My Iron Suit

Chapter 1341: My mech!

Relying on the three mechas at Tokyo base alone, it is very difficult to defeat them, not to mention that all three mechas are still injured.

So after killing the two monsters that threatened Tokyo, the three mechs quickly returned to the Tokyo base for emergency repairs in order to prepare for the next battle that was destined to be more difficult.

At the same time, other mech hunter bases also took action.

Sent a cleaning boat to salvage the monster mechs and monster corpses floating on the sea, collecting monster blood.

At the same time, the mecha engineers at the base also took action, and began to build according to the drawings and data of the rocket thruster sent by Mo Yulan base.

The major mech hunter bases have the ability to manufacture hunter mechs, and have a very strong industrial strength. It is the core of the earth ’s science and technology and industrial strength today. For them, there is no difficulty.

Mutated monster mechs and monster corpses killed by wormholes provide them with enough monster blood as energy.

When major mech hunter bases began to prepare for the construction of rocket thrusters, Chen Mo contacted Shao Liwen, who is still located at Shaw Industrial Headquarters.

"Now start full production of drone armor, how many units can be produced in 24 hours?"

Hearing Chen Mo's words, Shao Liwen was very surprised and asked in surprise.

"Return to production? What if I lose control again?"

This batch of deployed drone armors all mutated into monster mechs. Shao Liwen was really a little drumheaded about building drone armor again at this time.

She has conducted an in-depth investigation of what Newt did in the company before, but only found out that he secretly built four furious obsidian mechs. However, she did not find any clues about the abnormality of the drone armor. It was only after the drone armor lost control that she suddenly realized.

So far she didn't know what Newt did to these drone armors!

But she didn't know that it didn't mean Chen Mo didn't understand either. Seeing Shao Liwen hesitated, Chen Mo said immediately.

"Newt should have moved his hands and feet in the control center with the help of others and implanted artificially cultivated monster embryos. Just check all the control centers and make sure there are no monster embryos."

In fact, Shao Liwen didn't want to devote himself to years of hard work. When he heard Chen Mo's words, he immediately put down his worries and said directly.

"We originally planned to produce 120 drone armor, but it was cut in half by the PPDC emergency meeting, so the remaining 60 units have not been finalized, but the basic structure of the armor has been completed, and the rest is just The assembly work, at the speed of the automatic production line, does not require 24 hours, and the fastest can be completed in 16 hours! "

"Very good, start assembly immediately!"

Chen Mo immediately ordered Shen Sheng.

These sixty UAVs are already in Chen Mo's plan already, and they will play a very important role in the future!

Hung up the communication, and Shao Liwen immediately reopened Shaw Industrial's automatic production line for unmanned aerial vehicles.

Under the Shaw Industrial Building, a huge and huge underground factory is located in it. A drone armor that has not yet been assembled is neatly arranged. As Shao Liwen issued an order, the huge production line immediately went into operation.

The lifting device lifts a huge steel arm to the shoulder of the drone armor, and a giant manipulator with amazing size neatly distributed on the production line flexibly and quickly assembles and welds the drone armor. Under the influence of powerful industrial forces, a huge drone armor is rapidly taking shape.

At the same time, Shao Liwen started a thorough scan and inspection of the control center of the drone arm. Sure enough, the monster embryos secretly implanted were found in all the spare control centers!

Fortunately, these control centers have not been installed in UAV A, and the monster embryos have not been activated. After cleaning out all the sleeping monster embryos and conducting a thorough inspection again, it was confirmed that nothing was wrong before Shao Liwen began to control the control center Install into the drone armor.

Although it was late at night, no matter whether it was Shaw Industries or the major bases of the Pacific Rim Joint Defense Forces, they were all brightly lit.

In contrast, the dozen or so cities on the monster's course of travel have almost completely fallen into darkness and death after the personnel are completely.

Shaw ’s industrial drone armor is being built one by one, and a dozen or so armor hunter base rocket thrusters are also being quickly manufactured.

Under the huge threat of fifty powerful monsters, everyone put out 100% of their enthusiasm, and all night long, they finally completed the production of all rocket thrusters before dawn, and installed them on the hunter armor.

When the dawn of the morning came, in the square outside the base, a huge mech stood in the golden morning light, the huge body cast a huge shadow on the ground, the cold and heavy armor reflected the sunlight, all revealed An outburst of anger.

Two long rocket thrusters are fixed on the backs of these hunter mechs. Although the appearance is slightly rough, the interior contains more powerful surging power than conventional rockets, enough to send the heavy hunter mechs. high altitude!

All mecha hunter bases except the Tokyo base in the Pacific Rim area, a total of more than 80 hunter mechas are all ready, and they will soon come out to support Tokyo!

Mo Yulan base, in front of the gate of the dome fortress, General Quan, Asako Mori, Dr. Herman and all the students of the Mecha Hunter Academy are seeing off for the mecha hunter soldiers on the expedition.

Other mech pilots have already begun to prepare for boarding ~ ~ but Jack and Knight did not act, but looked at Chen Mo who stood side by side with General Quan and Moriko Asako.

Looked at each other, and finally Jack stepped forward and said to Chen Mo with a somewhat complicated expression.

"It ’s up to you to drive the Avengers."

They witnessed Chen Mo ’s entire process of driving a dangerous wanderer to kill the furious obsidian before. They have to admit that the vengeful wanderer has improved more than one grade in the hands of Chen Mo. They were completely suppressed by the furious obsidian when they were driving. It became easy to kill furious obsidian.

Compared to the two of them, it is clear that Chen Mo continues to drive the avenger wanderer to be able to exert a stronger fighting power, which will be more beneficial to the following battle in Tokyo.

General Quan and Asako Mori did not say anything when they saw this scene. Obviously, in their minds, Chen Mo was also the best choice to drive the revenge wanderer.

Was unexpected by several people, but Chen Mo shook his head and refused directly.

"No, I have my own mecha!"

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