My Iron Suit

Chapter 1377: If there is resistance, kill directly!

Outside the prison, a nervous and disturbed Dr. Herman found that the door of the prison was suddenly opened again, and quickly looked up.

At the next moment, Dr. Herman was stunned.

What he was most worried about did not happen. Newt was not killed. It was still good. Moreover, the shackles of him were also released. At this time, he was coming out of the prison room behind Chen Mo.

Seeing Chen Mo releasing Newt, everyone was also surprised. Similar to Dr. Herman, they also thought that Chen Mo would not let Newt out. After the pioneers and monsters were all killed, Newt, who was on the pioneer side Human traitors have become the objects to be dealt with next.

Seeing Newt coming out behind Chen Mo, the two soldiers guarding at the door could not help changing their faces, even when they were about to step forward to control him.

After being arrested for his own use, Newt has been acting like a lunatic and has shown a strong offensiveness. They are worried that Newt will attack everyone present.

Newt saw the two soldiers approaching him with bad looks, and quickly raised his hand and shouted.

"Hey! Don't be nervous, I'm ready, I'm normal now, long live the earth! Long live humans!"

The two soldiers looked at General Quan with doubts.

General Quan looked at Moriko and looked at Chen Mo.

"Relax, the pioneer consciousness in his mind has been cleared by me, and the Newt who stood before you was the one ten years ago."

Chen Modang explained the situation of Newt to everyone, and heard Chen Mo said that Newt had been controlled by pioneers for ten years, and the reason why this was so was because in order to find a way to destroy the wormhole twice in the same year Only by empathy will it be invaded by the pioneer consciousness and infect the brain. Dr. Herman's face can't help but reveal a trace of excitement.

"Newt itself is not wrong, and no one else can avoid the result of being controlled by the pioneer, and it is also because of him that we opened the wormhole again, and were able to counterattack into the world of pioneers and destroy them completely. "

Chen Mo said that he stopped here, his eyes swept over General Quan and others, and then said slowly.

"So, I think Newt is not guilty!"

General Quan could not help but look at Morimako. As for the handling of Newt, Morimako, as the Secretary-General, had more say.

Dr. Herman couldn't help looking at Morimako.

Moriko turned his attention to Newt.

She had worked with Newt at the time, and it was with the information provided by Newt that she was able to drive the dangerous wanderer through the wormhole and blow it up.

Morita is still very familiar with Newt ’s person. He is a little timid and a little slick, but at a critical moment, he can stand up regardless of everything. Everything he did that year has proved his position.

What happened later was obviously very abnormal, not only contradicting his previous performance, but also not something that normal people would do.

As Chen Mo said, all this was done under the control of the pioneer consciousness, so that everything was explained.

Just when Newt and Dr. Herman were a bit nervous, Asako suddenly stepped forward, watching Newt talking to him seriously.

"Welcome back, Dr. Newt."

General Quan saw the situation and immediately waved at the two soldiers. He also heard Chen Mo just say that the two of them immediately stepped aside, and looked at Newt without the previous defense and hostility.

Dr. Herman couldn't help being excited when he heard Moriko's words, and looked at Newt excitedly.

Newt also breathed a sigh of relief, looking at Morimako, could not help tearing off the corner of his mouth, revealing a long sincere smile.

Newt immediately looked at Shao Liwen standing next to him, and couldn't help but apologize.

"Sorry, boss, I destroyed your drone armor."

Newt knew that those drone armours were the life and soul of Shao Liwen, but now half of them were exploded by her own hands and half of them were destroyed by nuclear explosions in the pioneer world. Although it was all because of the pioneers, as the actual executor of all this, he I still feel a little sad in my heart.

Shao Liwen was not angry, but said with a smile.

"Anyway, the pioneers and monsters have been wiped out. That's what I really want, and my drone armor has made great achievements this time. Everything is worth it!"

Newt's eyes could not help but swept over everyone, and found that everyone's eyes were full of sincerity and goodwill, and he did not resent him for everything he did, which made his last worries disappeared, turned his head to look. To Chen Mo, Newt couldn't help but feel grateful.

He knew that it was all because of Chen Mo!

If it were not Chen Mo who helped him wipe out the pioneering consciousness in his mind and helped him explain the guarantee, everyone would definitely not accept him so easily.

At this moment, General Quan suddenly looked at Chen Mo and asked.

"How do we deal with the other monster admirers involved?"

Chen Mowen said that he looked at Dr. Herman and said in the eyes of some people who were puzzled.

"The pioneer consciousness contained in the monster ’s brain is not particularly powerful. Like Dr. Herman, whether it is for research or curiosity, if only one synaesthesia, it will not be infected, but it will be bad because of strong stimulation. The reaction is very resistant to another sense. "

"In this case, the second synaesthesis continued, either to get the wormhole information like Newt, or to be a monster admirer who really regarded the monster as a **** to worship, and they had already betrayed humanity! "

Moriko looked at Chen Mo, and UU read www. said with some uncertainty.

"what do you mean……"

"Capture all monster admirers who participated in this conspiracy against crimes against humanity. If you resist, kill them directly! At the same time, search and destroy all living monster brains to completely prevent the revival of the pioneer consciousness, the monster's corpse and all activities The organization must also be completely destroyed to prevent people from using cloning technology to reproduce new monsters again! "

From Chen Mo's words, everyone heard the heavy murderousness. It is conceivable that if Chen Mo's words are really followed, the people and forces involved will be very wide. Monster admirers are a very large group, although not Everyone is controlled by the pioneer consciousness, but there are definitely not a few involved in this conspiracy, and most of them should be the top social figures.

During the entire process of arrest and search, many people will be involved, which is likely to cause great confusion and panic, which is why they have not taken measures against monster admirers before.

But this time, Moriko does not intend to continue to tolerate it!

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