My Iron Suit

Chapter 1387: SHIELD!

As the owner of Aegis Group, Chen Mo has always been very low-key. His appearance is rarely known to anyone except the top of Aegis Group. However, as the FBI, it is still easy for him to get Chen Mo's official information.

He had doubted the Aegis Group before, and he also investigated Chen Mo, the super rich man who controlled the entire Aegis Group, but never thought that the Iron Man who was a hero and a hero would be the owner of the Aegis Group!

Recalling what Su Wan, the president, said to him when he went to the Aegis Group to investigate, David now has the urge to scream at her in front of Su Wan!

Your boss is indeed not Tony Stark, but he is really Iron Man, OK? ! !

And it is still a super iron man with super powers!

In order to investigate these suspected superhero cases during this period, David has made a good deal of related superhero movies. He is already very familiar with the superpowers possessed by superheroes, except for Chen Mo's thought of controlling the flying knife. In addition, he suspected that the reason why Chen Mo was able to escape everyone in the FBI and appeared quietly in his office, relying on his ability to move instantly!

If someone had told him before that someone had a teleportation ability, David would certainly disdain, but after seeing Chen Mo ’s magical ability to control the flying knife, David had accepted the existence of superpowers, and Chen Mo was in the office. With all the doors and windows closed, he appeared in his office in a blink of an eye, and only the ability to move instantaneously could be explained.

Thinking of this, David's eyes lit up suddenly, and he understood how "Deadpool" killed the entire Mafia of Los Angeles overnight!

Chen Mo, the Iron Man, possesses the ability to teleport. The Deadpool who had the teleportation ability in the movie must also have this super power. In this way, watching Teleport, the Deadpool can naturally appear in different places quickly. In the Mafia stronghold, kill them quickly!

Moreover, David already has speculation about the identity of the deadpool.

Iron Man is the boss of Aegis Group, and his dead man is his men. David can't help but see the figures of Wade and Agent Zero seen in the movie set.

These two are Chen Mo ’s personal bodyguards, and they are his men, and both of them have shown great strength. David can basically conclude that the entire Los Angeles mafia ’s deadpool was blood washed overnight. One of the two may even work together!

And the film they thought they starred in was adapted from the mafia cleansing event they did. They are basically 100% instincts, and act themselves!

Although Chen Mo, the Iron Man, did not personally participate in the filming of the movie, he was the owner of the film company. He paid for the film with his own protagonist, and no one has ever imagined it!

Thinking of this, David couldn't help but have a very ridiculous feeling. The target of his painstaking investigation thought that they would be carefully hidden. Who thought that instead of hiding, they would kill themselves very high-profile What happened was directly adapted into a movie.

Chen Mo, the boss, paid for it, and Wade and Agent Zero both contributed to the performance in person. David has no idea whether to use arrogance or madness to describe this behavior!

Are they not afraid of identity exposure?

But then David suddenly realized that it was wrong, Chen Mo had no reason to actively expose his identity to him, and admitted all the things they had done directly, which was really abnormal!

He is pursuing their case. At this time, revealing his identity will not benefit them, but will cause huge trouble. Even if Chen Mo is the owner of the SHIELD Group, it is difficult to retreat all over the body. The mafia's deadpool will face prison.

According to common sense, Chen Mo should avoid him, or find a way to hinder his investigation, rather than take the initiative to come to the door and confess everything. The biggest possibility he can think of in this situation is to kill people and kill them!

Only the dead can keep a secret!

Chen Mo came here probably because his investigation threatened the safety of Chen Mo and his men, so Chen Mo went out in person and wanted to kill him and tell him so much, but it just made him want to die!

In addition, David could not think of other possibilities.

After quickly analyzing the most likely purpose of Chen Mo's coming here, David's heart could not help sinking, his right hand could not help clenching the pistol still in his hand.

However, this pistol did not bring him more security at this time. Chen Mo ’s ability to control the flying knife was not slower than the bullet. David doubted that if he dared to raise the muzzle again, he would not wait to point. Chen Mo, the flying knife that he didn't know was received by him will pass through him first!

David immediately looked at Chen Mo with a dignified expression in his face, and said with a lingering voice in his tone.

"What purpose do you come here?"

Chen Mo noticed David's change, and his eyes swept over his hand holding the pistol, making David feel nervous for a while, then Chen Mo looked up at David and said slowly to him.

"I came here to find you."

David heard that his heart suddenly felt cold, and his back was instantly soaked with sweat.


This rich man took the risk of exposure and went out in person, just to kill him!

His previous investigation into the SHIELD Group was likely to cause him to be vigilant. After learning that he was investigating the several cases related to him, in order to prevent him from discovering the truth and revealing his identity and secrets, he decided Start with the strong first, kill the people!

Confirmed his guess ~ ~ Even if David wanted to resist, but under Chen Mo's sharp blade-like eyes, he did not dare to act rashly!

When David was struggling in his heart, hesitating whether to fight desperately, he listened to Chen Mo's voice again and said slowly.

"As the Director of SHIELD, I invite you to join SHIELD!"

When David heard this, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, looked at Chen Mo in amazement, and said stutteringly.

"What did you say? God ... Aegis Bureau?"

David naturally knows what S.H.I.E.L.D. is a secret organization that deals with all kinds of strange events and guards against major threats. But is n’t this a fictional organization in Marvel movies?

If someone else said something like this to him, he would think that the other person was joking, but it was "Iron Man" who told him this, which made David unable to help but feel a bit confused. Clear reality and illusion.

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