My Iron Suit

Chapter 1351: Tear!

Chen Mo looked at this crocodile monster, which was thicker and bigger than the previous lizard monster, but in his eyes could not help but flashed a trace of excitement, did not dodge under his feet, but rushed up!

Facing the huge mouth of the blood basin that was biting head-on, Chen Mo suddenly stretched out his arms and grabbed the monster's upper and lower jaws.

This fifth-level monster is indeed much stronger than the previous crustacean monster. Through the nerve feedback of the giant mech, Chen Mo can clearly feel the great power from his arms, and with its sharp and huge teeth, it is enough to Crush any part of the hunter's mech directly!

But Chen Mo's giant mecha is not an ordinary hunter mecha, after all, the monster's open mouth is held up by the arms of the giant mecha, and it can't be closed no matter how hard it is.

And with Chen Mo's constant effort, the monster's mouth was slowly opened, and soon he was forced to open to the maximum. Chen Mo could tear his mouth directly with more effort!

But the crocodile monster didn't sit still. The pain from the tears at the root of his mouth made him feel the threat of life. He immediately waved his thick front claws and shot towards the giant mech as a chest!

Under the action of the neurofeedback system, Chen Mo felt a violent force coming from his chest and his body involuntarily leaned back slightly.

At the same time, the three sharp claws of the crocodile monster's thick and huge claws swept across the chest of the giant mecha, and drew three dazzling sparks on the thick armor.

As a level 5 monster, its claws are stiffer and sharper than the giant claws of the crustacean monsters. The claws of the crustacean monsters failed to leave any marks on the arms of the giant mechs, but the claws of the fifth level monster Three long scratches were left on the chest of the giant mech.

Although the scratch is not deep, it does cause damage to the armor, which means that as long as the monster is strong enough, it may still damage the giant mecha.

You know, level 5 monsters are not the most powerful beings!

A paw slapped heavily on the giant mech, and the crocodile monster wanted to seize the opportunity to free Chen Mo's hands, but Chen Mo quickly stabilized his body, stepped back with one foot, and stood firm with his waist, arms and arms at the same time. , Holding the crocodile monster's mouth suddenly pulled down hard!

The sudden force of the giant mech made the crocodile monster unable to respond for a moment, and the entire upper body was pulled and quickly bent down.

At the same time, the right leg of the giant mecha withdrew suddenly back forward, his knees flexed, and a very fierce knee hit the front of him!

The hard knee and the neck of the crocodile monster collided heavily. Under the tremendous force, the entire neck of the monster instantly bent to ninety degrees, and the sound of bone fracture could be heard faintly.

But after all, with thick muscles, this blow did not directly kill the crocodile monster, but it also caused it to be hit hard, and the entire body was softened by three points.

Chen Mo didn't give it a chance to breathe, clutching the crocodile monster's mouth and pulling his arms slowly toward the sides.

Like tearing the tough cowhide, Chen Mo felt a tremendous resistance, but with his movements, the mouth of the crocodile monster was slowly pulled open, and soon exceeded the limit it could open.


A sound of bone friction and fracture sounded, and the crocodile monster's jaw broke directly, but Chen Mo still did not stop, but pulled harder towards the sides more hard!


The mouth of the crocodile monster was torn open by a huge force, and it extended from the corner of the mouth down to the torso below the neck. A huge piece of blood was torn by the giant mech, and a large amount of blue blood spewed out. Out, flowing down the torn part of the crocodile monster.

The crocodile monster was still not dead at this time, but struggled more fiercely. Two thick and powerful giant claws scratched desperately towards the giant mech.

While lamenting the monster's amazing vitality, Chen Mo also knew that if he wanted to get rid of it completely, only his brain would be destroyed.

Chen Mo immediately grabbed the remaining upper jaw of the crocodile monster, quickly stepped back to avoid the attack of the sharp giant claw, and at the same time clenched his right fist, punching up toward the root of the upper jaw exposed by the crocodile monster.

While Chen Mo was fighting the crocodile monster, the other three-headed monsters also rushed up, leaving him little time to stay, so Chen Mo's punch directly used his full strength.

The black iron fist slammed into the root of the upper jaw of the crocodile monster, and the bottom of the skull was directly crushed by the clicking sound. After the brain of the monster was smashed, the remaining power was not reduced, and the skull was broken from the top of the head and drilled out!

This time, the crocodile monster completely disappeared, and its two sturdy front claws drooped weakly.

Chen Mo drew out his right hand, brought out a puff of blue blood and the broken brain tissue of the monster, and then grasped the toothed palate with both hands, pulling the heavy body of the crocodile monster, and rotated it again in place.

The body of this crocodile monster is thicker and heavier than that of the lizard monster. Chen Mo turned around for a week, and the surrounding high-rise buildings were devastated, and they were crashed by the huge body of the crocodile monster.

The two fourth-level monsters that had just screamed and rushed forward were also directly pumped out by the crocodile monster's body, breaking several buildings in a row, and did not climb up for a long time.

But Chen Mo's gaze turned to the huge, extremely powerful giant monster walking at the end.

It looks like a huge rhinoceros standing on two feet, with strong body and limbs. The back is also covered with sharp bone blades.

The surrounding high-rise buildings were crossed by the bone blades on its body, like a knife cutting tofu.

Due to its huge size, it moves slower than other three-headed monsters, so it falls behind, and it is also a powerful fifth-level monster.

The bone of the crocodile monster just now is harder than the shell monster, but it still can't withstand the powerful power of the giant mech. It was directly hit by Chen Mo's full blow.

Looking at the thick-skinned bladed monster in front of him, Chen Mo couldn't help but look forward to it, wondering if it could withstand the full power of the giant mech! !

Chen Mo did not immediately delay, and rushed towards it directly.

The height of the giant mech is higher than that of the hunter mech, but this blade monster is one head taller than the giant mech, plus the huge unicorn on the head, the height is more than 130 At ten meters, it weighs five or six thousand tons, an absolute behemoth.

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