My Iron Suit

Chapter 1306: Awesome eyes!

"Yes, he is the leader of the Dark Elves, Malekis."

Chen Mo replied.

Just then, Moriko suddenly asked, surprised, pointing at a tall figure walking out behind Malikis.

"What is this again? He is also a dark elf?"

Chen Mo looked at the holographic projection, and couldn't help talking.

"This is the strongest combat power of the cursed warrior, the dark elf! He was originally a general of the dark elf, Algorim, and was strengthened by Malekis into a powerful cursed warrior with the secret of the dark elf, both strength and defense. Nearly invincible, and possessing an immortal body, most of his attacks are not effective against him. "

Listening to Chen Mo's description full of magic, Mori and Shao Liwen had no doubt this time.

The pictures they saw later proved Chen Mo's words.

After Malekis and Algorim walked out of the battleship with a group of dark elf soldiers holding strange alien weapons, the projection screen suddenly changed, and scenes of battle scenes were cut.

But they could only see the cursed warrior standing in front of them, but they could not see the people fighting him.

It is enough to take out the dark elves. Chen Mo doesn't want to explain to them the love and hatred between Thor Thor and the evil **** Rocky.

The two didn't have the energy to consider those either, their attention was completely attracted by the cursed warrior who was standing tall.

After the projection screen was enlarged, the cursed warriors who were originally tall and majestic were standing in the conference room. Both of them couldn't help feeling a palpitation, the tusks, the curved horns, the sharp bone spurs, and the thick bone armor all over the body. It makes him look more like an evil and terrifying demon from the depths of hell.

Had it not been for the holographic projection, the two would have been turning around and running away.

This is so. The two people's bodies cannot be tensely tightened, and their bodies are tilted back slightly from time to time in the fierce battle in the projection screen, and they instinctively want to dodge.

The powerful strength of the cursed soldiers was truly shown in their eyes through holographic projection.

He punched out with a punch, and the massive stone pillar was directly broken. The heavy boulder with a diameter of two or three meters was easily lifted above his head and thrown out. He struck a distance of dozens of meters in the air and crashed into a distant mountain. .

With a wave of his hand, a sledgehammer smashed by lightning flashing behind was struck easily, hitting a small hill and collapsing a hillside directly.

As Chen Mo said, this cursed warrior is really powerful, and they are not even sure whether the huge mech hunter can deal with him!

Although I don't know what weapon the electro-optical sledgehammer is, but from the destructive power of the sledge that was bombed on the hillside, the power is no less than the missile and iron fist of the mech hunter.

And this powerful attack was easily stopped by him!

Just when the two were shocked by the inhuman power and steel-like defensive power shown by the cursed soldiers, the picture in front of them changed again.

A dazzling red light burst out suddenly, turned into a dazzling light group with a diameter of more than two meters, and wrapped the cursed soldier in it!

The red energy constantly swirled and twisted, tearing the cursed soldier's body.

Even the strong physical strength of the cursed warrior could not resist the tearing of this energy.

In the scream of screaming, the body of the cursed soldier quickly collapsed towards the middle!

First, the legs and arms were twisted into the torso one by one, and then the skull collapsed under the strong suction. In a blink of an eye, the cursed warrior's huge body left only the thickest and hardest chest bones. A.

At this time, Mori and Shao Liwen also saw that the red light that burst suddenly just actually produced a miniature black hole!

No matter how strong the cursed warrior's body is, it cannot resist the terror of a black hole that can be swallowed by even light.

With this tiny black hole finally annihilated completely, the figure of the cursed warrior completely disappeared, leaving no dust at all!

The holographic projection came to an end here, and the light curtain in the sky suddenly closed and was restored into three dazzling light beams, and then disappeared above the three metal genus.

Mori Aso and Shao Liwen still have the picture of the cursed soldier being engulfed by a miniature black hole, and their hearts can't be calm for a long time.

Until Chen Mo waved the curtain with her mind and reopened the curtain, the light outside the window came back in, and suddenly the bright light would wake the two men still immersed in the dark world of Wat Alheim.

The two turned around and watched Chen Mo reach out to catch the metal ball that slowly dropped in the air, and then regained the space.

After watching the previous paragraph, although it was short, it was a shocking holographic projection. At this time, the eyes of the two men looking at Chen Mo were completely different.

Moriko is better. He originally trusted Chen Mo more. At this time, in addition to deepening this trust, there was a little more awe in Chen Mo's eyes!

Although the holographic projection just now is very short, they also let them clearly feel the power of the cursed warrior. Although I saw him engulfed by a miniature black hole in the end, it is conceivable how fierce and difficult they were before that. .

And besides cursing the soldiers, there were some other battle scenes interspersed in the holographic scene just now.

The leader of the dark elf raised his hand to control a large mass of strange dark red matter floating in the air.

A dazzling thunderbolt of light shot out suddenly, continuing to bombard the surging mass of matter, and finally violently exploded, forming a small red mushroom cloud.

Mori Asako also faintly saw the figure of Chen Mo!

She only saw in the diffuse dust, a tall figure completely covered with black armor appeared abruptly behind Malakis ~ ~ A senhan sword light appeared at the same time, with the naked eye The speed that was almost impossible to capture, chopped off towards Malekis' neck, even the dust of the sky could not completely cover the glory of this sword!

The dazzling sword light flashed, and Malakis' head slowly fell from his neck, while Chen Mo's figure disappeared again from nothing before the cursed warrior's attack landed on him, just as he had just appeared.

The whole process was only less than one second, and Moriko, who was once the driver of the ace mech hunter, only saw it roughly.

But the flash of dazzling sword light flashed in her mind, flashing in front of her from time to time, unable to fade for a long time.

Fighting is a compulsory course for mech pilots, and Moriko is the best among them. Fighting strength ranks among the top of all mech pilots, and as a Japanese, she is particularly good at swordsmanship.

However, compared to the sword that Chen Mo cut out in the holographic projection picture just now, their so-called fighting and swordplay are like children's housework, which is not worth mentioning at all.

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