My Iron Suit

Chapter 1339: The situation is not good!

Fifty monsters have reached half of the total number of mechas currently in service in the Pacific Joint Defense Forces, and there are a considerable number of monsters in level 5!

Even if the wormhole is closed at this time, it is not easy to deal with these fifty-headed monsters with the power of the major bases.

But the reason why Chen Mo released so many monsters to the earth is not just to play monsters for himself. For these monsters, he has other uses!

The number is now enough, and then continue, it is estimated that everyone will be crazy, Chen Mo immediately issued an order to Shao Liwen.

"Turn off drone armor!"

In the Shaw Industrial Headquarters building, the long-awaited Shao Liwen immediately started the self-destruction procedure, detonating the control center of the drone armor.

The monster mecha surrounded by dozens of wormholes immediately exploded, and the monster brain in the cockpit of the mecha head was directly destroyed!

The monster mech is out of control immediately, and between the body shaking, the blue high-energy beam emitted from the chest is randomly scanned, and some directly traverse from the monster that is crawling out of the wormhole, containing the blue beam of powerful energy, just like the same With the laser cutter, the monster's head and claws were directly cut off, and even the hard horns and bone knives on the top of the head were easily cut like tofu.

However, the high-energy laser scanning did not last long, the monster mechas with the brain destroyed soon fell down, and the high-energy laser on the chest was turned off.

Without the energy support of the high-energy laser beam, the opened wormhole quickly shrinks and closes, and those monsters that have not yet fully crawled out of the wormhole are directly cut in half by the closed wormhole!

No matter it is a level 4 monster or a more powerful level 5 monster, it is all killed on the spot.

Half of the huge body floated on the sea surface with the fallen monster mecha, and the blue fluorescent blood slowly spread out on the sea surface.

In response to the two bases ordered by Mamako, the dispatched mechas had just reached halfway. The drones around the wormholes in the distance fell down, and the wormholes were closed. The monsters that emerged from the wormholes They did not attack them, but after a roar, they headed towards the middle of the deep sea.

By the time these mechs reached the original location of the wormhole, these monsters had already entered the deep sea. In the sea, the mechs were far less rapid than the monsters, and it was impossible to pursue them.

Looked at the monster mecha that was killed in the sea around him, and the mecha driver could not help looking at each other.

They fought against the order, and as a result, the monsters' armor exploded and the wormholes closed as soon as they arrived. Even the monsters they were about to fight for had all fled.

And after receiving their report, the commanders of the two bases couldn't help being dumbfounded.

This is why Moriko will not let them play? It turned out that everything was under her control!

But the fifty-headed monster that crawled out of the wormhole is still a huge threat. What is she going to do about it?

For the commanders of the two bases that violated the order, Moriko did not hold them accountable for the time being.

With the wormhole being closed, the biggest crisis is temporarily lifted, but the threat of monsters is still unprecedentedly severe. Once these fifty-headed monsters are not handled properly, humans are likely to face the disaster of extinction!

Because there is only one drone armor in Mo Yulan base, no wormholes were opened, and no monsters appeared, so after killing the monster armor, Jack and Knight quickly rushed to the command center, and heard the news Dr. Herman came in and walked in together.

"How is the situation in other places?"

As soon as he entered the command center, Jack couldn't help asking.

"Drone armor has been completely destroyed by Shao Liwen, but fifty monsters have crawled out of the wormhole."


Jack and Knight couldn't help but change their complexion.

"God! Where are they now?"

Dr. Herman said as he walked directly to the console next to him and checked it.

Looked at the monster moving on the electronic map into the deep sea, Dr. Herman said with a puzzled expression.

"These monsters all entered the deep sea, what do they want to do?"

Jack looked at the direction of the monster's movement and couldn't help saying.

"They seem to want to converge in the East China Sea, what attracts them there? Or, they want to focus on the attack!"

General Quan and Fumiko Mori frowned, and also had no clue.

At this moment, Chen Mo said suddenly.

"Their goal is not the East China Sea, but Mount Fuji!"

"Mount Fuji?"

When everyone was puzzled, the female officer suddenly reported loudly.

"The Tokyo base sent a message that the two monsters crawling out of the wormhole are heading towards downtown Tokyo, requesting that all three mechas be sent to intercept!"

Chen Mo previously asked Moriko to stop the mech from playing before the wormhole was closed. At this time, the wormhole was closed, and Moriko immediately ordered.

"Allow mech to fight!"

At the same time, others also found problems from the situation at the Tokyo base.

Monsters appearing outside other bases are all moving into the deep sea. But the two monsters at the Tokyo base are heading towards the city ~ ~ This is obviously not the same as what they had guessed before.

Lenovo Chen Mo's words just now, Jack suddenly lit up.

"Yes, Mount Fuji! Tokyo is just in front of Mount Fuji! These two monsters are not going to attack Tokyo, but going to Mount Fuji!"

General Quan Yan immediately turned his head and ordered the female officer.

"Call up the movement of all monsters!"

The female officer quickly operated immediately upon hearing the words.

"Data is posted to the home screen!"

As her words fell, a huge holographic image was projected onto the open space where everyone stood.

On the electronic map of the Pacific Rim, fifty red miniature monster projections are distributed in the waters along the Pacific Rim, and arrows follow their movements in the direction of Japan, and finally in a mountain in southwest Tokyo. At the intersection, a name is displayed immediately above the holographic projection.

Mount Fuji!

Knight said in surprise.

"It's really Mount Fuji! But what are they doing there?"

Everyone was equally puzzled, but Dr. Herman said suddenly with a serious expression.

"Because of rare metals!"

Dr. Herman said, walking on crutches to a console next to it and operating it, and explained to everyone.

"Mount Fuji is a volcano containing a lot of rare elements, and the blood of monsters can react violently with it. My fuel thruster experiment is based on this."

Knight could not help but speak.

"It sounds not so good!"

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