My Iron Suit

Chapter 1390: treatment!

Although I regret that I can't leave the FBI and get rid of all the shackles, if I can no longer be suppressed as Chen Mo said, I can even continue to be promoted with the help of Chen Mo. It is also a good choice to stay in the FBI.

He can still act in accordance with his own ideas and do some things that violate the laws and FBI rules. With the identity of the FBI, he is more convenient to act and has a layer of cover.

Seeing that David accepted the arrangement, Chen Mo immediately pointed to the phone on the desk and introduced David.

"Although this phone looks like a standard version of a holographic smartphone, it is actually a communicator specially tailored for S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. All aspects of performance must be far above the distinguished version of the holographic smartphone. The computing and storage capabilities are equivalent to A small supercomputer. "

David couldn't help but curious and excited to pick up the phone and check it.

He naturally heard of the Aegis Group ’s holographic smartphones and knew its powerful features.

In fact, he already wanted one, but he could n’t afford it at his salary. Even the cheapest standard version costs 10,000 US dollars. His salary deducts loans and daily expenses. It takes a long time to buy one, and he is really unwilling.

But he just joined the SHIELD Bureau, and Chen Mo even sent him a work phone that is more advanced than the one-million-dollar holographic smart phone. From just this point, David felt the God With the powerful financial resources of the Shield, there is no one with this treatment!

As David stroked the phone admirably, Chen Mo's voice continued to remind him.

"The artificial intelligence system built into this phone is highly intelligent and can assist you in intelligence gathering, data analysis, combat planning, network intrusion, etc. Through it, you can connect satellites, telephones, networks and monitoring systems to monitor , Detection and blocking. "

David's expression could not help but change, and the gaze of the slap-sized black mobile phone in his hand became hot.

According to Chen Mo, this mobile phone is equivalent to a group of top hackers and auxiliary teams. With it, all his actions will become easier in the future. Many things that were very difficult in the past, and even the things done by the brain can be easily done.

"For specific functions, you can ask the artificial intelligence system and it will answer you in detail."

After Chen Mo finished speaking, he pointed to the copper round sword shield crest on the table that was only the size of a button, and said to David.

"This crest is the logo of SHIELD, and it is also a miniature robot that can be connected to your mobile phone for reconnaissance, tracking, positioning, and attacking."

With Chen Mo's words, eight slender metal feet suddenly stretched out on both sides of the round collar emblem that has been lying quietly on the desk, like a spider, moving quickly and flexibly on the desktop, if you don't look carefully , Will only treat it as an ordinary spider, and no one would think that this turned out to be a miniature robot!

"Its feet can release high voltage electricity and neurotoxins to attack, and can instantly paralyze, anesthetize or even kill normal adults!"

Listening to Chen Mo's introduction, David looked at the flexible badge on the desktop and couldn't help but be shocked. It seemed that the technology of SHIELD was far more advanced than he thought!

With this little thing, he wanted to quietly subdue or kill some targets became very simple.

He had an urge to control the mechanical spider to kill George!

calm! calm!

Although George is abominable, he will not die, let him pass out, and then beat him hard again!

Just when David was excited about the phone and spider robot he got, Chen Mo's voice sounded again.

"These are just the standard equipment of the first-level agents. If you have accumulated enough merits to upgrade to the second-level agents, you can accept the enhancement."


David couldn't help asking.

"Yes, it's like Captain America's super soldier serum, which can strengthen your physical fitness in all directions and give you three times the physical fitness of ordinary people."

David heard an incredible look on his face, and he actually has a super soldier serum that can strengthen his physical fitness!

And can improve the physical quality to three times that of ordinary people!

David is well aware of the power of this super soldier serum, let alone three times, even if it is double or even 50%, it is enough for an ordinary person to become a very powerful soldier, like him who is proficient in fighting and shooting. The combat power can be increased several times, and the three-fold enhancement can make him a powerful presence like a superhero!

David couldn't help but think of the mafia that was slaughtered overnight, and killing their dead servants should have received this kind of reinforcement before they would have such a powerful strength!

Thinking of this, David couldn't help but look at Chen Mo and asked curiously.

"So what about the third-level agents?"

Chen Mo looked at the expectant David and said slowly.

"Tier 3 agents can have super powers!"

David said shockedly.

"What? Superpower? Are you saying that you want to control the flying knife just like that?"

Chen Mo looked at David, who was completely ignorant, and shook his head gently. David couldn't help but feel a little lost. He just said, just strengthen the physical quality. How can superpower say that there is something that can be given to ordinary Humans endow superpowers, I am afraid only God can do it!

But then he heard Chen Mo say slowly.

"Not just mindfulness, teleportation, self-healing, flames, tempering ..."

As the superpowers in each movie were spoken by Chen Mo, the look on David's face became more and more exciting.

"Most of the superpowers you can think of ~ ~ are among the enhancement options. When you are promoted to a third-level agent, you can choose any one of them to strengthen."

David heard this, his eyes could not help but radiate a very hot glory, looking at Chen Mo excitedly asked.

"Is there any magnetic field controlled by Magneto?"

In all the superpower movies he has seen, the most impressive thing is the control magnetic field of Magneto. Magneto's shock of the scene where Magneto lifted the entire bridge in the air was too great.

In David's immensely looking eyes, Chen Mo nodded slowly and said affirmatively.


David was so excited that he wanted to be promoted to a Level 3 agent immediately and chose to strengthen his ability to control the magnetic field.

But soon he reacted, quickly looked at Chen Mo and said excitedly.

"How can I become a Level 3 agent?"

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