My Iron Suit

Chapter 1383: evaluation result!

When Maria Hill received the order from Chen Mo, she couldn't help but show an excited look. She had been waiting for this day for a long time.

Although she was lurking under the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau under the control of SHIELD, the secret agency that was superficially managed by the World Security Council was much stronger than they are now.

They have powerful intelligence, science and technology, and military power, and they can unimpeded in all countries.

Of course, by comparison, the almost omnipotent Hydra can influence and manipulate the situation of the entire world in secret!

The Hydra they are rebuilding in the real world is still far away!

But now, she can finally let go of her hands and feet and develop with all her strength. Maria Hill believes that with their ability, it will not take too long to reproduce the glory of the Hydra.

While many Hydra elite agents all over the world took action, Chen Mo focused his attention on Detective David, the director of the Criminal Investigation Division of the FBI Los Angeles Branch.

As the FBI director in charge of major criminal cases in the Los Angeles area, he was responsible for the previous Mafia cleaning incidents, library shootings, theft of new anti-cancer drugs and other cases related to Chen Mo or the Aegis Group. Chen Mo had paid some attention to him before, and Jarvis conducted an in-depth investigation on him, and found that his ability and character were very good.

A month ago, Chen Mo accidentally rescued Kobe and others who had crashed the helicopter when he tested the upgraded steel armor, which exposed the existence of the steel armor.

In the absence of any direct clues, David turned his doubtful eyes to the SHIELD Group several times, and connected all the cases related to Chen Mo. If the steel armor was brought directly from the movie world, Chen Mo Yes, it has nothing to do with Aegis Group, and it is really possible for him to find out.

However, through this matter, Chen Mo became more aware of his ability, so he could not help but consider whether to absorb David into the Hydra.

With the support of Chen Mo and Hydra, his future development is foreseeable, and it is not a problem to become the head of the FBI Los Angeles branch.

In this way, Chen Mo's current home base, Los Angeles' FBI will be in Chen Mo's hands, he will be more convenient to act in the future.

Later, with the development of Hydra and the continuous penetration of high-level officials from various countries, David will become the best candidate for the FBI director.

Of course, these are all future things. What they have to do now is to absorb David into the Hydra.

Chen Mo asked Hill to conduct an in-depth investigation of David beforehand to see if it met the requirements for joining the Hydra.

The conditions for Hydra to recruit members are extremely strict. All aspects of David ’s situation, including personality, ideals, beliefs, values, etc., require in-depth investigation and evaluation. Conduct temptation, guidance, testing and absorption.

After joining the Hydra, David can only start from the peripheral members, and will not touch the secrets of the core. Only when he is completely reliable can he be officially joined by the Hydra.

Now that one month has passed, Hill ’s investigation of David has been completed.

Chen Mo already knew some specific information and skipped it directly. Chen Mo was more interested in their evaluation of David.

Although David is the chief detective of the Criminal Investigation Division of the FBI Los Angeles Branch Office and has excellent handling ability, he is not actually appreciated by the Director of the Branch Office George.

The Criminal Investigation Department he is responsible for is responsible for dealing with some difficult or unsuccessful dirty work, such as the previous Los Angeles mafia cleaning incident, the library shooting incident, the theft of new anti-cancer drugs, and not long ago The crash just happened.

Most of these cases have no clues and clues. The investigation is very difficult and most of the cases will become unsolved cases. If you do n’t get any credit, you wo n’t be able to say anything.

In the end, all of these cases were handed over to David by George, and these cases were not resolved except for the stolen new cancer drug with the help of Jarvis. The other cases were not resolved. David was This is not without much scolding from George.

This also led to David ’s outstanding ability in handling cases and cracking many major cases, but because the overall detection rate is very low, he has been sitting in the position of head of the Criminal Investigation Department for several years and has not been promoted. Among them, George's deliberate suppression.

All of this is because of his character. David is upright and has a strong sense of principle. He ca n’t tolerate some things that violate the law and FBI regulations. Coupled with the fact that he is not the sub-director of George, he is naturally not reused.

After being promoted to the head of the Criminal Investigation Department by his own ability, he has stayed in this position without any advancement.

Otherwise, with his ability, it is impossible to be a supervisor in the branch until now.

However, according to Hill's final evaluation results, with David's character and various past performances, he may not be too much in agreement with the idea of ​​Hydra.

Although the Hydra under Chen Mo was completely different from the Hydra under the Red Skull, it was developed on the basis of the original Hydra, except for the purpose of serving Chen Mo and protecting the earth. In fact, the Hydra ’s acting style is not much different from the past.

Although their purpose is usually just in the end ~ ~, the process is inevitably full of **** and violent conspiracies and killings. David ’s person is too upright, principled, and even stubborn, although not Hostile to Hydra, but want to let him join, hope is not great.

Therefore, in Hill's evaluation report, David's final audit result was unqualified.

Chen Mo dropped the report, but his face was not disappointed.

He couldn't help but think of Mori Maziko in the Pacific Rim World. In his view, the two people's personality is actually a bit similar. Under normal circumstances, Mori Maziko may be like him. Provisions of the Joint Pacific Rim Defense Force.

However, Morimako is facing a huge crisis that threatens the entire world. Under this huge pressure, Morimako broke the previous insistence and carried out Chen Mo ’s plan without the committee.

But the real world is not threatened by monsters, nor is it facing the invasion of aliens and various crises like the Avengers world. Compared with the movie world, the real world earth is obviously much more peaceful.

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