My Iron Suit

Chapter 1375: Erase!

As he realized before with him, the meaning of traversing should not only be to seek strength, but also to give him the opportunity to experience different worlds and different lives!

In this world, although his journey has come to an end, it is not over yet, and he still has many things to do.

Chen Mo likes that everything has a beginning and an end, and the pits dug must be filled!

Such a life is complete!

Even if it was just a short experience in alien world, Chen Mo did not want to leave regret.

Facing the lineup of all the people at the base and feeling the gratitude and respect of everyone, Chen Mo couldn't help but smile.

If you change someone else, you may inevitably be infected by the emotions of the people, and you may be excited. Maybe you will have a previous impromptu speech.

However, Chen Mo was used to all kinds of big scenes, and it was not the first time to save the earth. Such scenes did not make him too excited, but there was still a warm stream in his heart.

In the warm welcome of everyone, Chen Mo went directly to General Quan and said.

"Where is Newt? Take me to see him."

Dr. Herman's face could not help but change, and there was a deep worry on his face.

Although Newt betrayed mankind, he was after all a colleague and friend of Dr. Herman, and with Chen Mo's fierce style in dealing with pioneers and monsters, Dr. Herman worried that he might not let Newt pass !

After all, Newt at this time has been completely controlled by the pioneer's consciousness, and his brain is full of destruction of humanity.

When the pioneer was completely killed by the nuclear explosion, Dr. Herman also specifically visited Newt in the prison, but he was disappointed that Newt did not return to normal due to the destruction of the pioneer, and his mental state remained the same as before. .

The mouth keeps screaming that the pioneer will come back and level the earth!

Dr. Herman was afraid that Chen Mo would be able to stop him after seeing him!

General Quan heard Chen Mo's request, although somewhat puzzled, but nodded immediately and said.

"He is in the cell, I will take you here."

General Quan said that he immediately turned and took Chen Mo and walked into the base. Dr. Herman and Moriko saw each other and immediately followed.

A group of people soon came to the door of the detention cell located under the base.

"Open the door!"

Under the order of General Quan, the soldiers guarding the door opened the door of the imprisonment room.

In the uneasy eyes of Dr. Herman, Chen Mo walked alone into the detention room, and the heavy door was closed.

In the detention room, Newt was tied to an iron chair and could not move.

Due to his aggressiveness, since he was caught on a yacht off the coast of Tokyo a month ago, Newt has been held in captivity like a mental patient.

However, his situation is not much different from that of a mental patient. If he is in the real world, his situation will definitely be regarded as schizophrenia and he will be put into a mental hospital.

After seeing Chen Mo walk in, Newt immediately said loudly with a mad face.

"You think everything is over? You think you have saved the world? We will not let go! We will make a comeback! Sooner or later, you will be flattened by the pioneer's iron hoof!"

Chen Mowen couldn't help but smile, watching Newt say lightly.

"You seem to have forgotten that with your help, our Mech Legion has counterattacked into the pioneer world!"

Newt couldn't help but stagnate, and then said aloud more excitedly.

"Useless! The power of the pioneers is not something you can compete with!"

Speaking of which, Newt seemed to find his confidence again, glaring at Chen Mo, and said cruelly.

"They will be killed by the pioneers! The monster army will land on the earth again and level the entire world! Humanity will be destroyed!"

"Unfortunately tell you, you just happened to say the opposite."

Chen Mo looked at Newt with a twisted face and said slowly.

"All the pioneers have been killed by me! The monster army has also been destroyed, and the entire pioneer world has been completely leveled by me! The pioneer family will no longer exist!"

Newt was stunned and unbelievable at first. When he noticed that Chen Mo said "I" instead of "us", it suddenly reacted. He looked at Chen Mo with wide eyes and said excitedly.

"It's you! You drive that giant mech! No! It's impossible! You can't come back alive!"

Newt said, the expression on his face was completely panicked.

Chen Mo looked directly at his blinking eyes in a panic and said coldly.

"The thing in your head has become a lonely ghost! Let me wipe it out for you!"

At the next moment, before Newt reacted, Chen Mo's mental power suddenly entered his mind, and Newt's consciousness appeared in front of Chen Mo.

This group of consciousness is clearly different from the normal consciousness of ordinary people. In the misty spiritual body, there is a confusing gray spiritual force, which is deeply rooted in Newt's consciousness like tree roots .

Obviously, these gray mental forces that invaded Newt's consciousness were his pioneer consciousness that was infected in the process of communicating with the monster's brain countless times!

Moreover, these consciousnesses are deeply rooted in his spiritual power, and have already taken the lead, overwhelming his original consciousness, and mastering the initiative of the brain and body.

Chen Mo immediately controlled the mind to completely wrap Newt's consciousness and extended it towards the inside.

In this process, Chen Mo clearly felt the brutality of the pioneer consciousness and the slight resistance of Newt's own consciousness. UU reading www.

At the same time, he also confirmed his speculation that Newt ’s consciousness was not completely assimilated by the pioneers, but was only suppressed. The second personality equivalent to schizophrenia suppressed the master ’s personality. Newt ’s original consciousness still exists. To rebel and regain control, it is just not enough.

With the scientific and technological capabilities of this world, there is really no way to solve this problem. Under normal circumstances, even if Newt is not executed, he will eventually be put in a mental hospital and continue to spend the second half of his life under the control of pioneer consciousness.

However, Chen Mo, a traverser who did not belong to this world, brought him a chance to be born again!

Only Chen Mo can solve his problem in this world.

Newt itself is not bad. Although he is obsessed with monster research, he clearly knows that he is a human being, and there is no problem with his position.

Ten years ago, it was precisely through the method he came up with that he had a sense of sympathy with the monster's brain that they found a way to go through a wormhole, blow up the wormhole in one fell swoop, and exchanged the precious time of this decade to recuperate.

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