My Iron Suit

Chapter 1332: Earth Keeper!

Everyone could not help but cast their eyes on the open steel armor behind Chen Mo.

It only took more than half an hour for Chen Mo to send his message back to his command center, which meant that the speed of this steel suit was over a dozen Mach, far exceeding any fighter in the current world.

But when everyone stared at the steel armor in surprise, Chen Mo waved away the armor, and everyone only felt the flower in front of them, and then found that the cool suit disappeared out of thin air.

Several people were trying to say something, but Chen Mo suddenly said to Moriko.

"Arrange a room for me. I will talk about something tomorrow."

Before waiting for others to react, Moriko nodded directly.

"Okay, come with me."

While talking, Moriko went straight to Chen Mo and left the command center.

The secretary-general of the Pacific Joint Military Defense Force, but like a secretary, personally took Chen Mo to arrange the room.

However, no one showed dissatisfaction with this.

Needless to say, Jack was also calmed down by Chen Mo's powerful power of slaughtering furious obsidian and the magical superpowers he just showed.

When the two came out of the command center, the gate was closed again, and several people could not help but looked at each other.

Without waiting for the general to speak, Knight looked at Jack eagerly and asked first.

"Who is he?"

General Quan also looked at Jack curiously.

Under the gaze of the two, Jack shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly.

"I don't know this. I'll ask Morimako for a while, she should know."

General Quan did not ask again, but they were not idle, and re-analyzed the data and information of the power core factory, but in addition to the four nuclear power cores that Chen Mo had already pointed out in the information. No other findings.

Everyone also understood why Chen Mo would go directly to rest and wait until tomorrow.

The information of the power core factory is limited, and it seems that we can only wait for the furious obsidian mech to be shipped tomorrow to see if we can find more information from it.

It didn't take long for Moriko to arrange a room for Chen Mo at the base and returned to the command center again.

As soon as he entered the door, Moriko felt the questioning eyes that General Kwon, Jack, and Knight cast on her. Moriko groaned slightly and said to the three immediately.

"follow me."

After finishing talking, Moriko turned directly towards the small conference room on the side of the command center.

Jack looked at each other and immediately followed with curiosity.

Waiting for the last Knight to close the door of the conference room, Moriko glanced at the three, and then slowly revealed the existence of SHIELD and Chen Mo's true identity.

When I first heard about the existence of S.H.I.E.L.D., Jack was okay, but General Quan and Knight were suspicious.

Is there really an organization that can hide on the earth for thousands of years without being noticed?

And according to Morimako, Chen Mo is a character that has existed since the Middle Ages, does it not mean that he has lived at least thousands of years!

This makes them really difficult to accept.

But listening to Moriko telling the contents of the holographic projection she saw with Shao Liwen one by one, the dead alien world, the huge and advanced alien spaceship, the mysterious dark elf, and the powerful and terrifying cursed warriors Let them shock.

Although they did n’t see it with their own eyes, they believed Moriko and knew that she would not lie. The pictures she described should be true!

Although several people were shocked and somewhat unbelievable, the series of amazing performances before contacting Chen Mo could not help but slowly accept this fact.

A person can easily drive a hunter mecha, 100% connectivity, amazing combat power ...

An ordinary person, or any normal person, would never be able to do Chen Mo, and only Morimako's explanation made sense.

Because he is not an ordinary person at all!

Chen Mo appeared in the command center out of thin air before, and the magical ability to instantly change the combat suit into nothing, also confirmed the statement of super power in Morimako ’s mouth. As for the ability of Morimako to control the movement of objects in air, they did not see it. But I have also fully believed.

The legendary super powers are there, and it is not impossible to live from the Middle Ages to the present!

In this way, the Chen Mo's deeds and the existence of the SHIELD Bureau that Moriko told before are true!

General Quan had been guessing Chen Mo's identity before and overestimated it as much as possible, but did not expect Chen Mo's true identity to be far more magical and powerful than he thought.

He turned out to be the guardian of the earth who secretly guarded humanity for thousands of years!


It was already the next morning when the furious obsidian and revenge wanderer were transported back.

General Quan immediately sent someone to study the furious obsidian and the monster corpses in his cockpit, trying to find more clues.

The mecha engineer conducted a comprehensive scan and inspection of the furious obsidian. Apart from discovering that all the systems inside the mecha had been integrated with the monster organization, no other valuable information was found.

Dr. Herman, the chief scientist of the Monster Science Department, is responsible for the research work of monster corpses, and he soon made important discoveries.

When General Quan and others arrived at the laboratory when they received the news, Dr. Herman had completely cut and dissected a monster the size of an elephant.

Looking at General Quan and Asama who walked into the laboratory and others, Herman put down the chainsaw in his hand and lifted the protective mask and said excitedly.

"It must be a monster! They all have secondary brains that control the hind limbs."

After Dr. Herman finished speaking, he found Chen Mo who had never seen him before, standing beside Moriko.

But he didn't think much about it, only thinking that he was a new member of the base, and he was still busy dissecting the monster's body.

Jack asked inexplicably.

"How did they come to our world?"

General Quan also puzzled ~ ~ Wormhole hasn't appeared in ten years, otherwise the probe will find it. "

Dr. Herman shook his head and said flatly.

"I don't think there are wormholes! The monster has obvious radioactive half-life characteristics of the unknown world, this guy does not!"

Knight couldn't help but ask with some uncertainty.

"You mean, it comes from our world?"

Dr. Herman continued to dissect the monster and pulled out strange tissues from his body, while speaking to the crowd.

"Genetic fingerprints clearly indicate that this is a product of Earth's biological transformation technology, which may have been transformed with monster flesh tissue left after the war."


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