond the times. People's acceptance of this aspect is still very strong.

It is like the anti-cancer drugs of Aegis Group, super cars, holographic smartphones and 3D holographic movies. Although people are amazed, they are more excited.

People can still accept what science can explain, even if it is barely explained.

And superpowers are obviously not something that science can explain. Their appearance is likely to cause panic among ordinary people, and then bring many bad effects.

What Chen Mo has to do now is to save the plane as an ordinary Iron Man.

That's right, ordinary Iron Man!

So ~ ~ Chen Mo, after lifting the stealth, directly reduced the speed, and flew towards the passenger plane with a slightly faster speed than the plane.

The two fighters soon discovered from the radar an unknown target that appeared suddenly behind them and quickly approached.

After being shocked for a while, the two combat pilots quickly responded and quickly reported to the command center.

"Unidentified flying targets suddenly appeared a few kilometers behind, approaching quickly!"

At the same time as they reported, the steel armor was approaching quickly. Through the rearview mirror on the side of the cockpit, the two finally finally saw the shape of this unknown target that suddenly appeared on the radar, but after seeing it, The two were completely blinded!

At an altitude of more than 30,000 feet, the extremely fast approaching target found on their radar turned out to be a person!

The two fighter pilots couldn't help but blinked hard and looked at the rearview mirror again, only to find that the black figure didn't disappear but moved closer!

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